标签:odi while ges prime 最大 最大公约数 封装 color 分析
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 #encoding: utf-8 3 #求给定范围内每个值得最大公约数 4 #分析:1不是最小公约数,最小公约数>=2,那么最大公约数<=x/2 5 #定义医德函数,将方法封装 6 def showMaxFactor(num): 7 count = num / 2 8 while count > 1: 9 if num % count == 0: 10 print ‘largest factor of %d is %d ‘ % (num,count) 11 break #找到公约数后停止循环。 12 count -= 1 13 else: 14 print num, ‘is prime‘ #没有执行break,才会打印else下面语句 15 for eachNum in range(10,21): 16 showMaxFactor(eachNum)
[root@7 script]# python 1.py largest factor of 10 is 5 11 is prime largest factor of 12 is 6 13 is prime largest factor of 14 is 7 largest factor of 15 is 5 largest factor of 16 is 8 17 is prime largest factor of 18 is 9 19 is prime largest factor of 20 is 10
标签:odi while ges prime 最大 最大公约数 封装 color 分析