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标签:wait   done   rpc   abs   attach   pca   releases   net   mat   

package clientv3

import (

    pb "github.com/coreos/etcd/etcdserver/etcdserverpb"

type (
    LeaseRevokeResponse pb.LeaseRevokeResponse
    LeaseID             int64

// LeaseGrantResponse is used to convert the protobuf grant response.
type LeaseGrantResponse struct {
    ID    LeaseID
    TTL   int64
    Error string

// LeaseKeepAliveResponse is used to convert the protobuf keepalive response.
type LeaseKeepAliveResponse struct {
    ID  LeaseID
    TTL int64

// LeaseTimeToLiveResponse is used to convert the protobuf lease timetolive response.
type LeaseTimeToLiveResponse struct {
    ID LeaseID `json:"id"`

    // TTL is the remaining TTL in seconds for the lease; the lease will expire in under TTL+1 seconds.
    TTL int64 `json:"ttl"`

    // GrantedTTL is the initial granted time in seconds upon lease creation/renewal.
    GrantedTTL int64 `json:"granted-ttl"`

    // Keys is the list of keys attached to this lease.
    Keys [][]byte `json:"keys"`

const (
    // defaultTTL is the assumed lease TTL used for the first keepalive
    // deadline before the actual TTL is known to the client.
    defaultTTL = 5 * time.Second
    // a small buffer to store unsent lease responses.
    leaseResponseChSize = 16
    // NoLease is a lease ID for the absence of a lease.
    NoLease LeaseID = 0

type Lease interface {
    // Grant creates a new lease.
    Grant(ctx context.Context, ttl int64) (*LeaseGrantResponse, error)

    // Revoke revokes the given lease.
    Revoke(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID) (*LeaseRevokeResponse, error)

    // TimeToLive retrieves the lease information of the given lease ID.
    TimeToLive(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID, opts ...LeaseOption) (*LeaseTimeToLiveResponse, error)

    // KeepAlive keeps the given lease alive forever.
    KeepAlive(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID) (<-chan *LeaseKeepAliveResponse, error)

    // KeepAliveOnce renews the lease once. In most of the cases, Keepalive
    // should be used instead of KeepAliveOnce.
    KeepAliveOnce(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID) (*LeaseKeepAliveResponse, error)

    // Close releases all resources Lease keeps for efficient communication
    // with the etcd server.
    Close() error

type lessor struct {
    mu sync.Mutex // guards all fields

    // donec is closed when recvKeepAliveLoop stops
    donec chan struct{}

    remote pb.LeaseClient

    stream       pb.Lease_LeaseKeepAliveClient
    streamCancel context.CancelFunc

    stopCtx    context.Context
    stopCancel context.CancelFunc

    keepAlives map[LeaseID]*keepAlive

    // firstKeepAliveTimeout is the timeout for the first keepalive request
    // before the actual TTL is known to the lease client
    firstKeepAliveTimeout time.Duration

// keepAlive multiplexes a keepalive for a lease over multiple channels
type keepAlive struct {
    chs  []chan<- *LeaseKeepAliveResponse
    ctxs []context.Context
    // deadline is the time the keep alive channels close if no response
    deadline time.Time
    // nextKeepAlive is when to send the next keep alive message
    nextKeepAlive time.Time
    // donec is closed on lease revoke, expiration, or cancel.
    donec chan struct{}

func NewLease(c *Client) Lease {
    l := &lessor{
        donec:                 make(chan struct{}),
        keepAlives:            make(map[LeaseID]*keepAlive),
        remote:                RetryLeaseClient(c),
        firstKeepAliveTimeout: c.cfg.DialTimeout + time.Second,
    if l.firstKeepAliveTimeout == time.Second {
        l.firstKeepAliveTimeout = defaultTTL

    l.stopCtx, l.stopCancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    go l.recvKeepAliveLoop()
    go l.deadlineLoop()
    return l

func (l *lessor) Grant(ctx context.Context, ttl int64) (*LeaseGrantResponse, error) {
    cctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    done := cancelWhenStop(cancel, l.stopCtx.Done())
    defer close(done)

