标签:一个 练习 组合 个数 tar 评分 speed 实例 src
1.实例: 下载一首英文的歌词或文章,将所有,.?!等替换为空格,将所有大写转换为小写,统计某几个单词出现的次数,分隔出一个一个的单词。
s=‘‘‘One night to be confused One night to speed up truth We had a promise made four hands and then away Both under influence we had demons in To know what to say Mind is a razorblade To call for hands of above to lean on Wouldn‘t be good enough for me, no One night of magic truth The start of simple truth One night to push and scream and then relief Ten days of perfect tunes The colors red and blue We had a promise made we were in love To call for hands of above to lean on Wouldn‘t be good enough for me, no To call for hands of above to lean on Wouldn‘t be good enough for me, no And you you knew the hand of a devil And you kept us away with wolf teeths sharing different heartbeats in one night To call for hands of above to lean on Wouldn‘t be good enough for me, no To call for hands of above to lean on Wouldn‘t be good enough‘‘‘ r=s.lower() for i in ‘,.?!‘: r=r.replace(i,‘ ‘) print(‘to出现的次数:‘+str(r.count(‘to‘))) print(‘good出现的次数:‘+str(r.count(‘good‘))) r=r.split(‘ ‘) print(r)
s=list(‘231112232312‘) print(s) s.append(‘3‘) s.pop(1) s.insert(1,2) print(‘经过增删改之后的作业评分列表:‘,s) print(‘第一个3分的下标:‘,s.index(‘3‘)) print(‘1分的同学个数:‘,s.count(‘1‘)) print(‘3分的同学个数:‘,s.count(‘3‘))
标签:一个 练习 组合 个数 tar 评分 speed 实例 src