标签:data win ase tor must tis ini name 配置文件
[root@SparkMaster SharedFromWin7]# /usr/bin/configure-agraph
Welcome to the AllegroGraph configuration program. This script will
help you establish a baseline AllegroGraph configuration.
You will be prompted for a few settings. In most cases, you can hit return
to accept the default value.
Location of configuration file to create:
/etc/agraph does not exist.
Would you like me to create it?:
[y]: y
Directory to store data and settings:
Directory to store log files:
Location of file to write server process id:
User to run as:
Now you must set up an initial user account for AllegroGraph. This
account will have "super user" privileges in AllegroGraph.
SuperUser account name:
[super]: test
SuperUser account password:
SuperUser account password (again):
Instance timeout seconds:
[604800]: 3600
/etc/agraph/agraph.cfg has been created.
If desired, you may modify the configuration. When you are satisfied,
you may start the agraph service.
You can start AllegroGraph by running:
/sbin/service agraph start
You can stop AllegroGraph by running:
/sbin/service agraph stop
【2017年10月6日】安装Allegrograph 的配置文件内容
标签:data win ase tor must tis ini name 配置文件