标签:jq elasticsearch
#!/bin/bash #es_count_report.sh #used for elasticsearch monthly numbers index #you must install jq and curl #writer jim #2017.09.19 #Position parameter judgment datetime=$(date +"%Y%m") if [ $# -lt 1 ];then echo "Please enter the date ‘year month‘" echo "ex> $0 ${datetime}" exit 1 fi if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then echo "The input host address are too much" echo "ex> $0 ${datetime}" exit 1 fi #这里在elasticsearch中取数时有用到curl和jq rpm -qa | grep jq && rpm -qa | grep curl if [ $? -ne 0 ];then yum -y install jq curl fi es_ip="" es_port="9200" monthtime=$1 #elasticsearch的相关信息及传入的时间 data_index="data-${monthtime}" index_name_all=$(curl -s "http://${es_ip}:${es_port}/_cat/indices?v" | grep ${data_index} | awk ‘{print $3}‘ | sort) report_file="$(pwd)/index_num_"${monthtime}".txt" cat /dev/null > $report_file #至空生成一个新文件用于记录 for i in $index_name_all do index_num=$(curl -s -XGET "http://${es_ip}:${es_port}/${i}/poll/_search/?pretty" -d ‘{"_source":true,"size": 0}‘|jq ‘.hits.total‘) && echo "$i:$index_num" >> $report_file done
本文出自 “Jim的技术随笔” 博客,谢绝转载!
标签:jq elasticsearch