    for {
        r := &pb.LeaseGrantRequest{TTL: ttl}
        resp, err := l.remote.LeaseGrant(cctx, r)
        if err == nil {
            gresp := &LeaseGrantResponse{
                ResponseHeader: resp.GetHeader(),
                ID:             LeaseID(resp.ID),
                TTL:            resp.TTL,
                Error:          resp.Error,
            return gresp, nil
        if isHaltErr(cctx, err) {
            return nil, toErr(cctx, err)
        if nerr := l.newStream(); nerr != nil {
            return nil, nerr

func (l *lessor) Revoke(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID) (*LeaseRevokeResponse, error) {
    cctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    done := cancelWhenStop(cancel, l.stopCtx.Done())
    defer close(done)

    for {
        r := &pb.LeaseRevokeRequest{ID: int64(id)}
        resp, err := l.remote.LeaseRevoke(cctx, r)

        if err == nil {
            return (*LeaseRevokeResponse)(resp), nil
        if isHaltErr(ctx, err) {
            return nil, toErr(ctx, err)
        if nerr := l.newStream(); nerr != nil {
            return nil, nerr

func (l *lessor) TimeToLive(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID, opts ...LeaseOption) (*LeaseTimeToLiveResponse, error) {
    cctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    done := cancelWhenStop(cancel, l.stopCtx.Done())
    defer close(done)

    for {
        r := toLeaseTimeToLiveRequest(id, opts...)
        resp, err := l.remote.LeaseTimeToLive(cctx, r, grpc.FailFast(false))
        if err == nil {
            gresp := &LeaseTimeToLiveResponse{
                ResponseHeader: resp.GetHeader(),
                ID:             LeaseID(resp.ID),
                TTL:            resp.TTL,
                GrantedTTL:     resp.GrantedTTL,
                Keys:           resp.Keys,
            return gresp, nil
        if isHaltErr(cctx, err) {
            return nil, toErr(cctx, err)

func (l *lessor) KeepAlive(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID) (<-chan *LeaseKeepAliveResponse, error) {
    ch := make(chan *LeaseKeepAliveResponse, leaseResponseChSize)

    ka, ok := l.keepAlives[id]
    if !ok {
        // create fresh keep alive
        ka = &keepAlive{
            chs:           []chan<- *LeaseKeepAliveResponse{ch},
            ctxs:          []context.Context{ctx},
            deadline:      time.Now().Add(l.firstKeepAliveTimeout),
            nextKeepAlive: time.Now(),
            donec:         make(chan struct{}),
        l.keepAlives[id] = ka
    } else {
        // add channel and context to existing keep alive
        ka.ctxs = append(ka.ctxs, ctx)
        ka.chs = append(ka.chs, ch)

    go l.keepAliveCtxCloser(id, ctx, ka.donec)

    return ch, nil

func (l *lessor) KeepAliveOnce(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID) (*LeaseKeepAliveResponse, error) {
    cctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    done := cancelWhenStop(cancel, l.stopCtx.Done())
    defer close(done)

    for {
        resp, err := l.keepAliveOnce(cctx, id)
        if err == nil {
            if resp.TTL == 0 {
                err = rpctypes.ErrLeaseNotFound
            return resp, err
        if isHaltErr(ctx, err) {
            return nil, toErr(ctx, err)

        if nerr := l.newStream(); nerr != nil {
            return nil, nerr

func (l *lessor) Close() error {
    return nil

func (l *lessor) keepAliveCtxCloser(id LeaseID, ctx context.Context, donec <-chan struct{}) {
    select {
    case <-donec:
    case <-l.donec:
    case <-ctx.Done():

    defer l.mu.Unlock()

    ka, ok := l.keepAlives[id]
    if !ok {

    // close channel and remove context if still associated with keep alive
    for i, c := range ka.ctxs {
        if c == ctx {
            ka.ctxs = append(ka.ctxs[:i], ka.ctxs[i+1:]...)
            ka.chs = append(ka.chs[:i], ka.chs[i+1:]...)
    // remove if no one more listeners
    if len(ka.chs) == 0 {
        delete(l.keepAlives, id)

func (l *lessor) keepAliveOnce(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID) (*LeaseKeepAliveResponse, error) {
    cctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    defer cancel()

    stream, err := l.remote.LeaseKeepAlive(cctx, grpc.FailFast(false))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, toErr(ctx, err)

