标签:clu pac work dataset 工具 more code sites cve
安装SVO,with ROS:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_7b83134b0102wfu4.html
安装SVO,without ROS,参考下面:
See the SVO Wiki for more instructions: https://github.com/uzh-rpg/rpg_svo/wiki
[1]Boost,Eigen 3,OpenCV,Sophus,g2o都已经安装过.
[2]安装Fast - Corner Detector
cd workspace git clone https://github.com/uzh-rpg/fast.git cd fast mkdir build cd build cmake .. //编译(cmake---编译工具) make
sudo make install //安装,可以在/usr/local/include/fast/;/usr/local/lib/libfast.so找到
[3]安装vikit_common - Some useful tools that we need
cd workspace git clone https://github.com/uzh-rpg/rpg_vikit.git cd rpg_vikit/vikit_common mkdir build cd build cmake .. make
sudo apt-get install libmrpt-dev
We have modified the line_descriptor module from the OpenCV/contrib library (both BSD) which is included in the 3rdparty folder.
运行build.sh文件配置和生成the line_descriptor模块,然后会配置和生成PL-SVO库---libplsvo.so,在lib文件夹中;生成了可执行文件bin/run_pipeline。
/home/wj/Downloads/pl-svo/include/plsvo/sceneRepresentation.h:119:5: error: ‘CVectorDouble’ does not name a type CVectorDouble v_aux, v_aux_, v_aux1, v_aux1_, v_auxgt, gt_aux_, v_auxgt_;
修改:找到这个头文件sceneRepresentation.h,将 CVectorDouble换成 mrpt::vector_double 即可。
The run_pipeline basic usage is:
./run_pipeline <dataset_path>
在< dataset_path >指序列文件夹相对于环境变量${DATASETS_DIR},必须预先设定。序列文件夹必须包含数据集配置文件命名following the examples in pl-svo/config,其中images_subfolder refers to the image subfolder.(图像子文件夹)
标签:clu pac work dataset 工具 more code sites cve