There is a digit string S with infinite length. In addition, S is periodic and it can be formed by concatenating infinite repetitions of a base string P. For example, if P = 3423537, then S = 3423537342353734235373423537...
Let‘s define the alternating sum on substrings of S. Assume Sl..r is a substring of S from index l to index r (all indexes are 1-based), then the alternating sum of Sl..r is:
For example, S2..10 = 423537342, then G(2, 10) = 4 - 2 + 3 - 5 + 3 - 7 + 3 - 4 + 2 = -3.
Now, you are given the base string P and you have to do many operations. There are only two kinds of operations:
For each second operation, you should output the sum modulo 109 + 7.
There are multiple test cases. The first line of input contains an integer T indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:
The first line contains a digit string P (1 <= length(P) <= 100000).
The second line contains an integer Q (1 <= Q <= 100000) indicating the number of operations. Each of the following Q lines is an operation in such format:
For each "2 l r" operation, output an integer, indicating the sum modulo 109 + 7.
2 324242 4 2 1 1 2 1 4 1 3 7 2 3 4 324242 6 2 1 1 1 3 7 2 2 4 1 3 4 2 7 10 2 1 30
3 20 14 3 8 20 870
Source: The 2014 ACM-ICPC Asia Mudanjiang Regional First Round
#include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <algorithm> #define maxn 200010 #define mid ((t[p].l+t[p].r)>>1) #define ls (p<<1) #define rs (ls|1) #define ll long long #define mod 1000000007 using namespace std; char st[maxn]; struct tree { ll l,r; ll sum[2],tsum[2]; }t[maxn<<2]; void pushup(int p) { ll l=t[ls].r-t[ls].l+1; ll r=t[rs].r-t[rs].l+1; if(l%2) { t[p].sum[0]=(t[ls].sum[0]+t[rs].sum[1])%mod; t[p].sum[1]=(t[ls].sum[1]+t[rs].sum[0])%mod; t[p].tsum[0]=(t[ls].tsum[0]+r*t[ls].sum[0]%mod+t[rs].tsum[1])%mod; t[p].tsum[1]=(t[ls].tsum[1]+r*t[ls].sum[1]%mod+t[rs].tsum[0])%mod; } else { t[p].sum[0]=(t[ls].sum[0]+t[rs].sum[0])%mod; t[p].sum[1]=(t[ls].sum[1]+t[rs].sum[1])%mod; t[p].tsum[0]=(t[ls].tsum[0]+r*t[ls].sum[0]%mod+t[rs].tsum[0])%mod; t[p].tsum[1]=(t[ls].tsum[1]+r*t[ls].sum[1]%mod+t[rs].tsum[1])%mod; } } void build(int p,int l,int r) { t[p].l=l,t[p].r=r; t[p].sum[0]=t[p].sum[1]=t[p].tsum[0]=t[p].tsum[1]=0; if(l==r) { t[p].sum[0]=t[p].tsum[0]=0; t[p].sum[1]=t[p].tsum[1]=st[l]-'0'; return; } build(ls,l,mid); build(rs,mid+1,r); pushup(p); } void modify(int p,int po,ll d) { if(t[p].l==t[p].r) { t[p].sum[1]=t[p].tsum[1]=d; return; } if(po>mid) modify(rs,po,d); else modify(ls,po,d); pushup(p); } tree query(int p,ll l,ll r) { tree tmp; if(t[p].l==l&&t[p].r==r) { return t[p]; } if(l>mid) return query(rs,l,r); else if(r<=mid) return query(ls,l,r); else { tree t1=query(ls,l,mid); tree t2=query(rs,mid+1,r); tmp.l=t1.l,tmp.r=t2.r; ll l=t1.r-t1.l+1; ll r=t2.r-t2.l+1; if(l%2){ tmp.sum[0]=(t1.sum[0]+t2.sum[1])%mod; tmp.sum[1]=(t1.sum[1]+t2.sum[0])%mod; tmp.tsum[0]=(t1.tsum[0]+r*t1.sum[0]%mod+t2.tsum[1])%mod; tmp.tsum[1]=(t1.tsum[1]+r*t1.sum[1]%mod+t2.tsum[0])%mod; } else{ tmp.sum[0]=(t1.sum[0]+t2.sum[0])%mod; tmp.sum[1]=(t1.sum[1]+t2.sum[1])%mod; tmp.tsum[0]=(t1.tsum[0]+r*t1.sum[0]%mod+t2.tsum[0])%mod; tmp.tsum[1]=(t1.tsum[1]+r*t1.sum[1]%mod+t2.tsum[1])%mod; } return tmp; } } ll getsum(ll num,ll len,ll left,int typ) { if(num==0) return 0; ll sum=0; sum=num%mod*t[1].tsum[typ]%mod; ll tt; if(num%2) tt=((num-1)/2)%mod*(num%mod); else tt=((num-1)%mod)*((num/2)%mod); tt%=mod; ll tmp=(num%mod*left%mod+tt*len%mod)%mod; sum=(sum+tmp*t[1].sum[typ]%mod)%mod; return sum; } int main() { // freopen("dd.txt","r",stdin); int ncase; scanf("%d",&ncase); while(ncase--) { scanf("%s",st); int len=strlen(st); for(int i=0;i<len;i++) { st[i+len]=st[i]; } len*=2; build(1,0,len-1); int q; scanf("%d",&q); while(q--){ int typ; ll ans=0,l,r; scanf("%d",&typ); if(typ==1) { int x,d; scanf("%d%d",&x,&d); modify(1,x-1,d); modify(1,x-1+(len/2),d); } else { scanf("%lld%lld",&l,&r); l--,r--; ll lpo=l/len,rpo=r/len; ll L=l%len,R=r%len; if(lpo==rpo) { ans=query(1,L,R).tsum[1]; } else { ll Len=((r-l+1)-(len-L))%mod; tree t1=query(1,L,len-1); tree t2=query(1,0,R); ans=(ans+t1.tsum[1]+Len*t1.sum[1]%mod)%mod; if((len-L)%2) ans=(ans+t2.tsum[0])%mod; else ans=(ans+t2.tsum[1])%mod; if((len-L)%2) ans=(ans+getsum(rpo-lpo-1,len,R+1,0))%mod; else ans=(ans+getsum(rpo-lpo-1,len,R+1,1))%mod; } printf("%lld\n",ans); } } } return 0; }
zoj 3813 Alternating Sum(2014ACMICPC Regional 牡丹江站网络赛 E)