标签:ati 遍历 查找 字符串分解 ima out text word com
dic={} xuehao=[‘1‘,‘2‘,‘3‘,‘4‘,‘5‘,‘6‘,‘7‘] scores=[‘85‘,‘95‘,‘65‘,‘75‘,‘88‘,‘99‘,‘55‘] xs=dict(zip(xuehao,scores)) print(‘学号及成绩:‘,xs) xs[‘8‘]=‘83‘ print(‘增加一位同学学号为8成绩为83:‘,xs) xs.pop(‘7‘) print(‘删除7号同学的信息‘,xs) xs[‘1‘]=‘82‘ print(‘将1号同学的分数改为82分‘,xs) print(‘判断是否含6号同学‘,xs.get(‘6‘)) print(‘查询5号同学成绩‘,xs[‘5‘])
ls=list(‘1256642543‘) print("列表:",ls) for i in ls: print(i) tp=tuple(‘1256642543‘) print("元组:",tp) for a in tp: print(a) dic={} names=[‘小明‘,‘小莉‘,‘小红‘,‘小王‘] scores=[‘88‘,‘99‘,‘86‘,‘83‘] ns=dict(zip(names,scores)) print("字典:",ns) for b in ns: print(b,ns[b]) n=set(names) print("集合:",n) for c in n: print(c,end=‘ ‘)
④字典是用空间换取时间的一种方法。集合是一个无序不重复元素集, 基本功能包括关系测试和消除重复元素。
s=‘‘‘In the romantic movie New York, I Love You, which was filmed by several short stories. There was a story about an old couple.They walked to the beach, while on the way, the woman complained about the man on many small issues, but the men barely argued. Finally, when they reached the destination, they suddenly hand in hand and appreciated the sunset. What a lovely story, it is so close to the real life, just like every couple’s final end. ‘‘‘ print(‘短文中各个短语出现的次数:‘) s=s.lower() print(‘全部转为小写:‘) print(s) for i in ‘,.‘: s=s.replace(i,‘ ‘) words=s.split(‘ ‘) d = {} words.sort() disc = set(words) for i in disc: d[i] = 0 for i in words: d[i] = d[i]+1 n = d.items() print(‘单词计数:‘) print(n)
标签:ati 遍历 查找 字符串分解 ima out text word com