标签:tar int sha not 分割 遍历 running ons pull
str=‘‘‘Come up to meet you, tell you I‘m sorry You don‘t know how lovely you are I had to find you Tell you I need you Tell you I set you apart Tell me your secrets Ask me your questions Oh, let‘s go back to the start Running in circles Coming up tales Heads on a science apart Nobody said it was easy It‘s such a shame for us to part Nobodysaid it was easyNo one ever said it would be this hard Oh, take me back to the start I was just guessing At numbers and figures Pulling your puzzles apart Questions of science Science and progress Do not speak as loud as my heart Tell me you love me Come back and haunt me Oh, and I rush to the start Running in circles Chasing tales Coming back as we are Nobody said it was easy Oh, it‘s such a shame for us to part Nobody said it was easyNo one ever said it would be so hard I‘m going back to the start.‘‘‘ for i in ‘,.?!"‘: str=str.replace(i,‘ ‘) print(‘所有分隔符替换为空格:‘+str+‘\n‘) str=str.lower() print(‘将所有大写转换为小写:‘+str+‘\n‘) print(‘you出现次数:‘,str.count(‘you‘)) print(‘分割单词:‘,str.split(‘ ‘),‘\n‘)
str=list(‘123121212123‘) print(‘作业评分表:‘,str) a=str.index(‘3‘) print(‘第一个3分的下标为:‘,a) one=str.count(‘1‘) print(‘1分的同学有:‘,one) three=str.count(‘3‘) print(‘3分的同学有:‘,three) str.sort() print(‘排序为:‘,str)
标签:tar int sha not 分割 遍历 running ons pull