标签:utf-8 gets oct lis ace res dem _id log
public interface IStudentDao { // 根据姓名和年龄查询 List<Student> selectStudentsByCondition(Map<String, Object> map); // 根据姓名和年龄查询 List<Student> selectStudentsByCondition2(String name,int age); }
2、map有动态加载,所以不用impl,只需dao 的抽象方法和id名称一样就可以
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <!--为了防止多个mapper.xml相同的id名所以namespace改为对应的到的包路径--> <mapper namespace="com.liuya.demo.mybatis.dysnamic.dao.IStudentDao"> <!-- 配置数据库和实体类的字段 --> <resultMap id="studentMapper" type="Student"> <id column="T_ID" property="id"/> <result column="T_NAME" property="name"/> <result column="T_AGE" property="age"/> <result column="T_SCORE" property="score"/> </resultMap> <!-- 根据姓氏模糊查询 --> <select id="selectStudentsByCondition" resultMap="studentMapper"> select T_NAME,T_AGE,T_SCORE from STUDENT where T_NAME like ‘%‘ #{nameCon} ‘%‘ AND T_AGE > #{ageCon} AND T_SCORE > #{student1.score } </select> <!-- 根据姓氏模糊查询,#{}大括号里是索引 #{}中可以放什么内容? (1)参数对象的属性 (2)随意内容,此时的#{}是占位符 (3)参数为map时的key (4)参数为map时,若key所对应的value为对象,则可将对象的属性放入 (5)参数的索引号 --> <select id="selectStudentsByCondition2" resultMap="studentMapper"> select T_NAME,T_AGE,T_SCORE from STUDENT where T_NAME like ‘%‘ #{0} ‘%‘ AND T_AGE > #{1} </select> </mapper>
public class MyTest { private IStudentDao idao; private SqlSession sqlSession; @Before public void before() { sqlSession = MybatisUtil.getSqlSession(); idao = sqlSession.getMapper(IStudentDao.class); } @After public void after() { if (sqlSession != null) { sqlSession.close(); } } // 查询一个姓张的,年龄大于24,并且成绩比田七高的学生 @Test public void testSelectStudentsByCondition() { System.out.println("开始查询学生"); Student student1 = new Student("",21,66); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("nameCon","张"); map.put("ageCon",24); map.put("student1",student1); List<Student> students = idao.selectStudentsByCondition(map); for (Student student : students) { System.out.println(student); } System.out.println("查询学生成功"); } // 查询一个姓张的,年龄大于24,并且成绩比田七高的学生 @Test public void testSelectStudentsByCondition2() { System.out.println("开始查询学生"); List<Student> students = idao.selectStudentsByCondition2("张",24); for (Student student : students) { System.out.println(student); } System.out.println("查询学生成功"); } }
标签:utf-8 gets oct lis ace res dem _id log