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时间:2017-09-20 10:30:17      阅读:179      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:instance   eating   func   tac   code   expr   lua   effect   exp   

1Function<n>[A[,B,...],T]  :a function that takes parameters of type A[,B...], and returns a value of type T.

2=>()  :A function that returns Unit is also known as a procedure, normally a method that‘s called only for its side effect.

3f(param: => T)  :it‘s a "by-name parameter", meaning that is evaluated every time it‘s used within the body of the function, and not before. Ordinary "by-value" parameters are evaluated before entry into the function/method.

5case x => y  :separate the pattern (and optional guard) from the result expression


=> is syntactic sugar for creating instances of functions. Recall that every function in scala is an instance of a class.

val f: Function1[Int,String] = myInt => "my int: "+myInt.toString
val f2: Int => String = myInt => "my int v2: "+myInt.toString

f: (Int) => String = <function1>


标签:instance   eating   func   tac   code   expr   lua   effect   exp   


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