标签:except err mail cas trying esc patch eth saving
Github传送地址: findSubDomains
这个脚本源自lijiejie/subDomainsBrute, 用来探测子域名,我删除了很多代码,也添加了不少注释,使得代码变得更简练和清晰。
你可以在这看到找到这个项目: https://github.com/lijiejie/subDomainsBrute
pip install dnspython gevent
python findSubDomains.py [your target domain]
? subDomainsBrute git:(master) ? python findSubDomains.py baidu.com [*] Validate DNS servers ... [+] Check DNS Server < OK > Found 4 [*] Found 4 available DNS Servers in total [+] Load sub names ... [+] Load sub names ... [*] Exploiting sub domains of baidu.com [+] There are 15372 subs waiting for trying ... -------------------------------------- [*] Initializing 100 threads 123.baidu.com, 0.baidu.com 1.baidu.com 11.baidu.com 12.baidu.com 100.baidu.com 1111.baidu.com 2013.baidu.com 2014.baidu.com, 365.baidu.com 3g.baidu.com, 7.baidu.com
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- """ @version : subDomainsBrute 1.0.6 @author : lijiejie description : A simple and fast sub domains brute tool for pentesters @contact : my[at]lijiejie.com (http://www.lijiejie.com) Modified by : starnight_cyber @contact : starnight_cyber@foxmail.com blog : http://www.cnblogs.com/Hi-blog/ Time : 2017.09.23 """ """ program description : subDomainsBrute is for finding sub domains of a target domain a very simple way turns to be brute force, simple and effective ~ and the idea is simple too, find the target sub domains using dictionary (important) ~ using the found sub domains for further brute force ~ before that, you have to know how the DNS works, please refer to concerned materials """ import gevent from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_all() from gevent.pool import Pool from gevent.queue import PriorityQueue import sys import re import dns.resolver import time import optparse import os from lib.consle_width import getTerminalSize from multiprocessing import cpu_count class SubNameBrute: """ receive commandline args and do some initialization work """ def __init__(self, target, options): self.start_time = time.time() self.target = target.strip() self.options = options self.scan_count = self.found_count = 0 self.console_width = getTerminalSize()[0] - 2 # create dns resolver pool ~ workers self.resolvers = [dns.resolver.Resolver(configure=False) for _ in range(options.threads)] for resolver in self.resolvers: resolver.lifetime = resolver.timeout = 10.0 self.print_count = 0 self.STOP_ME = False # load dns servers and check whether these dns servers works fine ? self._load_dns_servers() # load sub names self.subs = [] # subs in file self.goodsubs = [] # checks ok for further exploitation self._load_subname(‘dict/subnames.txt‘, self.subs) # load sub.sub names self.subsubs = [] self._load_subname(‘dict/next_sub.txt‘, self.subsubs) # results will be save to target.txt self.outfile = open(target + ‘.txt‘, ‘a‘) self.ip_dict = set() # self.found_sub = set() # task queue self.queue = PriorityQueue() for sub in self.subs: self.queue.put(sub) """ Load DNS Servers(ip saved in file), and check whether the DNS servers works fine """ def _load_dns_servers(self): print ‘[*] Validate DNS servers ...‘ self.dns_servers = [] # create a process pool for checking DNS servers, the number is your processors(cores) * 4, just change it! processors = cpu_count() * 4 pool = Pool(processors) # read dns ips and check one by one for server in open(‘dict/dns_servers.txt‘).xreadlines(): server = server.strip() if server: pool.apply_async(self._test_server, (server, )) pool.join() # waiting for process finish self.dns_count = len(self.dns_servers) sys.stdout.write(‘\n‘) print ‘[*] Found %s available DNS Servers in total‘ % self.dns_count if self.dns_count == 0: print ‘[ERROR] No DNS Servers available.‘ sys.exit(-1) """ test these dns servers whether works fine """ def _test_server(self, server): # create a dns resolver and set timeout resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver() resolver.lifetime = resolver.timeout = 10.0 try: resolver.nameservers = [server] # test : resolving a known domain, and check whether can get the right result answers = resolver.query(‘public-dns-a.baidu.com‘) if answers[0].address != ‘‘: raise Exception(‘incorrect DNS response‘) self.dns_servers.append(server) except: self._print_msg(‘[-] Check DNS Server %s <Fail> Found %s‘ % (server.ljust(16), len(self.dns_servers))) self._print_msg(‘[+] Check DNS Server %s < OK > Found %s‘ % (server.ljust(16), len(self.dns_servers))) """ load sub names in dict/*.txt, one function would be enough file for read, subname_list for saving sub names """ def _load_subname(self, file, subname_list): self._print_msg(‘[+] Load sub names ...