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Word 代码高亮

时间:2017-09-09 22:35:54      阅读:256      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:union   iso   elseif   ide   string   xpl   until   sig   data   

整理文档比较费事,提供个脚本放在VBA里,使Word 代码高亮的一种方法是改变颜色

 script to high light code In document

Private Function isKeyword(w) As Boolean

    Dim keys As New Collection

    With keys
.Add "onStart": .Add "Log": .Add "volatile": .Add "friend"
 .Add "abstract": .Add "long": .Add "while": .Add "if"
 .Add "Activity": .Add "native": .Add "FALSE": .Add "implements"
 .Add "asm": .Add "new": .Add "import"
 .Add "auto": .Add "new?": .Add "enabled": .Add "inlIne"
 .Add "bool":  .Add "android": .Add "instanceof"
 .Add "boolean": .Add "onBind": .Add "receiver": .Add "int"
 .Add "boolean?": .Add "onCreate": .Add "exported": .Add "int?"
 .Add "break": .Add "onDestroy": .Add "filter": .Add "Intent"
 .Add "BroadcastReceiver": .Add "onRebind": .Add "action": .Add "interface"
 .Add "byte": .Add "onUnbind": .Add "category": .Add "isDebug?"
 .Add "case": .Add "package": .Add "application": .Add "synchronized"
 .Add "char": .Add "private": .Add "manifest": .Add "template"
 .Add "class": .Add "protected": .Add "xmlns": .Add "this"
 .Add "class?": .Add "protected?": .Add "version": .Add "throw?"
 .Add "const": .Add "public": .Add "encoding": .Add "transient"
 .Add "ContentProvider": .Add "register": .Add "utf": .Add "typename"
 .Add "continue": .Add "return": .Add "INTERNET": .Add "union"
 .Add "default": .Add "sendOrderBroadcast": .Add "RECEIVE_USER_PRESENT": .Add "unsigned"
 .Add "do": .Add "Service": .Add "WAKE_LOCK": .Add "virtual"
 .Add "double": .Add "short": .Add "READ_PHONE_STATE": .Add "void"
 .Add "else": .Add "signed": .Add "WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
 .Add "enum": .Add "static": .Add "READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
 .Add "explicit": .Add "static?": .Add "VIBRATE": .Add "CHANGE_WIFI_STATE"
 .Add "extends": .Add "strictfp": .Add "WRITE_SETTINGS": .Add "CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE"
 .Add "extern": .Add "String?": .Add "ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE": .Add "@"
 .Add "final": .Add "struct": .Add "ACCESS_WIFI_STATE": .Add "super"
 .Add "float": .Add "for": .Add "switch": .Add "typedef": .Add "sizeof"
 .Add "try":  .Add "namespace":  .Add "catch":  .Add "operator"
 .Add "cast":  .Add "NULL": .Add "null": .Add "delete":  .Add "throw"
 .Add "dynamic":  .Add "reinterpret":  .Add "true": .Add "TRUE"
 .Add "pub": .Add "provider": .Add "authorities": .Add "Add": .Add "get": .Add "set"
 .Add "uses": .Add "permission": .Add "allowBackup"
 .Add "grant": .Add "URI": .Add "meta": .Add "data": .Add "false": .Add "string": .Add "integer"
    End With

    isKeyword = isSpecial(w, keys)

End Function

Private Function isSpecial(ByVal w As String, ByRef col As Collection) As Boolean

    For Each i In col

        If w = i Then

            isSpecial = True

            Exit Function

        End If


    isspeical = False

End Function

Private Function isOperator(w) As Boolean

    Dim ops As New Collection

    With ops

        .Add "+": .Add "-": .Add "*": .Add "/": .Add "&": .Add "^": .Add ";"

        .Add "%": .Add "#": .Add "!": .Add ":": .Add ",": .Add "."

        .Add "||": .Add "&&": .Add "|": .Add "=": .Add "++": .Add "--"

        .Add "": .Add """"

    End With

    isOperator = isSpecial(w, ops)

End Function

  set the style of selection

Private Function isType(ByVal w As String) As Boolean

    Dim types As New Collection

    With types

        .Add "void": .Add "struct": .Add "union": .Add "enum": .Add "char": .Add "short": .Add "int"

        .Add "long": .Add "double": .Add "float": .Add "signed": .Add "unsigned": .Add "const": .Add "static"

        .Add "extern": .Add "auto": .Add "register": .Add "volatile": .Add "bool": .Add "class": .Add " private"

        .Add "protected": .Add "public": .Add "friend": .Add "inlIne": .Add "template": .Add "virtual"

        .Add "asm": .Add "explicit": .Add "typename"

    End With

    isType = isSpecial(w, types)

End Function

Sub SyntaxHighlight()

    Dim wordCount As Integer

    Dim d As Integer

     set the style of selection

    Selection.Style = "java code"

    d = 0

    wordCount = Selection.Words.Count

    Selection.StartOf wdWord

    While d < wordCount

        d = d + Selection.MoveRight(wdWord, 1, wdExtend)

        w = Selection.Text

        If isKeyword(Trim(w)) = True Then

            Selection.Font.Color = wdColorBlue

        ElseIf isType(Trim(w)) = True Then

            Selection.Font.Color = wdColorDarkRed     深绿色。lIne comment 水绿色 wdColorAutomatic wdColorBlueGray

            Selection.Font.Bold = True

        ElseIf isOperator(Trim(w)) = True Then

            Selection.Font.Color = wdColorBrown  鲜绿色。

        ElseIf Trim(w) = "//" Then

            lIne comment

            Selection.MoveEnd wdLine, 1

            commentWords = Selection.Words.Count

            d = d + commentWords

            Selection.Font.Color = wdColorGreen   灰色底纹。

            Selection.MoveStart wdWord, commentWords

         ElseIf Trim(w) = "/*" Then

            block comment

            While Selection.Characters.Last <> "/"

                Selection.MoveLeft wdCharacter, 1, wdExtend

                Selection.MoveEndUntil ("*")

                Selection.MoveRight wdCharacter, 2, wdExtend


            commentWords = Selection.Words.Count

            d = d + commentWords

            Selection.Font.Color = wdColorGreen

            Selection.MoveStart wdWord, commentWords

        End If

        move the start of selection to next word

        Selection.MoveStart wdWord


     prepare For set lIne number

    Selection.MoveLeft wdWord, wordCount, wdExtend


End Sub



Word 代码高亮

标签:union   iso   elseif   ide   string   xpl   until   sig   data   


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