标签:poi obd uac not fmb ubi dev cmd abc
1.shader->procedural(evaluated during rendering and bound to surface shader parameters of the same name.)
vex volume proecdural node
If you are rendering isosurfaces, you should define a "density" export from the shader since mantra relies on this field being present for isosurface root finding.
先 设置vex volume procedural,这个相当与调用接口,类似与中间件,Geo通过它调用然后用CVEX Shader Builder。CVEX Shader Builder,类似与一个运行容器,它能把你再其中做的操作运行起来。
可以再CVEX Shader Builder内部执行操作,
随便建一个体积材质加上去,然后把materidal、procedural shader填上去。
2.照明循环 illuminance
标签:poi obd uac not fmb ubi dev cmd abc