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标签:sed   tde   open   end   sre   clear   存在   when   ado   

1. 导入方法

procedure TfrmSalarySmallPartsRecords.btnExcelToSQLClick(Sender: TObject);
  cntI: Integer;
  sTmptbname,sFileName, sSQL,checkSql: string;
  ExcelID, Sheet, errsheet: Variant;
  FFieldString: string;
  i, j, FCount, ExcelRowCount, errint: integer;
  errbl: boolean;
begin inherited; sTmptbname:=##tmptb+formatdatetime(yyyymmddhhMMsszzzz,now); with open1 do begin if Execute then sFileName := FileName else exit; end;
with qryInput do begin Close; SQL.Clear; SQL.Add(select * into +sTmptbname+ from TargetTable(nolock) where 1<>1); execsql; close; sql.Text:=select * from +sTmptbname+‘‘; open; end;
try ExcelID := CreateOleObject(Excel.Application); ExcelID.Visible := False; except on E: Exception do begin ExcelID.Quit; ExcelID := Unassigned; MessageBox(Self.Handle, Pchar(创建Excel对象出错,原因为: + e.Message), Pchar(AppliCation.Title), MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR); Exit; end; end; FFieldString := ‘workerName;workerID;effectiveDate;styleno;remark;qty;sortType;sortName;bgprice‘; FCount := CountChar(;, FFieldString); errbl:=false; try try ExcelID.WorkBooks.Open(sFileName); Sheet := ExcelID.WorkBooks[1].WorkSheets[1]; errsheet := ExcelID.WorkBooks[1].WorkSheets[2]; ExcelRowCount := ExcelID.WorkSheets[1].UsedRange.Rows.Count; //获得本数据表有多少行数据 errint := 1; //开始事务 for i := 2 to ExcelRowCount do //将要从哪行开始读 begin if length(trim(Sheet.Cells[i, 2].Value)) <= 0 then break; //如果第二个单元格(工号)为空,则提前结束循环,此处也可以用其它方式结束 with qryInput do begin Append; FieldByName(inDate).Value := GetNowTime; for j := 0 to FCount do begin if (j = 0) or (j = 7) then //姓名、配件名称 begin vworkerName:= Sheet.Cells[i,j+1].Value ; Continue; end else if j = 1 then //工号 begin // 判断工号是否存在 vworkerID vworkerID := Sheet.Cells[i,j+1].Value ; with qrytemp do begin Close; SQL.text:=select top 1 empid,empname from Employees where empid = + QuotedStr(vworkerID) ; Open; end; if qrytemp.IsEmpty then begin errsheet.Cells[errint,1]:=+inttostr(i)+ +vartostr(Sheet.Cells[i,j+1])+ 找不到对应的工号!; inc(errint); errbl:=true; end else begin if vworkerName<>qrytemp.FieldByName(empname).AsString then begin errsheet.Cells[errint,1]:=+inttostr(i)+ +vartostr(Sheet.Cells[i,j+1])+ 工号与姓名不符合!; inc(errint); errbl:=true; FieldByName(workerID).AsString:= vworkerID; FieldByName(workerName).AsString:= qrytemp.FieldByName(empname).AsString; end else begin FieldByName(workerID).AsString:= vworkerID; FieldByName(workerName).AsString:= qrytemp.FieldByName(empname).AsString; end; end; end else if j = 2 then //作业日期 veffectiveDate begin veffectiveDate:= Sheet.Cells[i,j+1].Value; if (veffectiveDate = ‘‘) OR (veffectiveDate = 1899-12-30) OR (veffectiveDate = 1900-01-01) OR (veffectiveDate = 1999-12-30) then begin FieldByName(CopySubStr(FFieldString,j)).Value := null; errsheet.Cells[errint,1]:=+inttostr(i)+ +vartostr(Sheet.Cells[i,j+1])+ 作业日期不能为空!; inc(errint); errbl:=true; FieldByName(CopySubStr(FFieldString,j)).Value := veffectiveDate; end else begin FieldByName(CopySubStr(FFieldString,j)).Value := veffectiveDate; end; end else if j = 5 then //件数/工时 begin if (Sheet.Cells[i,j+1].Value<=0) or (Sheet.Cells[i,j+1].Value>99999) then begin errsheet.Cells[errint,1]:=+inttostr(i)+ +vartostr(Sheet.Cells[i,j+1])+ 件数/工时错误!; inc(errint); errbl:=true; FieldByName(CopySubStr(FFieldString,j)).Value := Sheet.Cells[i,j+1].Value; end else begin FieldByName(CopySubStr(FFieldString,j)).Value := Sheet.Cells[i,j+1].Value; end; end else if j = 6 then //配件类型 vsortType begin vsortType := Sheet.Cells[i,j+1].Value ; with qrytemp do begin Close; SQL.text:=select top 1 sortType,sortDesc from tab_smallPartsSort where sortType = + QuotedStr(vsortType) ; Open; end; if qrytemp.IsEmpty then begin errsheet.Cells[errint,1]:=+inttostr(i)+ +vartostr(Sheet.Cells[i,j+1])+ 找不到对应的配件类型!; inc(errint); errbl:=true; end else begin FieldByName(sortType).AsString:= vsortType; FieldByName(sortName).AsString:= qrytemp.FieldByName(sortDesc).AsString; //TT001,TT002:计时类型 if (vsortType=TT001) or (vsortType=TT002) then FieldByName(priceType).AsString:= T else FieldByName(priceType).AsString:= P; end; end else begin FieldByName(CopySubStr(FFieldString, j)).Value := Sheet.Cells[i, j + 1].Value; end; end; if not errbl then post; end; end; {判断插入的记录是否有重复_begin} checkSql:=SELECT workerid,pricetype,effectivedate,sorttype,styleno,COUNT(*) cc FROM + sTmptbname + GROUP BY workerid,pricetype,effectivedate,sorttype,styleno + HAVING COUNT(*) >1;
with qrytemp2 do begin Close; SQL.Clear; sql.Add(checkSql); Open; end; if qrytemp2.RecordCount>0 then //有重复记录 begin MessageDlg(导入数据出错,款号记录+qrytemp2.fieldbyname(styleno).AsString+有重复!,mtWarning,[mbOK],0); with qryInput do begin Close; SQL.Clear; SQL.Add(drop table +sTmptbname); execsql; end; exit; end; {判断插入的记录是否有重复_end} finnaly
end; if errbl then begin ExcelID.DisplayAlerts:=false; messagedlg(导入数据出错,请看文件第二页,查看详细原因!,mtwarning,[mbok],0); ExcelID.save; with qryInput do begin Close; SQL.Clear; SQL.Add(drop table +sTmptbname); execsql; end; exit; end; //ShowMesStr(‘导入数据成功完成!‘, ‘010‘); except on E: Exception do begin MessageBox(Self.Handle, Pchar(系统提示您,数据导入失败,原因为: + e.Message), Pchar(AppliCation.Title), MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR); with qryInput do begin Close; SQL.Clear; SQL.Add(drop table +sTmptbname); execsql; end; exit; end; end finally ExcelID.WorkBooks[1].Close(false, ‘‘); ExcelID.Quit; ExcelID := Unassigned; sheet := Unassigned; end;
//利用服务器存储过程处理导入数据 sSQL:
= ‘exec UpDemo :tmptb‘; sSQL:=StringReplace(sSQL,:tmptb,sTmptbname,[rfIgnoreCase,rfReplaceAll]); with qrytemp do begin Close; SQL.Clear; SQL.Add(ssql); ExecSQL; end; ShowMesStr(导入更新数据成功完成,请重新查询!,010); end;

