标签:delete cti primary red mode let demo 空间 image
<template> <div> <div class="vux-demo"> <img class="logo" src="../assets/vux_logo.png"> <h1> </h1> </div> <group title="cell demo"> <cell title="VUX" value="cool" is-link></cell> <cell title="VUX" value="cool" is-link></cell> </group> <group> <x-switch title="一般使用" v-model="show1"></x-switch> <x-switch title="Android Theme" v-model="show2"></x-switch> <x-switch title="Show cancel menu" v-model="show3"></x-switch> <x-switch title="使用数组定义菜单" v-model="show4"></x-switch> </group> <group title=‘点击遮罩区域不自动关闭‘> <x-switch title="haoren" v-model="show5"></x-switch> </group> <group> <x-switch title="显示提示文字" v-model="show6"></x-switch> <x-switch title="使用 header slot" v-model="show7"></x-switch> <x-switch title="不自动关闭" v-model="show8"></x-switch> </group> <actionsheet v-model="show1" :menus="menus1" @on-click-menu="click"></actionsheet> <actionsheet v-model="show2" :menus="menu7" theme="android" @on-click-menu="click"> </actionsheet> <actionsheet v-model="show3" :menus="menus1" :close-on-clicking-mask="true" show-cancel @on-click-menu="actionsheet1" @on-click-mask="maskclick"></actionsheet> <actionsheet v-model="show4" :menus="menus5" :close-on-clicking-mask="false" @on-click-menu="click"></actionsheet> <actionsheet v-model="show5" :menus="menus5" :close-on-clicking-mask="false" @on-click-menu="click"></actionsheet> <actionsheet v-model="show6" :menus="menus3" @on-click-menu-delete="onDelete" show-cancel></actionsheet> <actionsheet v-model="show7" :menus="menus1"> <p slot="header">123</p> </actionsheet> </div> </template> <script> import { Group, Cell,XSwitch,Actionsheet } from ‘vux‘ export default { components: { Group, Cell, XSwitch, Actionsheet }, data () { return { // note: changing this line won‘t causes changes // with hot-reload because the reloaded component // preserves its current state and we are modifying // its initial state. msg: ‘Hello World!‘, show1:false, show2:false, show3:false, show4:false, show5:false, show6:false, show7:false, show8:false, menus1: { menu1: ‘Share to friends‘, menu2: ‘Share to timeline‘ }, menus3: { ‘title.noop‘: ‘确定吗?‘, delete: ‘<span style="color:red">Delete</span>‘, sure:‘<span style="color:black">sure</span>‘ }, menus5: [{ label: ‘actionsheet header‘, type: ‘info‘ }, { label: ‘Primary‘, type: ‘primary‘, value: ‘primary‘, otherProp: ‘hey‘ }, { label: ‘Warn‘, type: ‘warn‘, value: ‘warn‘, }, { label: ‘Disabled‘, type: ‘disabled‘ }, { label: ‘Default‘, value: ‘Default‘, }], menu7: { menu1: ‘北京烤鸭‘, menu2: ‘陕西油泼面‘, menu3: ‘西安肉夹馍‘ } } }, methods:{ click (key) { console.log(key) }, actionsheet1(key){ // /*this.show1 = !this.show1*/ console.log(key) }, maskclick(){ console.log(‘maskclick‘) }, onDelete(){ console.log(‘onDelete‘) } } } </script> <style> .vux-demo { text-align: center; } .logo { width: 100px; height: 100px } </style>
<x-switch title="一般使用" v-model="show1"></x-switch>
<actionsheet v-model="show4" :menus="menus5" :close-on-clicking-mask="false" @on-click-menu="click"></actionsheet>
v-model 绑定activeshieet是否显示
on-click-menu 点击activesheet的菜单项
on-click-mack 点击背景遮罩出发的事件
theme ios和android两种风格
vue:Group XSwitch Actionsheet空间使用
标签:delete cti primary red mode let demo 空间 image