标签:style blog http color os ar for art div
var s:string; b,m,len,i,n:longint; a,c:array[1..1000] of integer; begin readln(s); readln(b); len:=length(s); for i:=1 to len do a[i]:=ord(s[len-i+1])-48; m:=0; for i:=len downto 1 do begin c[i]:=(m*10+a[i])div b; //记录商 m:=(m*10+a[i]) mod b; //求余数 end; while (len>0)and (c[len]=0) do dec(len);//去除首位的0 if len=0 then write(0) else for i:=len downto 1 do write(c[i]); writeln; writeln(‘remainder:‘,m);//输出余数 end.
标签:style blog http color os ar for art div