2. 后台处理的存储过程(UpDemo):如果数据存在且未审核就修改相关信息;如果不存在,则插入数据

 @tmptbname varchar(30)      
 declare @sql varchar(4000),      
  @sql2 VARCHAR(1000)                                
 SET @sql=      
 MERGE TargetTable t      
 USING (SELECT  b.workerID,a.workerName,a.priceType,a.effectiveDate,a.sortType,a.sortName,a.styleno,a.bgprice      
        from + @tmptbname + a LEFT JOIN      
    (SELECT empid AS workerID,empname FROM Employees) b ON b.empname=a.workerName      
  WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT t.workerID,t.priceType,t.sortType,t.effectiveDate      
                           FROM TargetTable t WHERE t.workerID=a.workerID       
                           AND t.priceType=a.priceType       
                           AND t.sortType=a.sortType       
                           AND t.effectiveDate=a.effectiveDate       
                           AND t.styleno=a.styleno      
                           AND t.isConfirm=1  )  --过滤审核过的数据不可修改    
      ) s      
 ON  t.workerID=s.workerID and t.priceType=s.priceType  AND t.styleno=s.styleno      
 and t.sortType=s.sortType and t.effectiveDate=s.effectiveDate       
 WHEN matched       
 THEN UPDATE SET t.sortName=s.sortName,t.qty=s.qty,t.bgprice=s.bgprice,      
 THEN INSERT (workerID,workerName,priceType,effectiveDate,sortType,sortName,styleno,bgprice,inDate,inUserID,inUserDate,qty,checkUserID,checkDate,isConfirm,remark)      
 SET @sql2=‘‘      
 SET @sql2=@sql2+  drop table + @tmptbname            
 print @sql       
 PRINT @sql2      
 exec (@sql+@sql2)          



标签:sed   tde   open   end   sre   clear   存在   when   ado   


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