标签:结果 for 二叉树 col 根据 表示 二叉查找树 search man
Given n, how many structurally unique BST‘s (binary search trees) that store values 1...n?
For example,
Given n = 3, there are a total of 5 unique BST‘s.
1 3 3 2 1 \ / / / \ 3 2 1 1 3 2 / / \ 2 1 2 3
1 public int numTrees(int n) { 2 if(n<=0) return 0; 3 int[] res = new int[n+1]; 4 res[0] = 1; 5 res[1] = 1; 6 for(int i=2;i<=n;i++) 7 { 8 for(int j=0;j<i;j++) 9 { 10 res[i] += res[j]*res[i-j-1]; 11 } 12 } 13 return res[n]; 14 }
96. Unique Binary Search Trees
标签:结果 for 二叉树 col 根据 表示 二叉查找树 search man