标签:htm alt cli star 参考 spi 16px com span
那天朋友问我为什么有UDP Sever 和 UDP Client ,,我说:每个人想的不一样,设计上不一样......
gpio.mode(4,gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.mode(2,gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.write(4,1) if adc.force_init_mode(adc.INIT_ADC) then node.restart() return end tmr.alarm(0, 1000, 1, function() gpio.write(4,1-gpio.read(4)) end) tmr.alarm(1, 3000, 0, function() dofile("UDP.lua") end)
wifi.setmode(wifi.STATIONAP) cfg={} cfg.ssid="Hellow8266" cfg.pwd="11223344" wifi.ap.config(cfg) apcfg={} apcfg.ssid="qqqqq" apcfg.pwd="11223344" wifi.sta.config(apcfg) wifi.sta.autoconnect(1) ConnectIP = "" ConnectPort = 8080 UdpSocket = net.createUDPSocket() UdpSocket:listen(ConnectPort) UdpSocketTable={} UdpIPTable={} UdpPortTable={} UdpConnectCnt = 0 UdpCanConnect = 0 UdpSocket:on("receive", function(socket, data, port, ip) UdpCanConnect = 0 for i=0,2 do if UdpIPTable[i] ~= ip or UdpPortTable[i] ~= port then if ip ~= ConnectIP or port ~= ConnectPort then UdpCanConnect = 1 end end end if UdpCanConnect == 1 then UdpSocketTable[UdpConnectCnt] = socket UdpIPTable[UdpConnectCnt] = ip UdpPortTable[UdpConnectCnt] = port print("\r\n"..UdpConnectCnt.."-Connect") end UdpConnectCnt = UdpConnectCnt + 1 if UdpConnectCnt == 3 then UdpConnectCnt = 0 end uart.write(0,data) end) uart.on("data",0,function(data) if UdpSocket ~= nil then UdpSocket:send(ConnectPort,ConnectIP,data) end for i=0,2 do if UdpSocketTable[i] ~= nil then UdpSocketTable[i]:send(UdpPortTable[i],UdpIPTable[i],data) end end end, 0) printip = 0 wifi.eventmon.register(wifi.eventmon.STA_DISCONNECTED, function(T) printip = 0 end) wifi.eventmon.register(wifi.eventmon.STA_GOT_IP, function(T) if printip == 0 then print("+IP"..T.IP) end printip = 1 end)
wifi.setmode(wifi.STATIONAP) cfg={} cfg.ssid="Hellow8266" cfg.pwd="11223344" wifi.ap.config(cfg) apcfg={} apcfg.ssid="qqqqq" apcfg.pwd="11223344" wifi.sta.config(apcfg) wifi.sta.autoconnect(1) ConnectIP = "" ConnectPort = 8080 UdpSocket = net.createUDPSocket() UdpSocket:listen(ConnectPort) UdpSocketTable={} UdpIPTable={} UdpPortTable={} UdpConnectCnt = 0 UdpCanConnect = 0 UdpSocket:on("receive", function(socket, data, port, ip) UdpCanConnect = 1 for i=0,2 do if UdpIPTable[i] == ip and UdpPortTable[i] == port then UdpCanConnect = 0 end end if ip == ConnectIP and port == ConnectPort then UdpCanConnect = 0 end if UdpCanConnect == 1 then UdpSocketTable[UdpConnectCnt] = socket UdpIPTable[UdpConnectCnt] = ip UdpPortTable[UdpConnectCnt] = port print("\r\n"..UdpConnectCnt.."-Connect") UdpConnectCnt = UdpConnectCnt + 1 end if UdpConnectCnt == 3 then UdpConnectCnt = 0 end uart.write(0,data) end) uart.on("data",0,function(data) if UdpSocket ~= nil then UdpSocket:send(ConnectPort,ConnectIP,data) end for i=0,2 do if UdpSocketTable[i] ~= nil then UdpSocketTable[i]:send(UdpPortTable[i],UdpIPTable[i],data) end end end, 0) printip = 0 wifi.eventmon.register(wifi.eventmon.STA_DISCONNECTED, function(T) printip = 0 end) wifi.eventmon.register(wifi.eventmon.STA_GOT_IP, function(T) if printip == 0 then print("+IP"..T.IP) end printip = 1 end)
我们就设置模块启动的时候查看一下设置的wifi.ap.config 和 wifi.sta.config
wifi.setmode(wifi.STATIONAP) cfg={} cfg = wifi.ap.getconfig(true) if cfg.ssid == nil then cfg.ssid="Hellow8266" cfg.pwd="11223344" end print("APssid: "..cfg.ssid) if cfg.pwd == nil then print("APpwd: nil") else print("APpwd: "..cfg.pwd) end wifi.ap.config(cfg) apcfg={} apcfg = wifi.sta.getconfig(true) if apcfg.ssid == nil then apcfg.ssid="qqqqq" apcfg.pwd="11223344" end print("APssid: "..apcfg.ssid) if apcfg.pwd == nil then print("Stationpwd: nil") else print("Stationpwd: "..apcfg.pwd) end wifi.sta.config(apcfg) wifi.sta.autoconnect(1) ConnectIP = "" ConnectPort = 8080 UdpSocket = net.createUDPSocket() UdpSocket:listen(ConnectPort) UdpSocketTable={} UdpIPTable={} UdpPortTable={} UdpConnectCnt = 0 UdpCanConnect = 0 UdpSocket:on("receive", function(socket, data, port, ip) UdpCanConnect = 0 for i=0,2 do if UdpIPTable[i] ~= ip or UdpPortTable[i] ~= port then if ip ~= ConnectIP or port ~= ConnectPort then UdpCanConnect = 1 end end end if UdpCanConnect == 1 then UdpSocketTable[UdpConnectCnt] = socket UdpIPTable[UdpConnectCnt] = ip UdpPortTable[UdpConnectCnt] = port print("\r\n"..UdpConnectCnt.."-Connect") end UdpConnectCnt = UdpConnectCnt + 1 if UdpConnectCnt == 3 then UdpConnectCnt = 0 end uart.write(0,data) end) uart.on("data",0,function(data) if UdpSocket ~= nil then UdpSocket:send(ConnectPort,ConnectIP,data) end for i=0,2 do if UdpSocketTable[i] ~= nil then UdpSocketTable[i]:send(UdpPortTable[i],UdpIPTable[i],data) end end end, 0) printip = 0 wifi.eventmon.register(wifi.eventmon.STA_DISCONNECTED, function(T) printip = 0 end) wifi.eventmon.register(wifi.eventmon.STA_GOT_IP, function(T) if printip == 0 then print("+IP"..T.IP) end printip = 1 end)
Station 模式的路由器的ssid和pwd一样的道理
标签:htm alt cli star 参考 spi 16px com span