    err = stream.Send(&pb.LeaseKeepAliveRequest{ID: int64(id)})
    if err != nil {
        return nil, toErr(ctx, err)

    resp, rerr := stream.Recv()
    if rerr != nil {
        return nil, toErr(ctx, rerr)

    karesp := &LeaseKeepAliveResponse{
        ResponseHeader: resp.GetHeader(),
        ID:             LeaseID(resp.ID),
        TTL:            resp.TTL,
    return karesp, nil

func (l *lessor) recvKeepAliveLoop() {
    defer func() {
        for _, ka := range l.keepAlives {
        l.keepAlives = make(map[LeaseID]*keepAlive)

    stream, serr := l.resetRecv()
    for serr == nil {
        resp, err := stream.Recv()
        if err != nil {
            if isHaltErr(l.stopCtx, err) {
            stream, serr = l.resetRecv()

// resetRecv opens a new lease stream and starts sending LeaseKeepAliveRequests
func (l *lessor) resetRecv() (pb.Lease_LeaseKeepAliveClient, error) {
    if err := l.newStream(); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    stream := l.getKeepAliveStream()
    go l.sendKeepAliveLoop(stream)
    return stream, nil

// recvKeepAlive updates a lease based on its LeaseKeepAliveResponse
func (l *lessor) recvKeepAlive(resp *pb.LeaseKeepAliveResponse) {
    karesp := &LeaseKeepAliveResponse{
        ResponseHeader: resp.GetHeader(),
        ID:             LeaseID(resp.ID),
        TTL:            resp.TTL,

    defer l.mu.Unlock()

    ka, ok := l.keepAlives[karesp.ID]
    if !ok {

    if karesp.TTL <= 0 {
        // lease expired; close all keep alive channels
        delete(l.keepAlives, karesp.ID)

    // send update to all channels
    nextKeepAlive := time.Now().Add(1 + time.Duration(karesp.TTL/3)*time.Second)
    ka.deadline = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(karesp.TTL) * time.Second)
    for _, ch := range ka.chs {
        select {
        case ch <- karesp:
            ka.nextKeepAlive = nextKeepAlive

// deadlineLoop reaps any keep alive channels that have not received a response
// within the lease TTL
func (l *lessor) deadlineLoop() {
    for {
        select {
        case <-time.After(time.Second):
        case <-l.donec:
        now := time.Now()
        for id, ka := range l.keepAlives {
            if ka.deadline.Before(now) {
                // waited too long for response; lease may be expired
                delete(l.keepAlives, id)

// sendKeepAliveLoop sends LeaseKeepAliveRequests for the lifetime of a lease stream
func (l *lessor) sendKeepAliveLoop(stream pb.Lease_LeaseKeepAliveClient) {
    for {
        select {
        case <-time.After(500 * time.Millisecond):
        case <-stream.Context().Done():
        case <-l.donec:
        case <-l.stopCtx.Done():

        var tosend []LeaseID

        now := time.Now()
        for id, ka := range l.keepAlives {
            if ka.nextKeepAlive.Before(now) {
                tosend = append(tosend, id)

        for _, id := range tosend {
            r := &pb.LeaseKeepAliveRequest{ID: int64(id)}
            if err := stream.Send(r); err != nil {
                // TODO do something with this error?

func (l *lessor) getKeepAliveStream() pb.Lease_LeaseKeepAliveClient {
    defer l.mu.Unlock()
    return l.stream

func (l *lessor) newStream() error {
    sctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(l.stopCtx)
    stream, err := l.remote.LeaseKeepAlive(sctx, grpc.FailFast(false))
    if err != nil {
        return toErr(sctx, err)

    defer l.mu.Unlock()
    if l.stream != nil && l.streamCancel != nil {

    l.streamCancel = cancel
    l.stream = stream
    return nil

func (ka *keepAlive) Close() {
    for _, ch := range ka.chs {

// cancelWhenStop calls cancel when the given stopc fires. It returns a done chan. done
// should be closed when the work is finished. When done fires, cancelWhenStop will release
// its internal resource.
func cancelWhenStop(cancel context.CancelFunc, stopc <-chan struct{}) chan<- struct{} {
    done := make(chan struct{}, 1)

    go func() {
        select {
        case <-stopc:
        case <-done:

    return done


标签:wait   done   rpc   abs   attach   pca   releases   net   mat   


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