标签:lambda wrap struct ble oba mon one nbsp method
;;;;global variables for the players and monsters (defparameter *player-health* nil) (defparameter *player-agility* nil) (defparameter *player-strength* nil) (defparameter *monsters* nil) (defparameter *monster-builders* nil) (defparameter *monster-num* 12) ;;;;main game function (defun orc-battle () (init-monsters) (init-player) (game-loop) (when (player-dead) (princ "You have been killed. Game Over.")) (when (monsters-dead) (princ "Congratulations! You have vanquished all of your foes."))) (defun game-loop () (unless (or (player-dead) (monsters-dead)) (show-player) (dotimes (k (1+ (truncate (/ (max 0 *player-agility*) 15)))) (unless (monsters-dead) (show-monsters) (player-attack))) (fresh-line) (map ‘list (lambda (m) (or (monster-dead m) (monster-attack m))) *monsters*) (game-loop))) ;;;;player management functions (defun init-player () (setf *player-health* 30) (setf *player-agility* 30) (setf *player-strength* 30)) (defun player-dead () (<= *player-health* 0)) (defun show-player () (fresh-line) (princ "You are a valiant knight with a health of ") (princ *player-health*) (princ ", an agility of ") (princ *player-agility*) (princ ", and a strength of ") (princ *player-strength*)) (defun player-attack () (fresh-line) (princ "Attack style: [s]tabe [d]ouble swing [r]oundhouse:") (case (read) (s (monster-hit (pick-monster) (+ 2 (randval (ash *player-strength* -1))))) (d (let ((x (randval (truncate (/ *player-strength* 6))))) (princ "Your double swing has a strength of ") (princ x) (fresh-line ) (monster-hit (pick-monster) x) (unless (monsters-dead) (monster-hit (pick-monster) x)))) (otherwise (dotimes (x (1+ (randval (truncate (/ *player-strength* 3))))) (unless (monsters-dead) (monster-hit (random-monster) 1)))))) (defun randval (n) (1+ (random (max 1 n)))) ;;;;helper functions for player attcks (defun random-monster () (let ((m (aref *monsters* (random (length *monsters*))))) (if (monster-dead m) (random-monster) m))) (defun pick-monster () (fresh-line) (princ "Monster #:") (let ((x (read))) (if (not (and (integerp x) (>= x 1) (<= x *monster-num*))) (progn (princ "That is not a valid monster number.") (pick-monster)) (let ((m (aref *monsters* (1- x)))) (if (monster-dead m) (progn (princ "That monster is alread dead.") (pick-monster)) m))))) ;;;;monster management functions (defun init-monsters () (setf *monsters* (map ‘vector (lambda (x) (funcall (nth (random (length *monster-builders*)) *monster-builders*))) (make-array *monster-num*)))) (defun monster-dead (m) (<= (monster-health m) 0)) (defun monsters-dead () (every #‘monster-dead *monsters*)) (defun show-monsters () (fresh-line) (princ "Your foes:") (let ((x 0)) (map ‘list (lambda (m) (fresh-line) (princ " ") (princ (incf x)) (princ ". ") (if (monster-dead m) (princ "**dead**") (progn (princ "(Health=") (princ (monster-health m)) (princ ") ") (monster-show m)))) *monsters*))) ;;;;the monsters (defstruct monster (health (randval 10))) (defmethod monster-hit (m x) (decf (monster-health m) x) (if (monster-dead m) (progn (princ "You killed the ") (princ (type-of m)) (princ "! ")) (progn (princ "You hit the ") (princ (type-of m)) (princ ", knocking off ") (princ x) (princ " health points! ")))) (defmethod monster-show (m) (princ "A firce ") (princ (type-of m))) (defmethod monster-attack (m)) ;;;;the wicked orc (defstruct (orc (:include monster)) (club-level (randval 8))) (push #‘make-orc *monster-builders*) (defmethod monster-show ((m orc)) (princ "A wicked orc with a level") (princ (orc-club-level m)) (princ " club")) (defmethod monster-attack ((m orc)) (let ((x (randval (orc-club-level m)))) (princ "An orc swings his club at you and knocks off ") (princ x) (princ " of your health points. ") (decf *player-health* x))) ;;;;the malicious hydra (defstruct (hydra (:include monster))) (push #‘make-hydra *monster-builders*) (defmethod monster-show ((m hydra)) (princ "A malicious hydra with ") (princ (monster-health m)) (princ " heads.")) (defmethod monster-hit ((m hydra) x) (decf (monster-health m) x) (if (monster-dead m) (princ "The corpse of the fully decapitated and decapacitated hydra falls to the floor!") (progn (princ "You lop off ") (princ x) (princ " of the hydra‘s heads! ")))) (defmethod monster-attack ((m hydra)) (let ((x (randval (ash (monster-health m) -1)))) (princ "A hydra attacks you with ") (princ x) (princ " of its heads! It also grows back one more head! ") (incf (monster-health m)) (decf *player-health* x))) ;;;;slime (defstruct (slime-mold (:include monster)) (sliminess (randval 5))) (push #‘make-slime-mold *monster-builders*) (defmethod monster-show ((m slime-mold)) (princ "A slime mold with a sliminess of ") (princ (slime-mold-sliminess m))) (defmethod monster-attack ((m slime-mold)) (let ((x (randval (slime-mold-sliminess m)))) (princ "A slime mold wraps around your legs and decreases your agility by ") (princ x) (princ "! ") (decf *player-agility* x) (when (zerop (random 2)) (princ "It also squirts in your face, taking away a health point! ") (decf *player-health*)))) ;;;;the cunning brigand (defstruct (brigand (:include monster))) (push #‘make-brigand *monster-builders*) (defmethod monster-attack ((m brigand)) (let ((x (max *player-health* *player-agility* *player-strength*))) (cond ((= x *player-health*) (princ "A brigand hits you with his slingshot, taking off 2 health points! ") (decf *player-health* 2)) ((= x *player-agility*) (princ "A brigand catches your leg with his whip, taking off 2 agility points! ") (decf *player-agility* 2)) ((= x *player-strength*) (princ "A brigand cuts your arm with his whip, taking off 2 strength points! ") (decf *player-strength* 2)))))
标签:lambda wrap struct ble oba mon one nbsp method