1. bash shell脚本中的位置变量
1. 有些脚本运行时是需要输入参数的,在shell脚本中加入指定的位置变量,脚本会在运行时读取位置变量对应的参数,位置变量表示方法如下:
(2)$(basename $0):当我们使用位置变量$0时,表示将脚本自身名称作为变量值传递给$0,但是它会传递完整的脚本路径,当我们仅需要脚本的基名的时候,可以使用$(basename $0)来实现
(11)shift n:n用数字表示,shift n表示将参数将左移动n位
2. bash shell脚本位置变量使用示例
2.1 $0
[root@localhost test]# vi test1.sh #!/bin/bash #Testing the $0 parameter # echo "The zero parameter" is set to: $0 ~ "test1.sh" [New] 5L, 81C written [root@localhost test]# chmod u+x test1.sh [root@localhost test]# ./test1.sh The zero parameter is set to: ./test1.sh
根据上述脚本可看出$0的取值为脚本名 ./test1.sh
2.2 $(basename $0)
[root@localhost test]# vi test2.sh #!/bin/bash #Testing the $(basename $0) parameter # echo "The zero parameter" is set to: $(basename $0) ~ "test2.sh" 5L, 105C written [root@localhost test]# ./test2.sh The zero parameter is set to: test2.sh
根据上述示例可看出使用$(basename $0)后,取得的脚本名仅为脚本名本身,不包含路径
2.3 $1-$9
[root@localhost test]# vi test3.sh #!/bin/bash #USing one command line parameter # factorial=1 for (( number=1; number <= $1; number++ )) do factorial=$[ $factorial * $number ] done echo The factorial of $1 is $factorial ~ ~ "test3.sh" 9L, 188C written [root@localhost test]# ./test3.sh 4 The factorial of 4 is 24
[root@localhost test]# vi test4.sh #!/bin/bash #Testing tow command lin parameters # if [ $# -ge 3 ] then echo "Please input only tow parameters" elif [ $# -eq 2 ] then if [ $1 -gt $2 ] then echo "$1 is greater than $2" elif [ $1 -eq $2 ] then echo "$1 is equal to $2" else echo "$1 is less than $2" fi else echo "The character you entered is invalid, please enter the number" fi ~ ~ ~ ~ "test4.sh" 20L, 359C written [root@localhost test]# ./test4.sh 4 5 4 is less than 5
2.4 ${#}
[root@localhost test]# vi test5.sh #!/bin/bash #handing lots of parameters # total=$[ ${10} * ${11} ] echo The tenth parameter is ${10} echo The eleventh parameter is ${11} echo The total is $total ~ ~ "test5.sh" 7L, 163C written [root@localhost test]# ./test5.sh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 The tenth parameter is 10 The eleventh parameter is 11 The total is 110
2.5 $# ${!#}
[root@localhost test]# vi test6.sh #!/bin/bash #Grabbing the last parameter # params=$# echo The total number of parameters is $# echo The last parameter is ${!#} ~ ~ "test6.sh" 6L, 128C written [root@localhost test]# ./test6.sh 1 2 4 6 8 9 10 4 The total number of parameters is 8 The last parameter is 4
2.6 $* $@
[root@localhost test]# vi test7.sh #!/bin/bash #Testing $* and $@ # count=1 # for params in "$*" do echo "\$* Paramter #$count = $params" count=$[ $count + 1 ] done # # count=1 for params in "$@" do echo "\$@ Parameter #$conut = $params" count=$[ $count + 1 ] done ~ ~ ~ "test7.sh" 18L, 234C written [root@localhost test]# ./test7.sh rich barbara katie jessica $* Paramter #1 = rich barbara katie jessica $@ Parameter # = rich $@ Parameter # = barbara $@ Parameter # = katie $@ Parameter # = jessica
2.7 shift n
[root@localhost test]# vi test8.sh #!/bin/bash #Testing shift # count=1 for params in "$@" do echo "#$count = $1" count=$[ $count + 1 ] shift done ~ ~ "test8.sh" 10L, 115C written [root@localhost test]# ./test8.sh rich barbara katie jessica #1 = rich #2 = barbara #3 = katie #4 = jessica
[root@localhost test]# vi test9.sh #!/bin/bash #Demonstrating a multi-position shift # echo "The original parameter: $*" shift 2 echo "Here‘s the new first parameter: $1" ~ ~ "test9.sh" [New] 6L, 136C written [root@localhost test]# chmod u+x test9.sh [root@localhost test]# ./test9.sh 1 2 3 4 5 The original parameter: 1 2 3 4 5 Here‘s the new first parameter: 3
根据上述脚本可看出当使用shift 2 后,参数向左移动了2位,所有移动后的$1为3
3. 处理命令行选项
3.1 处理简单选项
