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Introduction and basic

时间:2017-10-07 18:44:41      阅读:155      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:gic   oar   stat   conf   conflict   execution   levels   distance   static   


  • Levels of transformation: Problem, algorithm, program/language, runtime system, instruction set architecture, microarchitecture, logic, circuits, electrons
  • Hamming distance
  • Error correcting codes
  • Three components of an algorithm: Effective computability, definite and precise, ends
  • Abstraction
  • High-/low-level programming languages
  • Multi-core system
  • Unfairness
  • DRAM (high level overview): banks, rows, columns, row hit/conflict, row buffer locality, memory controller, FR-FCFS
  • High versus low memory intensity
  • Sequential (streaming) versus random memory accesses
  • Predicated execution
  • Static versus dynamic schedulin
  • Compile versus run time
  • Computer architecture
  • Programmable versus fixed-function processor

Levels of transformation: Problem, algorithm, program/language, runtime system, instruction set architecture, microarchitecture, logic, circuits, electrons



Introduction and basic

标签:gic   oar   stat   conf   conflict   execution   levels   distance   static   


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