标签:table mat pycha 级别 hone 交集 with mod 做了
第一天就是Python的简单介绍与简单的接触。基本都是概念性的东西,需要知道一个非常便捷的IDE工具:pycharm,以后的编程就靠它了。还有就是%s和%d的格式化输出、运算符、及流程控制:if...else...;while...else...;for i in seq...else...
数字:转换为数字: int(10);转换为浮点数:float(10.3) ;是否全部是数字:msg.isdigit()
字符串:切片:msg[1:7];长度:len(msg);成员运算(in or not in):print(‘a‘ in msg);查看索引: print(msg.index(18));移除空白:msg.strip();切分split:msg.split(‘|‘);以...开头/结尾(startswith/endswith):print(msg.startswith(‘alex‘));替换replace:print(msg.replace(‘a‘,‘B‘));格式化输出%和format: print(‘my name is %s my age is %s‘ %(‘egon‘,18)) print(‘my name is {} my age is {}‘.format(‘egon‘,18));合成join:print(‘:‘.join(l));是否全部由字母组成:print(msg.isalpha())
列表:列表可变:msg[0]=‘abc‘;切片:msg[1:4];长度:len(msg);成员运算(in or not in):print(‘a‘ in msg);追加:msg.append(‘abc‘);删除:del msg[1] msg.remove(‘abc‘) msg.pop(1);插入:msg.insert(index,‘abc‘);扩展添加:msg.extend([1,2,3,4]);清空列表:msg.clear();复制:msg.copy();反转:msg.reverse()
元组:切片:msg[1:7];长度:len(msg);成员运算(in or not in):print(‘a‘ in msg);查看索引: print(msg.index(18));统计元素个数: print(ages.count(‘abc‘))
字典:增加: info[‘hobbies‘]=[‘read‘,‘music‘,‘play‘,‘sleep‘,‘eat‘] ;长度:len(msg);key运算(in or not in):print(‘a‘ in msg);删除:print(info.pop(‘name‘)); 键keys(): print(info.keys());值values(): print(info.values());键值对items():print(info.items());获取值:print(info.get(‘name123‘,123));删除键值对: print(info.popitem());没有则新增,有则返原值:print(info.setdefault(‘hobbies‘,[‘read‘,‘music‘]));更新字典(字典):info.update(info_new);
集合:长度:len(msg);成员运算(in or not in):print(‘a‘ in msg);并集:|;交集:&;差集:-;对称差集:^;父集,子集:>,>= ,<,<=
字符编码: unicode =====encode ======>gbk # 存文件,unicode可以转化成任意编码 gbk====decode====>unicode
1 #打印三级菜单,打印下级时,记录到列表中;打印上级时,用pop取出,然后再打印最后字典的key 2 menu = { 3 ‘北京‘:{ 4 ‘海淀‘:{‘五道口‘:{‘soho‘:{},‘网易‘:{},‘google‘:{}}, 5 ‘中关村‘:{‘爱奇艺‘:{},‘汽车之家‘:{},‘youku‘:{}}, 6 ‘上地‘:{‘百度‘:{},}, 7 }, 8 ‘昌平‘:{‘沙河‘:{‘老男孩‘:{},‘北航‘:{},}, 9 ‘天通苑‘:{},‘回龙观‘:{}, 10 }, 11 ‘朝阳‘:{}, 12 ‘东城‘:{}, 13 }, 14 ‘上海‘:{ 15 ‘闵行‘:{"人民广场":{‘炸鸡店‘:{}} 16 }, 17 ‘闸北‘:{‘火车战‘:{‘携程‘:{}} 18 }, 19 ‘浦东‘:{ 20 }, 21 }, 22 ‘山东‘:{ 23 }, 24 } 25 26 exit_flag = False 27 current_layer = menu 28 29 layers = [menu] 30 31 while not exit_flag: 32 for k in current_layer: 33 print(k) 34 choice = input(">>:").strip() 35 if choice == "b": 36 current_layer = layers[-1] 37 #print("change to laster", current_layer) 38 layers.pop() 39 elif choice not in current_layer:continue 40 else: 41 layers.append(current_layer) 42 current_layer = current_layer[choice]
#打印购物车程序 以列表的索引为主
