标签:out ble nal clear 代码 seq bsp efault sequence
最近从公共数据库下载了一堆bam文件和reference 基因组文件,重新分析外显子流程时,跑出了“Exception in thread "main" picard.PicardException: New reference sequence does not contain a matching contig for NC_007605”这个错误。
java -jar picard.jar ReorderSam I=original.bam O=reordered.bam R=reference.fasta CREATE_INDEX=TRUE
链接给出的解释是:By default the tool requires an exact match -- to relax that requirement, use ALLOW_INCOMPLETE_DICT_CONCORDANCE
If true, then allows only a partial overlap of the BAM contigs with the new reference
sequence contigs. By default, this tool requires a corresponding contig in the new
reference for each read contig Default value: false. This option can be set to ‘null‘ to
clear the default value. Possible values: {true, false}
java -jar picard.jar ReorderSam I=original.bam O=reordered.bam R=reference.fasta CREATE_INDEX=TRUE ALLOW_INCOMPLETE_DICT_CONCORDANCE=true
标签:out ble nal clear 代码 seq bsp efault sequence