标签:cti put log use mips ssi homepage lan bsp
module CP0( input clk, input rst, input teq_exc, input mtc0, //CPU instruction is Mtc0 input [31:0] pc, input [4:0] addr, //Specifies CP0 register input [31:0] wdata, //Data from GP register to replace CP0 register input eret, //instruction is ERET(Exception Return) input [3:0] cause, output [31:0] rdata, //Data from CP0 register for GP register, output [31:0] exc_addr //Address for PC at the beginning of an exception ); parameter SYSCALL = 4‘b1000, BREAK = 4‘b1001, TEQ = 4‘b1101, IE = 0; // status = 12, // cause = 13, // epc = 14, reg [31:0] cop0 [0:31]; wire [31:0] status = cop0[12]; integer i; wire exception = status[0]&& ((status[1]&&cause==SYSCALL)|| (status[2]&&cause==BREAK) || (status[3]&&cause==TEQ&&teq_exc)); always@(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst)begin for(i=0;i<32;i=i+1) cop0[i]<=0; end else begin if(mtc0) cop0[addr] <= wdata; else if(exception)begin cop0[14] <= pc; cop0[12] <= status<<5; cop0[13] <= {24‘b0,cause,2‘b0}; end else if(eret) begin cop0[12] <= status>>5; end end end assign exc_addr = eret?cop0[14]:32‘h4; assign rdata = cop0[addr]; endmodule
标签:cti put log use mips ssi homepage lan bsp