标签:security about software module blog screen eve etc sync
Constants String ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings for accessibility modules. String ACTION_ADD_ACCOUNT Activity Action: Show add account screen for creating a new account. String ACTION_AIRPLANE_MODE_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow entering/exiting airplane mode. String ACTION_APN_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of APNs. String ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show screen of details about a particular application. String ACTION_APPLICATION_DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of application development-related settings. String ACTION_APPLICATION_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of application-related settings. String ACTION_APP_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show notification settings for a single app. String ACTION_BATTERY_SAVER_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show battery saver settings. String ACTION_BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of Bluetooth. String ACTION_CAPTIONING_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings for video captioning. String ACTION_CAST_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of cast endpoints. String ACTION_CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show notification settings for a single NotificationChannel. String ACTION_DATA_ROAMING_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings for selection of 2G/3G. String ACTION_DATE_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of date and time. String ACTION_DEVICE_INFO_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show general device information settings (serial number, software version, phone number, etc.). String ACTION_DISPLAY_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of display. String ACTION_DREAM_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show Daydream settings. String ACTION_HARD_KEYBOARD_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to configure the hardware keyboard. String ACTION_HOME_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show Home selection settings. String ACTION_IGNORE_BACKGROUND_DATA_RESTRICTIONS_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show screen for controlling background data restrictions for a particular application. String ACTION_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATION_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show screen for controlling which apps can ignore battery optimizations. String ACTION_INPUT_METHOD_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to configure input methods, in particular allowing the user to enable input methods. String ACTION_INPUT_METHOD_SUBTYPE_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to enable/disable input method subtypes. String ACTION_INTERNAL_STORAGE_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings for internal storage. String ACTION_LOCALE_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of locale. String ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of current location sources. String ACTION_MANAGE_ALL_APPLICATIONS_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to manage all applications. String ACTION_MANAGE_APPLICATIONS_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to manage installed applications. String ACTION_MANAGE_DEFAULT_APPS_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show Default apps settings. String ACTION_MANAGE_OVERLAY_PERMISSION Activity Action: Show screen for controlling which apps can draw on top of other apps. String ACTION_MANAGE_UNKNOWN_APP_SOURCES Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of trusted external sources In some cases, a matching Activity may not exist, so ensure you safeguard against this. String ACTION_MANAGE_WRITE_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show screen for controlling which apps are allowed to write/modify system settings. String ACTION_MEMORY_CARD_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings for memory card storage. String ACTION_NETWORK_OPERATOR_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings for selecting the network operator. String ACTION_NFCSHARING_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show NFC Sharing settings. String ACTION_NFC_PAYMENT_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show NFC Tap & Pay settings This shows UI that allows the user to configure Tap&Pay settings. String ACTION_NFC_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show NFC settings. String ACTION_NIGHT_DISPLAY_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of Night display. String ACTION_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show Notification listener settings. String ACTION_NOTIFICATION_POLICY_ACCESS_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show Do Not Disturb access settings. String ACTION_PRINT_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show the top level print settings. String ACTION_PRIVACY_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of privacy options. String ACTION_QUICK_LAUNCH_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of quick launch shortcuts. String ACTION_REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS Activity Action: Ask the user to allow an app to ignore battery optimizations (that is, put them on the whitelist of apps shown by ACTION_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATION_SETTINGS). String ACTION_REQUEST_SET_AUTOFILL_SERVICE Activity Action: Show screen that let user select its Autofill Service. String ACTION_SEARCH_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings for global search. String ACTION_SECURITY_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of security and location privacy. String ACTION_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show system settings. String ACTION_SHOW_REGULATORY_INFO Activity Action: Show the regulatory information screen for the device. String ACTION_SOUND_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of sound and volume. String ACTION_SYNC_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of sync settings. String ACTION_USAGE_ACCESS_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to control access to usage information. String ACTION_USER_DICTIONARY_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to manage the user input dictionary. String ACTION_VOICE_CONTROL_AIRPLANE_MODE Activity Action: Modify Airplane mode settings using a voice command. String ACTION_VOICE_CONTROL_BATTERY_SAVER_MODE Activity Action: Modify Battery Saver mode setting using a voice command. String ACTION_VOICE_CONTROL_DO_NOT_DISTURB_MODE Activity Action: Modify do not disturb mode settings. String ACTION_VOICE_INPUT_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to configure input methods, in particular allowing the user to enable input methods. String ACTION_VPN_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of VPN. String ACTION_VR_LISTENER_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show VR listener settings. String ACTION_WEBVIEW_SETTINGS Activity Action: Allows user to select current webview implementation. String ACTION_WIFI_IP_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of a static IP address for Wi-Fi. String ACTION_WIFI_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of Wi-Fi. String ACTION_WIRELESS_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of wireless controls such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Mobile networks. String ACTION_ZEN_MODE_PRIORITY_SETTINGS Activity Action: Show Zen Mode (aka Do Not Disturb) priority configuration settings. String AUTHORITY String EXTRA_ACCOUNT_TYPES Activity Extra: Limit available options in launched activity based on the given account types. String EXTRA_AIRPLANE_MODE_ENABLED Activity Extra: Enable or disable Airplane Mode. String EXTRA_APP_PACKAGE Activity Extra: The package owner of the notification channel settings to display. String EXTRA_AUTHORITIES Activity Extra: Limit available options in launched activity based on the given authority. String EXTRA_BATTERY_SAVER_MODE_ENABLED Activity Extra: Enable or disable Battery saver mode. String EXTRA_CHANNEL_ID Activity Extra: The getId() of the notification channel settings to display. String EXTRA_DO_NOT_DISTURB_MODE_ENABLED Activity Extra: Enable or disable Do Not Disturb mode. String EXTRA_DO_NOT_DISTURB_MODE_MINUTES Activity Extra: How many minutes to enable do not disturb mode for. String EXTRA_INPUT_METHOD_ID String INTENT_CATEGORY_USAGE_ACCESS_CONFIG Activity Category: Show application settings related to usage access. String METADATA_USAGE_ACCESS_REASON Metadata key: Reason for needing usage access.
标签:security about software module blog screen eve etc sync