RabbitMQ的镜像队列同时支持publisher confirm和事务两种机制。在事务机制中,只有当前事务在全部镜像queue中执行之后,客户端才会收到Tx.CommitOk的消息。同样的,在publisher confirm机制中,向publisher进行当前message确认的前提是该message被全部镜像所接受了。
1、首先查看策略 #rabbitmqctl -n rabbit1 list_policies #以节点rabbit2和rabbit3查询结果是一样的 Listing policies 2、设置镜像队列策略 用法: set_policy [-p vhost] [--priority priority] [--apply-to apply-to] {name} {pattern} {definition} Sets a policy. name The name of the policy. pattern The regular expression, which when matches on a given resources causes the policy to apply. definition The definition of the policy, as a JSON term. In most shells you are very likely to need to quote this. priority The priority of the policy as an integer. Higher numbers indicate greater precedence. The default is 0. apply-to Which types of object this policy should apply to - "queues", "exchanges" or "all". The default is "all". For example: rabbitmqctl set_policy federate-me "^amq." ‘{"federation-upstream-set":"all"}‘ This command sets the policy federate-me in the default virtual host so that built-in exchanges are federated. 释义: -p Vhost: 可选参数,针对指定vhost下的queue进行设置 Name: policy的名称,可以自定义 Pattern: queue的匹配模式(正则表达式) Definition: 镜像定义,包括三个部分ha-mode, ha-params, ha-sync-mode ha-mode: 指明镜像队列的模式,有效值为 all/exactly/nodes all: 表示在集群中所有的节点上进行镜像 exactly: 表示在指定个数的节点上进行镜像,节点的个数由ha-params指定 nodes: 表示在指定的节点上进行镜像,节点名称通过ha-params指定 ha-params: ha-mode模式需要用到的参数 ha-sync-mode: 进行队列中消息的同步方式,有效值为automatic和manual priority: 可选参数,policy的优先级 ha-promote-on-shutdown: 用来控制选主的行为的,有效值为when-synced,always 3、开始设置: #rabbitmqctl -n rabbit1 set_policy mirror_queue "^" ‘{"ha-mode":"all","ha-sync-mode":"automatic","ha-promote-on-shutdown":"always"}‘ Setting policy "mirror_queue" for pattern "^" to "{\"ha-mode\":\"all\",\"ha-sync-mode\":\"automatic\",\"ha-promote-on-shutdown\":\"always\"}" with priority "0" 4、再次查看策略 #rabbitmqctl -n rabbit1 list_policies Listing policies / mirror_queue all ^ {"ha-mode":"all","ha-sync-mode":"automatic","ha-promote-on-shutdown":"always"} 0 #rabbitmqctl -n rabbit2 list_policies Listing policies / mirror_queue all ^ {"ha-mode":"all","ha-sync-mode":"automatic","ha-promote-on-shutdown":"always"} 0 #rabbitmqctl -n rabbit3 list_policies Listing policies / mirror_queue all ^ {"ha-mode":"all","ha-sync-mode":"automatic","ha-promote-on-shutdown":"always"} 0
可以通过rabbitmq_management界面查看策略,Admin-->Policies, 如下图:
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