标签:variant use mat matching extract div pre entity for
/* list of strings */ let _ = ["example-1", "example-2", "example-3"]; /* Array of strings */ let _ = [|"example-1", "example-2", "example-3"|]; /* Stating the type of a Reason record */ type event = { location: string, years: list int }; /* Making a Reason record */ {location: "Bratislava", years: [2017, 2018]}; /** Our first Reason function, already? (Use ^ to join strings together) */ let rock song => Js.log ("We‘re all rocking to " ^ song); /* Manually specifying types */ /* Use {j| ... |j} to interpolate strings */ let rock (song: string) (times: int) :string => {j|Rocked out to $(song) $(string_of_int times) times|j}; rock "Nad Tatrou sa blýska" 1; /* Invoke our function! */ /* Function with labelled arguments */ let rockLabelled ::songName ::times => {j|Rocked out to $(song) $(string_of_int times) times|j}; rockLabelled songName::"Nad Tatrou sa blýska" times::1; /* Invoke our function with labelled arguments! */ /* Making a ReasonReact component */ MyComponent.make foo::bar children::[] () /* Making a ReasonReact component with JSX */ <MyComponent foo={bar} /> /* A variant animal type */ type animal = | Dog | Cat | Bird; /* Pattern matching our custom animal variant type */ let feed pet => switch pet { | Dog => "woof" | Cat => "meow" | Bird => "chirp" }; /** Destructuring combines code flow and extracts values at the same time, let‘s do it here with a list of strings */ let names = ["Daniel", "Jared", "Sean"]; switch names { | [] => "No names!" | [personOne] => "One person in list, named " ^ personOne | [personOne, personTwo] => "Two people in list, both " ^ personOne ^ " and " ^ personTwo | [personOne, _, personThree, ...rest] => "At least three people in the list, but we picked out " ^ personOne ^ " and " ^ personThree }; /* Destructuring a record type */ type event = { location: string, years: list int }; let event = {location: "Bratislava", years: [2017, 2018]}; let message = switch event { | {location: "Bratislava", years} => "This event was in Bratislava for " ^ (string_of_int (List.length years)) | {location, years: [2018, 2019]} => "This event was in " ^ location ^ " for 2018 and 2019" | event => "This is a generic event" }; /* Binding to JavaScript libraries */ /* From https://github.com/reasonml-community/bs-moment/blob/master/src/MomentRe.re */ external alert : string => unit = "alert" [@@bs.val]; external imul : int => int => int = "Math.imul" [@@bs.val]; external reverse : array ‘someKind => array ‘someKind = "" [@@bs.send]; let identity: ‘a => ‘a => ‘a = [%bs.raw {|function(x,y){/* Dangerous JavaScript! */ return x < y}|}]; alert "Bound successfully!"; imul 1 2; reverse [|1, 2, 3|]; identity 1 2;
标签:variant use mat matching extract div pre entity for