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标签:character   vol   说明   seq   nlp   转化   for   分词   中心   

1,corpus 语料库

a computer-readable collection of text or speech 

2,utterance 发音

比如下面一句话:I do uh main- mainly business data processing 

uh 是 fillers填充词Words like uh and um are called fillers or filled pauses )。The broken-off word main- is fragment called a fragment 

3,Types are the number of distinct words in a corpus  

给你一句话,这句话里面有多少个单词呢? 标点符号算不算单词?有相同lemma的单词算不算重复的单词?比如“he is a boy and you are a girl”,这句话中 “is”和 "are"的lemma 都是 be。另外,这句话中 "a" 出现了两次。那这句话有多少个单词?这就要看具体的统计单词个数的方式了。

Tokens are the total number N of running words. 


A Morpheme is the smallest division of text that has meaning. Prefxes and suffxes are examples of morphemes 

These are the smallest units of a word that is meaningful. 比如说:“bounded”,"bound"就是一个 morpheme,而Morphemes而包含了后缀 ed

5,Lemma(词根) 和 Wordform(词形)

Cat 和 cats 属于相同的词根,但是却是不同的词形。

Lemma 和 stem 有着相似的意思:


Stemming is the process of finding the word stem of a word 。比如,walking 、walked、walks 有着相同的stem,即: walk

与stem相关的一个概念叫做 lemmatization,它用来确定一个词的基本形式,这个过程叫做lemma。比如,operating,stem是 ope,lemma是operate 

Lemmatization is a more refned process than stemming and uses vocabulary and morphological techniques to fnd a lemma. This can result in more precise analysis in some situations 。

The lemmatization process determines the lemma of a word. A lemma can be thought of as the dictionary form of a word

(Lemmatization 要比 stemming 复杂,但是它们都是为了寻找 单词的 “根”)。但是Lemmatization 更复杂,它用到了一些词义分析(finding the morphological or vocabulary meaning of a token)

Stemming and lemmatization: These processes will alter the words to get to their "roots".  Similar to stemming is Lemmatization. This is the process of fnding its lemma, its form as found in a dictionary.  

Stemming is frequently viewed as a more primitive technique, where the attempt to get to the "root" of a word involves cutting off parts of the beginning and/or ending of a token. 

 Lemmatization can be thought of as a more sophisticated approach where effort is devoted to finding the morphological or vocabulary meaning of a token。

比如说 having 的 stem 是 hav,但是它的 lemma 是have

再比如说 was 和 been 有着不同的 stem,但是有着相同的 lemma : be

7,affix 词缀 (prefix 和 suffxes)

比如说:一个单词的 现在进行时,要加ing,那么 ing 就是一个后缀。

This precedes or follows the root of a word . 比如说,ation 就是 单词graduation的后缀。

8,tokenization (分词)

就是把一篇文章拆分成一个个的单词。The process of breaking text apart is called tokenization 

9,Delimiters (分隔符)

要把一个句子 分割成一个个的单词,就需要分隔符,常用的分隔符有:空格、tab键(\t);还有 逗号、句号……这个要视具体的处理任务而定。

The elements of the text that determine where elements should be split are called Delimiters 。

10,categorization (归类)


This is the process of assigning some text element into one of the several possible groups.  


某些NLP任务需要将一些常出现的“无意义”的词去掉,比如:统计一篇文章频率最高的100个词,可能会有大量的“is”、"a"、"the" 这类词,它们就是 stopwords。

Commonly used words might not be important for some NLP tasks such as general searches. These common words are called stopwords 

12,Normalization (归一化)

将一系列的单词 转化成 某种 统一 的形式,比如:将一句话的各个单词中,有大写、有小写,将之统一转成 小写。再比如,一句话中,有些单词是 缩写词,将之统一转换成全名。

Normalization is a process that converts a list of words to a more uniform sequence.

Normalization operations can include the following:(常用的归一化操作有如下几种)

converting characters to lowercase(大小写转换),expanding abbreviation(缩略词变成全名), removing stopwords(移除一些常见的“虚词”), stemming, and lemmatization.(词干或者词根提取) 






标签:character   vol   说明   seq   nlp   转化   for   分词   中心   


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