标签:conf most title 新闻列表 sel hat bsp real 格式
for i in range (12): print(chr(9800+i),end=" ")
s = input("请输入,明文密码:") for i in s: if ord("a") <= ord(i) <= ord("z"): print(chr(ord("a") + (ord(i) - ord("a") + 3) % 26),end=‘‘) else: print(i,end=‘‘)
for i in range(1,10): for j in range(1,i+1): print("{}*{}={:2} ".format(j,i,i*j),end =‘‘) print(‘‘)
s = input("请输入姓名,四为以内:") if len(s) == 4: print("{}".format(s)) else: print("{0:*>4}".format(s))
五、实例: 下载一首英文的歌词或文章,统计单词出现的次数,将所有,.?!替换为空格,将所有大写转换为小写。
s = ‘‘‘"You were my everythingthis goes out to someone that was once the most important person in my life i didn‘t realize it at the time i can‘t forgive myself for the way i treated you so i as you would hugged me i guess everything you said was a lie i think about it, it brings tears to my eyes i didn‘t think you‘d wanna see me depressed i thought you‘d be there for me this i confess you said you were my best friend, was that a lie now i‘m nothing to you you‘re with another guy i tried i tried i tried and i‘m trying now on the inside it feels like i‘m dying refrain [talking] and i do miss you i just thought we were meant to be i guess now we‘ll never know the only thing i want is for you to be happy whether it be with or without me i just want you to be happy " ‘‘‘ print("you 的个数是:") print(str(s).count("you")) print(str(s).replace(","," "),str(s).replace("."," "),str(s).replace("?"," "),str(s).replace("!"," "),str(s).lower()) print(len(s))
import webbrowser as web web.open_new_tab("http://news.gzcc.cn/html/2017/xiaoyuanxinwen_0913/807"+‘2‘+".html")
s = input("中华人民共和国国内生产总值(GDP)(2015年)(千分位、2位小数,浮点数)") i = input("选择格式化样式:(1)千分位;(2)2位小数;(3)浮点型;(4)以上同时处理") s = float(s) if i == ‘1‘: print(‘{:,}‘.format(s)) elif i == ‘2‘: print(‘{:.2}‘.format(s)) elif i == ‘3‘: print(‘{:.2f}‘.format(s)) elif i == ‘4‘: print(‘{:,.2f}‘.format(s))
标签:conf most title 新闻列表 sel hat bsp real 格式