标签:att list har UI code new other tostring ==
It could be other chars in the String. Do not count as invalid parenthesis.
class Solution { public List<String> removeInvalidParentheses(String s) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); remove(s, result, 0, 0, new char[]{‘(‘, ‘)‘}); return result; } private void remove(String input, List<String> result, int lastI, int lastJ, char[] pattern) { for (int count = 0, i = lastI; i < input.length(); i++) { if (input.charAt(i) == pattern[0]) { count++; } if (input.charAt(i) == pattern[1]) { count--; } if (count >= 0) { continue; } for (int j = lastJ; j <= i; j++) { if (input.charAt(j) == pattern[1] && (j == lastJ || input.charAt(j - 1) != pattern[1])) { remove(input.substring(0, j) + input.substring(j + 1), result, i, j, pattern); } } return; } String reversed = new StringBuilder(input).reverse().toString(); if (pattern[0] == ‘(‘) { remove(reversed, result, 0, 0, new char[]{‘)‘, ‘(‘}); } else { result.add(reversed); } } }
LeetCode 301: Remove Invalid Parenthesis
标签:att list har UI code new other tostring ==