标签:log local 参数 def ... /usr strip coding war
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- username,password = "sunwei","123" def auth(func): def wrapper(): user = input("please input your name:").strip() passwd = input("please input your password:").strip() if user == username and passwd == password: print("\033[32;40m验证通过\033[0m") func() else: print("\033[31;40m验证失败\033[0m") return wrapper @auth def test1(): print("welcome to test1...") @auth def test2(): print("welcome to test2...") test1() test2()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import time username,password = "sunwei","123" def auth(auth_type): def out_wrapper(func): def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): if auth_type == "local": user = input("please input your name:").strip() passwd = input("please input your password:").strip() if user == username and passwd == password: print("\033[32;40m验证通过\033[0m") func(*args,**kwargs) else: print("\033[31;40m验证失败\033[0m") else: time.sleep(3) exit("我不知道什么是ldap...") return wrapper return out_wrapper @auth(auth_type = "local") #test1 = auth(test1) def test1(): print("welcome to test1...") @auth(auth_type = "ldap") def test2(): print("welcome to test2...") test1() test2()
标签:log local 参数 def ... /usr strip coding war