[root@localhost test]# vi test1.sh #!/bin/bash #Testing simple parameter processing # while [ -n "$1" ] do case "$1" in -a ) echo "Found the -a option" ;; -b ) echo "Found the -b option" ;; -c ) echo "Found the -c option" ;; * ) echo "The $1 is not an option" ;; esac shift done ~ ~ ~ [root@localhost test]# ./test1.sh -a -b -c -d Found the -a option Found the -b option Found the -c option The -d is not an option
3.2 分离选项和参数
可使用使用 -- 号来分离选项和参数当遇到 -- 时终止while循环,同时把 -- 使用shift命令移除
[root@localhost test]# vi test2.sh #!/bin/bash #Testing simple parameter processing # while [ -n "$1" ] do case "$1" in -a ) echo "Found the -a option" ;; -b ) echo "Found the -b option" ;; -c ) echo "Found the -c option" ;; -- ) shift break ;; * ) echo "The $1 is not an option" ;; esac shift done # count=1 for parameter in "$@" do echo "The #$parameter is a parameter" count=$[ $count + 1 ] done ~ ~ "test2.sh" 22L, 381C written [root@localhost test]# ./test2.sh -c -b test1 test2 test3 Found the -c option Found the -b option The test1 is not an option The test2 is not an option The test3 is not an option [root@localhost test]# ./test2.sh -c -a -- test1 test2 test3 Found the -c option Found the -a option The #test1 is a parameter The #test2 is a parameter The #test3 is a parameter
3.3 处理带参数的选项
[root@localhost test]# vi test3.sh #!/bin/bash # extracting command line options and values # while [ -n "$1" ] do case "$1" in -a) echo "Found the -a options";; -b) parameter="$2" echo "Found the -b options , with parameter values $parameter" shift;; -c) echo "Found the -c options";; --) shift break;; *) echo "$1 is not options";; esac shift done # count=1 for parameter in "$@" do echo #$parameter is a parameter count=$[ $count + 1 ] done ~ ~ "test3.sh" 24L, 442C written [root@localhost test]# ./test3.sh -a -b test1 -d Found the -a options Found the -b options , with parameter values test1 -d is not options
3.4 getopt命令
格式:getopt OPTSRING parameter
[root@localhost test]# getopt ab:cd -a -b test1 -cd test2 test3 test4 -a -b test1 -c -d -- test2 test3 test4
示例:(-q 命令表示忽略错误提示,--会将命令行参数替换成set的命令行值)
set -- $(getopt -q -ab:cd "$@")
[root@localhost test]# vi test4.sh #!/bin/bash #Extract command line options & values with getopt # set -- $(getopt -q ab:cd "$@") while [ -n "$1" ] do case "$1" in -a) echo "Found the -a options";; -b) parameter=$2 echo "Found the -b options with parameter value $parameter" shift;; -c) echo "Found the -c options";; -d) echo "Found the -d options";; --) shift break;; *) echo "$1 is not option";; esac shift done # count=1 for parameter in "$@" do echo "The #$parameter is a parameter" count=$[ $count + 1 ] done ~ "test4.sh" 26L, 516C written [root@localhost test]# ./test4.sh -a -b test1 -c -d test3 test4 test5 test6 Found the -a options Found the -b options with parameter value ‘test1‘ Found the -c options Found the -d options The #‘test3‘ is a parameter The #‘test4‘ is a parameter The #‘test5‘ is a parameter The #‘test6‘ is a parameter
[root@localhost test]# ./test4.sh -a -b "test1 test2" -cd test3 test4 Found the -a options Found the -b options with parameter value ‘test1 test2‘ is not option #test1和test2同为-b选项的参数,但仅能识别test1,getopt不能识别"" Found the -c options Found the -d options The #‘test3‘ is a parameter The #‘test4‘ is a parameter
3.5 getopts
命令格式: getopts OPTSTRING parameter
[root@localhost test]# vi test5.sh #!/bin/bash #simple demonstration of the getopts command # while getopts :ab:c opt do case "$opt" in a) echo "Found the -a option";; b) echo "Found the -b option with VALUE $OPTARG";; c) echo "Found the -c option";; *) echo "Unknow option : $opt ";; esac done ~ "test5.sh" 12L, 271C written [root@localhost test]# ./test5.sh -a -b test1 -c Found the -a option Found the -b option with VALUE test1 Found the -c option [root@localhost test]# ./test5.sh -a -b "test1 test2" -c Found the -a option Found the -b option with VALUE test1 test2 Found the -c option [root@localhost test]# ./test5.sh -d Unknow option : ?
