标签:space 设置 时间 utf-8 nump type rip rtu tin
lz提示一下,pycharm中的设置是可以导入和导出的,file>export settings可以保存当前pycharm中的设置为jar文件,重装时可以直接import settings>jar文件,就不用重复配置了。
file -> Setting ->Editor
1. 设置Python自动引入包,要先在 >general > autoimport -> python :show popup
快捷键:Alt + Enter: 自动添加包
2. “代码自动完成”时间延时设置
> Code Completion -> Auto code completion in (ms):0 -> Autopopup in (ms):500
3. Pycharm中默认是不能用Ctrl+滚轮改变字体大小的,可以在〉Mouse中设置
4. 显示“行号”与“空白字符”
> Appearance -> 勾选“Show line numbers”、“Show whitespaces”、“Show method separators”
5. 设置编辑器“颜色与字体”主题
> Colors & Fonts -> Scheme name -> 选择"monokai"“Darcula”
说明:先选择“monokai”,再“Save As”为"monokai-pipi",因为默认的主题是“只读的”,一些字体大小颜色什么的都不能修改,拷贝一份后方可修改!
> Colors & Fonts -> Font -> Size -> 设置为“14”
6. 设置缩进符为制表符“Tab”
File -> Default Settings -> Code Style
-> General -> 勾选“Use tab character”
-> Python -> 勾选“Use tab character”
-> 其他的语言代码同理设置
7. 去掉默认折叠
> Code Folding -> Collapse by default -> 全部去掉勾选
8. pycharm默认是自动保存的,习惯自己按ctrl + s 的可以进行如下设置:
> General -> Synchronization -> Save files on frame deactivation 和 Save files automatically if application is idle for .. sec 的勾去掉
> Editor Tabs -> Mark modified tabs with asterisk 打上勾
9.>file and code template>python scripts
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__title__ = ‘$Package_name‘
__author__ = ‘$USER‘
__mtime__ = ‘$DATE‘
# code is far away from bugs with the god animal protecting
I love animals. They taste delicious.
┏┓ ┏┓
┃ ? ┃
┃ ┳┛ ┗┳ ┃
┃ ┻ ┃
┗━┓ ┏━┛
┃ ┗━━━┓
┃ 神兽保佑 ┣┓
┃ 永无BUG! ┏┛
┃┫┫ ┃┫┫
┗┻┛ ┗┻┛
10 python文件默认编码
File Encodings> IDE Encoding: UTF-8;Project Encoding: UTF-8;
11. 代码自动整理设置
这里line breaks去掉√,否则bar, 和baz会分开在不同行,不好看。
File -> Settings -> appearance
1. 修改IDE快捷键方案
> Keymap
1) execute selection in console : add keymap > ctrl + enter
系统自带了好几种快捷键方案,下拉框中有如“defaul”,“Visual Studio”,在查找Bug时非常有用,“NetBeans 6.5”,“Default for GNOME”等等可选项,
Main menu -> code -> Completion -> Basic -> 设置为“Alt+/”
Main menu -> code -> Completion -> SmartType -> 设置为“Alt+Shift+/”
Main menu -> code -> Completion -> Basic -> Cyclic Expand Word 占用,先把它删除再说吧(单击右键删除)!
Main menu -> Window -> Active Tool Window -> Close Active Tab -> 设置为 “Ctrl+F4”;
Main menu -> Window -> Editor -> Close -> 设置为 “Ctrl+W”;
> Theme -> 选择“Alloy.IDEA Theme”
File > settings > build.excution
> console > pyconsole
import sys # print(‘Python %s on %s‘ % (sys.version, sys.platform)) sys.path.extend([WORKING_DIR_AND_PYTHON_PATHS]) import os print(‘current workdirectory : ‘, os.getcwd() ) import numpy as np import scipy as sp import matplotlib as mpl
> console
选中use ipython if available
Note: 在virtualenv中安装ipython: (ubuntu_env) pika:/media/pika/files/mine/python_workspace/ubuntu_env$pip install ipython
File > settings > Languages & Frameworks
如果在项目设置中开启了django支持,打开python console时会自动变成打开django console,当然如果不想这样就关闭项目对django的支持:
如果打开支持就会在 settings > build.excution > console下多显示一个django console:
Django console设置如下
import sys print(‘Python %s on %s‘ % (sys.version, sys.platform)) import django print(‘Django %s‘ % django.get_version()) sys.path.extend([WORKING_DIR_AND_PYTHON_PATHS]) if ‘setup‘ in dir(django): django.setup() import django_manage_shell; django_manage_shell.run(PROJECT_ROOT)
File > settings > Project : initial project
project dependencies > LDA > project depends on these projects > 选择sim_cluster就可以在LDA中调用sim_cluster中的包
标签:space 设置 时间 utf-8 nump type rip rtu tin