4.(单选题)指出下列程序运行的结果( ) public class Example{ String str=new String("good"); char[]ch={‘a‘,‘b‘,‘c‘}; public static void main(String args[]){ Example ex=new Example(); ex.change(ex.str,ex.ch); System.out.print(ex.str+" and "); System.out.print(ex.ch); } public void change(String str,char ch[]){ str="test ok"; ch[0]=‘g‘; } }
7.(单选题)Servlet在容器中经历的阶段,按顺序为( )
8.(单选题)可以把对象的值转换为数字的函数是( )
9.(单选题)关于javascript的原始类型(primitive type),错误的是
10.(单选题)下列程序的功能是在控制台上,每隔1秒钟显示字符串"Hello",能够填写在程序中下划线位置,使程序完整,并能够正确运行的语句是( ) public class Test implements Runnable{ public static void main(String[] args){ Test t=new Test(); Thread tt=new Thread(t); tt.start(); } public void run(){ for(;;){ try{ __________ }catch(_________ e ){} System.out.println(“Hello”); } } }
12.(单选题)下列代码哪行会出错() 1) public void modify() { 2) int i, j, k; 3) i = 100; 4) while ( i > 0 ) { 5) j = i * 2; 6) System.out.println("The value of j is " + j); 7) k = k + 1; 8) i--; 9) } 10) }
14.(单选题)下面代码的运行结果为:() public class foo{ public static void main (String[] args){ String s; System.out.println("s=" + s); } }
15.(单选题)下面的方法,当输入为2的时候返回值是多少?() public static int getValue(int i) { int result = 0; switch (i) { case 1: result = result + i; case 2: result = result + i * 2; case 3: result = result + i * 3; } return result; }
16.(单选题)下面代码的执行效果是( )。 String hql = "from TblStudent s order by s.score asc"; Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(0); query.setMaxResults(5); return query.list();
17.(单选题)下面代码的执行结果是( ) import java.util.*; public class ShortSet{ public static void main(String args[]){ Set<Short> s=new HashSet<Short>(); for(Short i=0;i<100;i++) { s.add(i); s.remove(i-1); } System.out.println(s.size()); } }