1 #!/usr/bin/env python2 2 import sys 3 salary = int(raw_input(‘please input you salary:‘)) 4 products = [ 5 [‘Iphone‘,5800], 6 [‘MacPro‘,12000], 7 [‘NB Shoes‘,680], 8 [‘Cigarate‘,48], 9 [‘MX‘,2500] 10 ] 11 shopping_list = [] 12 13 while True: 14 for p in products: 15 print products.index(p),p[0],p[1] 16 choice = raw_input("\033[32;1mPlease choose something to buy:\033[0m").strip() 17 if choice == ‘quit‘: 18 print "You hava bought below stuff:" 19 for i in shopping_list: 20 print ‘\t‘,i 21 sys.exit(‘Goodbye!‘) 22 if len(choice) == 0:continue 23 if not choice.isdigit():continue 24 25 choice = int(choice) 26 if choice >= len(products): 27 print "\033[31;1mCloud not in the range!\033[0m" 28 continue 29 pro = products[choice] 30 if salary >= pro[1]:#mean you can afford this 31 salary = salary - pro[1] 32 shopping_list.append(pro) 33 print "\033[34;1mAdding %s to shopping list,you have %s left.\033[0m" % (pro[0],salary) 34 else: 35 print "\033[31;1mThe price of %s is %s,yet your current balance is %s,so try another one.\033[0m" % (pro[0],pro[1],salary) 36
f=open(‘a.txt‘,mode=‘r‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) #变量赋值
del f #回收python资源,python回收机制自动处理,不用写
f.close() #回收操作系统的资源
del f
#3: 在应用程序中把文件句柄赋值给一个变量
# 打开文件的编码是以操作系统的编码为准的,除非open()指定encoding=‘编码‘ )
#del f:回收应用程序资源(python解释器自动的垃圾回收机制已经替我们做了)
#上下文管理with 自动关闭系统的占用f.close()
with open(‘a.txt‘,mode=‘r‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f:
f=open(‘a.txt‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) #默认就是只读模式
print(‘===>‘,f.read()) #读所有,bytes---decode(‘utf-8‘)--->unicode(str) 从硬盘读出来就是bytes类型,read出来是python的字符串就是unicode,python3的字符串是unicode
print(f.readlines()) #读所有,结果放入列表中
print(f.readline(),end=‘‘) #一次读一行 print函数默认有个换行符‘\n‘
#b:以bytes的形式去操作文件内容,不能指定编码 只有字符串类型才有编码
with open(‘a.txt‘,mode=‘rb‘) as f:
print(data.decode(‘utf-8‘)) #bytes类型转成字符串unicode
print(f.readable()) #判断文件是否可读
print(f.writable()) #判断文件是否可写
f.closed() #文件是否关闭
f.encoding() #如果文件打开模式为b,则没有该属性
f.flush() #立刻将文件内容从内存刷到硬盘
f.name() #查看文件名
#0:文件开头 可以b模式,也可以t模式
#1:当前位置 只能基于b模式
#2:文件末尾 只能基于b模式
1 #tail -f access.log 2 import time 3 with open(‘access.log‘,‘rb‘) as f: 4 f.seek(0,2) 5 while True: 6 line=f.readline() 7 if line: #读到就打印 没有读到就sleep一下 8 print(line.decode(‘utf-8‘),end=‘‘) 9 else: 10 time.sleep(0.2)
#truncate 截断文件 写操作 r模式就报错 w就没有截断这一说直接清空了 只能a模式,就文件开头开始,后面删掉
#文件的修改 硬盘上的内容没有改这一说,直接就是新的内容直接覆盖掉老的文件,会生成新文件.swap,然后删除原文件,重命名至原文件。内存可以改
import os with open(‘e.txt‘,‘r‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as read_f, open(‘.e.txt.swap‘,‘w‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as write_f: data=read_f.read() # print(type(data)) #str data=data.replace(‘alex‘,‘SB‘) write_f.write(data) os.remove(‘e.txt‘) os.rename(‘.e.txt.swap‘,‘e.txt‘)
1 import os 2 with open(‘e.txt‘,‘r‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as read_f,3 open(‘.e.txt.swap‘,‘w‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as write_f: 4 for line in read_f: 5 line=line.replace(‘SB‘,‘alex‘) 6 write_f.write(line) 7 8 os.remove(‘e.txt‘) 9 os.rename(‘.e.txt.swap‘,‘e.txt‘)
标签:table mat pycha 级别 hone 交集 with mod 做了