标签:items 遍历 评分 out end 合数 span sort only
score=list(‘21223113321‘) print(‘作业评分列表:‘,score) score.append(‘3‘) print(‘增加:‘,score) score.pop() print(‘删除:‘,score) score.insert(2,‘1‘) print(‘插入:‘,score) score[2]=‘2‘ print(‘修改:‘,score) print(‘第一个3分的下标:‘,score.index(‘3‘)) print(‘1分的个数:‘,score.count(‘1‘)) print(‘3分的个数:‘,score.count(‘3‘))
>>> k={‘201406114326‘:‘3‘,‘201406114327‘:‘2‘,‘201406114328‘:‘1‘,‘201406114329‘:‘0‘} >>> k[‘201406114326‘] ‘3‘ >>> k.pop(‘201406114327‘) ‘2‘ >>> k {‘201406114326‘: ‘3‘, ‘201406114328‘: ‘1‘, ‘201406114329‘: ‘0‘} >>> k.keys() dict_keys([‘201406114326‘, ‘201406114328‘, ‘201406114329‘]) >>> k.values() dict_values([‘3‘, ‘1‘, ‘0‘]) >>> k.items() dict_items([(‘201406114326‘, ‘3‘), (‘201406114328‘, ‘1‘), (‘201406114329‘, ‘0‘)]) >>> k.get(‘201406114326‘) ‘3‘ >>> k.get(‘201406114327‘,‘无结果‘) ‘无结果‘ >>>
ls=list("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") tu=tuple("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") di={‘语文‘:1,"数学":2,"英语":3,"物理":4,"化学":5,"生物":6} se=set("123131321") for i in tu: print(i)
s=‘‘‘Well I wonder could it be When I was dreaming about you baby You were dreaming of me Call me crazy Call me blind To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time Did I lose my love to someone better And does she love you like I do I do, you know I really really do Well hey So much I need to say Been lonely since the day The day you went away So sad but true For me there‘s only you Been crying since the day the day you went away.!?‘‘‘ print("do出现次数",s.count(‘do‘)) s=s.replace(",","") s=s.replace(‘.‘,‘‘) s=s.replace(‘?‘,‘‘) s=s.replace(‘!‘,‘‘) s=s.replace(‘\n‘,‘‘) s=s.lower() s1=s.split(‘ ‘) key=set(s1) dic={} for i in key: dic[i]=s.count(i) wc=list(dic.items()) wc.sort(key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True) for i in range(10): print(wc[i])
标签:items 遍历 评分 out end 合数 span sort only