‘) with open(file) as f: for line in f: sub = line.strip() if sub and sub not in subname_list: tmp_set = {sub} """ in case of the sub names which contains the following expression and replace them {alphnum}, {alpha}, {num} with character and num """ while len(tmp_set) > 0: item = tmp_set.pop() if item.find(‘{alphnum}‘) >= 0: for _letter in ‘abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789‘: tmp_set.add(item.replace(‘{alphnum}‘, _letter, 1)) elif item.find(‘{alpha}‘) >= 0: for _letter in ‘abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz‘: tmp_set.add(item.replace(‘{alpha}‘, _letter, 1)) elif item.find(‘{num}‘) >= 0: for _letter in ‘0123456789‘: tmp_set.add(item.replace(‘{num}‘, _letter, 1)) elif item not in subname_list: subname_list.append(item) """ for better presentation of brute force results, not really matters ... """ def _print_msg(self, _msg=None, _found_msg=False): if _msg is None: self.print_count += 1 if self.print_count < 100: return self.print_count = 0 msg = ‘%s Found| %s Groups| %s scanned in %.1f seconds‘ % ( self.found_count, self.queue.qsize(), self.scan_count, time.time() - self.start_time) sys.stdout.write(‘\r‘ + ‘ ‘ * (self.console_width - len(msg)) + msg) elif _msg.startswith(‘[+] Check DNS Server‘): sys.stdout.write(‘\r‘ + _msg + ‘ ‘ * (self.console_width - len(_msg))) else: sys.stdout.write(‘\r‘ + _msg + ‘ ‘ * (self.console_width - len(_msg)) + ‘\n‘) if _found_msg: msg = ‘%s Found| %s Groups| %s scanned in %.1f seconds‘ % ( self.found_count, self.queue.qsize(), self.scan_count, time.time() - self.start_time) sys.stdout.write(‘\r‘ + ‘ ‘ * (self.console_width - len(msg)) + msg) sys.stdout.flush() """ important : assign task to resolvers """ def _scan(self, j): self.resolvers[j].nameservers = [self.dns_servers[j % self.dns_count]] while not self.queue.empty(): sub = self.queue.get(timeout=1.0) # print cur_sub_domain try: cur_sub_domain = sub + ‘.‘ + self.target answers = self.resolvers[j].query(cur_sub_domain) except: continue if answers: ips = ‘, ‘.join(sorted([answer.address for answer in answers])) # exclude : intranet or kept addresses if ips in [‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘]: continue if SubNameBrute.is_intranet(answers[0].address): continue self.found_sub.add(cur_sub_domain) for answer in answers: self.ip_dict.add(answer.address) if sub not in self.goodsubs: self.goodsubs.append(sub) print cur_sub_domain, ‘\t‘, ips self.outfile.write(cur_sub_domain + ‘\t‘ + ips + ‘\n‘) @staticmethod def is_intranet(ip): ret = ip.split(‘.‘) if len(ret) != 4: return True if ret[0] == ‘10‘: return True if ret[0] == ‘172‘ and 16 <= int(ret[1]) <= 32: return True if ret[0] == ‘192‘ and ret[1] == ‘168‘: return True return False """ assign task to threads ... """ def run(self): threads = [gevent.spawn(self._scan, i) for i in range(self.options.threads)] print ‘[*] Initializing %d threads‘ % self.options.threads try: gevent.joinall(threads) except KeyboardInterrupt, e: msg = ‘[WARNING] User aborted.‘ sys.stdout.write(‘\r‘ + msg + ‘ ‘ * (self.console_width - len(msg)) + ‘\n\r‘) sys.stdout.flush() if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: parser = optparse.OptionParser(‘usage: %prog [options] target.com‘, version="%prog 1.0.6") parser.add_option(‘-f‘, dest=‘file‘, default=‘subnames.txt‘, help=‘File contains new line delimited subs, default is subnames.txt.‘) parser.add_option(‘--full‘, dest=‘full_scan‘, default=False, action=‘store_true‘, help=‘Full scan, NAMES FILE subnames_full.txt will be used to brute‘) parser.add_option(‘-t‘, ‘--threads‘, dest=‘threads‘, default=100, type=int, help=‘Num of scan threads, 100 by default‘) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) # initialization ... d = SubNameBrute(target=args[0], options=options) print ‘[*] Exploiting sub domains of ‘, args[0] print ‘[+] There are %d subs waiting for trying ...‘ % len(d.queue) print ‘--------------------------------------‘ d.run() print ‘--------------------------------------‘ print ‘%d subnames found‘ % len(d.found_sub) print ‘[*] Program running %.1f seconds ‘ % (time.time() - d.start_time) print ‘[*] It is usually not recommended to exploit second-level sub domains,because needs to try %d times‘ % (len(d.subsubs) * len(d.goodsubs)) go_on = raw_input(‘[-] Are you consist? YES/NO : ‘) if go_on == ‘YES‘ or go_on == ‘y‘ or go_on == ‘Y‘ or go_on == ‘yes‘: print ‘[*]Exploiting second level sub names ...‘ d.queue = PriorityQueue() for subsub in d.subsubs: for sub in d.goodsubs: subname = subsub + ‘.‘ + sub d.queue.put(subname) print ‘There are %d subs waiting for trying ...‘ % len(d.queue) d.run() else: pass print ‘%d subnames found in total‘ % len(d.found_sub) print ‘[*]Results are saved to threes files starts with %s‘ % args """ save ips and domains to files """ with open(args[0]+‘-ip.txt‘, ‘w‘) as f: for ip in d.ip_dict: f.write(ip + ‘\n‘) with open(args[0] + ‘-subdomain.txt‘, ‘w‘) as f: for domain in d.found_sub: f.write(domain + ‘\n‘) print ‘[*] Program running %.1f seconds ‘ % (time.time() - d.start_time) d.outfile.flush() d.outfile.close()
需要提供两个子域名字典,就不提供百度云下载链接了,具体请参看Github findSubDomains
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标签:except err mail cas trying esc patch eth saving