标签:== color list targe ror 修改 thread erro ret
看了一圈, 没看到稍微好用的ConnectionPool, 除了一个aiomysql, 但是这个是异步的, 我暂时没有用到这么高版本的Python, 所以就动手造一个轮子.
原理比较简单, 先造一个线程安全的集合, 无非就是Lock+Set, 然后修改PyMySQL的close方法, 把实例对象和我的这个集合关联起来, close的时候丢进集合里面
import threading import pymysql def new_close(conn): if conn.pooling != None: conn.pooling.put(conn) elif conn.old_close != None: conn.old_close() class Pool(object): def __init__(self, create_instance, max_count=10, timeout=10): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.condition = threading.Condition(self.lock) self.in_use_list = set() self.free_list = set() self.max_count = max_count or 10 self.timeout = timeout or 10 self.new_instance = create_instance assert (create_instance != None) self.__change_pymysql_close() def __change_pymysql_close(self): old_close = pymysql.connections.Connection.close if old_close == new_close: return pymysql.connections.Connection.close = new_close pymysql.connections.Connection.old_close = old_close def get(self): """get one from free list""" with self.lock: if len(self.free_list) > 0: one = self.free_list.pop() self.in_use_list.add(one) return one if len(self.in_use_list) < self.max_count: one = self.new_instance() one.pooling = self self.free_list.add(one) if len(self.free_list) <= 0: self.condition.wait(self.timeout) if len(self.free_list) <= 0: raise TimeoutError() one = self.free_list.pop() self.in_use_list.add(one) return one def put(self, value): """put one into free list""" with self.lock: self.in_use_list.remove(value) self.free_list.add(value) self.condition.notify_all() def size(self): with self.lock: return len(self.free_list) + len(self.in_use_list) def max_size(self): return self.max_count
这里是使用的代码, 你只需要像往常一样写代码, 不需要调用额外的put函数把connection还回去:
def create_conn(): return pymysql.connect(host=mysql_host, port=mysql_port, user=mysql_user, password=mysql_password, database=mysql_db, charset=‘utf8‘, autocommit=True) pool = pymysqlpool.Pool(create_instance=create_conn) conn = pool.get() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("select 1") for x in cur: print(x) cur.close() conn.close()
标签:== color list targe ror 修改 thread erro ret