标签:难点 mes 快速 printing 一个 搜索 hat 答案 用途
man -f 命令名 //用一句话描述该命令的用途,等同于”whatis“命令,例如:
fly@noi:~$ man grep fly@noi:~$ man -f grep grep (1) - print lines matching a pattern fly@noi:~$ whatis grep grep (1) - print lines matching a pattern fly@noi:~$
man -k 命令名 //显示所有包含该命令名的所有命令
fly@noi:~$ man -k grep bzegrep (1) - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression bzfgrep (1) - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression bzgrep (1) - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression egrep (1) - print lines matching a pattern fgrep (1) - print lines matching a pattern git-grep (1) - Print lines matching a pattern grep (1) - print lines matching a pattern grepdiff (1) - show files modified by a diff containing a regex lzegrep (1) - search compressed files for a regular expression lzfgrep (1) - search compressed files for a regular expression lzgrep (1) - search compressed files for a regular expression msggrep (1) - pattern matching on message catalog pgrep (1) - look up or signal processes based on name and other attributes ptargrep (1) - Apply pattern matching to the contents of files in a tar archive rgrep (1) - print lines matching a pattern xzegrep (1) - search compressed files for a regular expression xzfgrep (1) - search compressed files for a regular expression xzgrep (1) - search compressed files for a regular expression zegrep (1) - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression zfgrep (1) - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression zgrep (1) - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression zipgrep (1) - search files in a ZIP archive for lines matching a pattern fly@noi:~$
fly@noi:~$ man -k echo echo (1) - display a line of text l2ping (1) - Send L2CAP echo request and receive answer lessecho (1) - expand metacharacters pam_echo (8) - PAM module for printing text messages ping (8) - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts ping6 (8) - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts xmessage (1) - display a message or query in a window (X-based /bin/echo) fly@noi:~$ man -s 1 -k echo echo (1) - display a line of text l2ping (1) - Send L2CAP echo request and receive answer lessecho (1) - expand metacharacters xmessage (1) - display a message or query in a window (X-based /bin/echo) fly@noi:~$
fly@noi:~$ man -f printf printf (1) - format and print data printf (3) - formatted output conversion fly@noi:~$ man 3 printf //这样就可以显示第3章的了,否则默认是第1章
/--color //注意:如果有很多选项可以在单词后面加空格在搜索
我想找grep命令中某一个单词,用"\< \>"命令,可以准确匹配一个词,词只能由字母、数字、下划线组成。
标签:难点 mes 快速 printing 一个 搜索 hat 答案 用途