标签:练习题 open 购物 and 列表 class none close for
1 goods_list=[ 2 (‘huaweiP9‘,3200), 3 (‘Macbook‘,6180), 4 (‘furongwang‘,225), 5 (‘chengguangCup‘,85), 6 (‘pythonbook‘,84) 7 ] 8 shopping_list=[] 9 salary=input("请输入你的工资:") 10 if salary.isdigit(): 11 salary=int(salary) 12 print(goods_list) 13 while True: 14 # for index,item in enumerate(goods_list): 15 for item in goods_list: 16 print(goods_list.index(item),item) 17 user_choice = input("选择要买的东西>>>:") 18 if user_choice.isdigit(): 19 user_choice = int(user_choice) 20 if user_choice < len(goods_list) and user_choice >=0: 21 p_item = goods_list[user_choice] 22 if p_item[1] <= salary: #买的起 23 shopping_list.append(p_item) 24 salary -= p_item[1] 25 print("Added %s into shopping cart,your current balance is \033[31;1m%s\033[0m" %(p_item,salary) ) 26 else: 27 print("你的余额只剩%s啦,还买个毛线" % salary) 28 else: 29 print("你选择的商品序号 %s 不存在!"% user_choice) 30 elif user_choice == ‘q‘: 31 print("--------购物清单------") 32 for p in shopping_list: 33 print(p) 34 print("你的余额:",salary) 35 exit() 36 else: 37 print("输入错误,退出输入q")
标签:练习题 open 购物 and 列表 class none close for