[root@localhost test]# vi test6.sh #!/bin/bash #Processing options & parameters with getopts # while getopts :ab:cd opt do case "$opt" in a) echo "Found the -a option";; b) echo "Found the -b option with parameter is $OPTARG";; c) echo "Found the -c option";; d) echo "Found the -d option";; *) echo "Unknow options";; esac done shift $[ $OPTIND - 1 ] # count=1 for parameter in "$@" do echo "Parameter #$count : $parameter" count=$[ $count + 1 ] done ~ "test6.sh" 21L, 431C written [root@localhost test]# ./test6.sh -a -b test1 -c -d test3 test4 Found the -a option Found the -b option with parameter is test1 Found the -c option Found the -d option Parameter #1 : test3 Parameter #2 : test4
3.6 选项标准化
-a : 显示所有对象
-c : 生成一个计数器
-d : 指定一个目录
-e : 扩展一个对象
-f : 指定一个输入数据的文件
-h : 显示该命令的帮助信息
-i : 忽略文本大小写
-l : 输出长格式版本
-n : 使用非交互模式输出(批处理)
-o : 将输出内容重定向输出至指定文件
-q : 以安静模式运行
-r : 递归的处理目录和文件
-s : 以安静模式运行
-v :生成详细输出
-x : 排除某个对象
-y : 对所有问题都回答YES
4. 获得用户的输入
4.1 获得用户的基本输入
[root@localhost test]# vi test7.sh #!/bin/bash #Testing the read command # echo -n "Enter your name:" read name echo "Hello $name , welcome to my program ! " ~ ~ "test7.sh" [New] 6L, 123C written [root@localhost test]# chmod o+x test7.sh [root@localhost test]# ./test7.sh Enter your name:liuxingyue Hello liuxingyue , welcome to my program !
根据上述脚本可看出read 可以将接受用户输入的参数赋予给read命令后的变量,echo后的-n参数表示在字符串末尾输出换行符;
初此之外read 还可以使用-p命令接受用户输入的参数
[root@localhost test]# vi test8.sh #!/bin/bash #Testing "read -p" command # read -p "Please input your age :" age day=$[ $age * 365 ] echo "That makes your over $day days old !" ~ "test8.sh" 6L, 144C written [root@localhost test]# ./test8.sh Please input your age :33 That makes your over 12045 days old !
[root@localhost test]# vi test9.sh #!/bin/bash # ENtering multiple variables # read -p "Enter your name :" first last echo "Welcome $first $last..." ~ ~ "test9.sh" [New] 5L, 114C written [root@localhost test]# chmod o+x test9.sh [root@localhost test]# ./test9.sh Enter your name :liu xingyue hehe Welcome liu xingyue hehe...
[root@localhost test]# ./test10.sh Enter your name :wangyanglin ^H wangyanglin , Wlecome to my program [root@localhost test]# vi test10.sh #!/bin/bash #Testing $REPLY # read -p "Enter your name :" echo "$REPLY , Wlecome to my program" ~ ~ "test10.sh" 5L, 97C written [root@localhost test]# ./test10.sh Enter your name :hah heh hoh hah heh hoh , Wlecome to my program [root@localhost test]# ^C [root@localhost test]#
4.2 输入超时控制
read -t #命令通过-t选项指定一个计数器,#表示秒数,加入#为5,则表示5秒之内如果用户没有输入会自动退出脚本并返回一个非零的退出状态码
[root@localhost test]# vi test11.sh #!/bin/bash #Test the -t option # read -t 5 -p "Enter your name :" echo "$REPLY , Welcome to my program" ~ ~ ~ "test11.sh" [New] 5L, 105C written [root@localhost test]# chmod o+x test11.sh [root@localhost test]# ./test11.sh Enter your name : , Welcome to my program
read -n# 选项可以定义输入的字符个数,#为1,则表示仅只能输入一个字符。
[root@localhost test]# vi test12.sh #!/bin/bash #getting just one character of input read -n1 -p"Do you want contine [Y/N] ?" case $REPLY in y|Y) echo "Fine,contine to .......";; n|N) echo "OK , bye !" exit;; *) echo "Input error" exit;; esac echo "This is the end of the script" ~ "test12.sh" 11L, 257C written [root@localhost test]# ./test12.sh Do you want contine [Y/N] ?yFine,contine to ....... This is the end of the script [root@localhost test]# ./test12.sh Do you want contine [Y/N] ?nOK , bye ! [root@localhost test]# ./test12.sh Do you want contine [Y/N] ?eInput error
4.3 隐藏式输入
read命令的 -s参数可以实现输入隐藏,脚本运行时你输入的内容不会显示出来(实际上是显示的,只是颜色与背景色一样),一般会用于输入密码或者其他场景。
[root@localhost test]# vi test13.sh #!/bin/bash #Testing the "-s" option. # read -s -p "Please input your password:" pass echo "Your password is $pass" ~ ~ "test13.sh" 5L, 116C written [root@localhost test]# ./test13.sh Please input your password:Your password is nihao
4.4 read读取文本输入,可以使用while循环,文本输入完成以后,自动结束命令
[root@localhost test]# vi test14.sh #!/bin/bash #Testing text input with read command # count=1 cat test | while read line do echo "Line #$count : $line" count=$[ $count +1 ] done echo "Finished processing the file." ~ ~ ~ "test14.sh" [New] 10L, 183C written [root@localhost test]# cat test ck brown dog jumps over the lazy fox. This is a test, this is only a test. O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? [root@localhost test]# ./test14 -bash: ./test14: No such file or directory [root@localhost test]# ./test14.sh Line #1 : ck brown dog jumps over the lazy fox. Line #2 : This is a test, this is only a test. Line #3 : O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Finished processing the file.
本文出自 “学海无涯” 博客,谢绝转载!