标签:upd exist 冻结 split() set money hang string 一键
select name,age from staff_table where age > 22
select * from staff_table where dept = ""IT""
select * from staff_table where enroll_date like ""2013""
UPDATE staff_table SET dept="Market" WHERE where dept = "IT"
*员工信息表的数据要存在文件里, 不是数据库,数据库还没学呢,上面的select, update,看上去像sql的语句也只是让你模拟,sql语句我们也没学, 只是让你写成这种查询格式 。
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import os def select(sql): """ 查询: 查询语法一:select name,age from staff_table where age > 22 查询语法二:select * from staff_table where dept = IT 查询语法三:select * from staff_table where enroll_date like "2013" """ if len(sql) == 0 or ‘select‘ not in sql.lower(): print ("\033[31;1m输入为空或语句有问题,请输入正确的SQL语句!\033[0m") return elif sql.lower().replace(‘ ‘,‘‘) == "selectname,agefromstaff_tablewhereage>%s"%(sql.lower().split()[-1].strip()): with open(‘staff_table.txt‘, encoding="utf-8") as f: list = [] print ("-"*20) for line in f: i = line.strip().split(",") #判断数据库中数据的格式是否正确 if len(i) !=6: continue field1 = i[1] field2 = i[2] field = [field1, field2] if field2 > sql.split()[-1]: list.append(field) for i in list: print(‘\t | \t‘.join(i)) print ("-"*20) print("共查询到%s条符合条件的信息" %len(list)) return elif sql.lower().replace(‘ ‘,‘‘) == "select*fromstaff_tablewheredept=%s"%(sql.lower().split()[-1].strip()): with open(‘staff_table.txt‘, encoding="utf-8") as f2: rows = [] for line in f2: i = line.strip().split(",") if len(i) !=6: continue if sql.split()[-1]==i[4]: rows.append(i) print("-"*100) for i in rows: print(‘\t | \t‘.join(i)) print("-"*100) print("共查询到%s条符合条件的信息" %len(rows)) return elif sql.lower().replace(‘ ‘,‘‘) == "select*fromstaff_tablewhereenroll_datelike%s"%(sql.lower().split()[-1].strip()): with open(‘staff_table.txt‘, encoding="utf-8") as f3: rows = [] for line in f3: i = line.strip().split(",") if len(i) !=6: continue if sql.split()[-1].strip(‘"‘) == i[5][:4]: rows.append(i) print("-"*100) for i in rows: print(‘\t | \t‘.join(i)) print("-"*100) print("查询到%s条符合条件的信息" %len(rows)) return else: print("\033[31;1mSQL 语法有误!\033[0m") return def insert(sql): """ 添加 insert into staff_table values (zhangsan,23,138888888888,IT,2017-06-18) """ if len(sql) != 0 and ‘(‘ in sql and ‘,‘ in sql and ‘)‘ in sql: #获取sql中的插入字段然后放到列表中去 sql1 = sql.replace(‘)‘, ‘‘) sql2 = sql1[sql.index(‘(‘) + 1:] field_list = sql2.split(‘,‘) else: print ("\033[31;1m输入为空或SQL语句有问题,请输入正确的SQL语句!\033[0m") return #去每个字段的空格 if len(field_list) == 5: sql_list=[] fields=[] for f in field_list: fields.append(f.lower().strip()) sql_list.append(f.strip()) else: print ("\033[31;1mSQL语句有问题,请输入正确的SQL语句!\033[0m") return if sql.lower().replace(‘ ‘,‘‘) == "insertintostaff_tablevalues(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"%tuple(fields): if len(sql_list) == 5 and sql_list[2] != ‘‘: #phone 字段不能少,因为是主键 with open(‘staff_table.txt‘, encoding="utf-8")as f: phone_list = [] for line in f: line_list = line.strip().split(",") #过滤掉符合表结构格式的行 if len(line_list) !=6: continue phone_list.append(line_list[3]) if sql_list[2] in phone_list: print("\033[31;1mphone number %s 已存在,无法插入到数据库!\033[0m"%sql_list[2]) else: line_num=[] with open(‘staff_table.txt‘, "r+", encoding="utf-8")as f: for line in f: line_list = line.strip().split(",") line_num.append(line_list[0]) row_id = str(int(line_num[-1]) + 1) sql_list.insert(0, row_id) sql_list = ‘,‘.join(sql_list) f.write(sql_list+‘\n‘) print(sql_list +‘\n‘ "添加成功!") else: print ("\033[31;1mSQL 语法有误!\033[0m") def delete(sql): """ 删除语法:delete from staff_table where staff_id = 12 """ if len(sql) == 0 or ‘delete‘ not in sql.lower(): print ("\033[31;1m输入为空或语句有问题,请输入正确的SQL语句!\033[0m") return sql_list = sql.split() if sql.lower().replace(‘ ‘,‘‘) == "deletefromstaff_tablewherestaff_id=%s"%sql_list[-1]: line_write=[] with open(‘staff_table.txt‘, encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: i = line.strip().split(",") if sql_list[-1] == i[0]: #把所有要符合条件的行加入到列表中 line_write.append(i) else: continue with open(‘staff_table.txt‘, encoding="utf-8")as f_read,open(‘staff_table_bak.txt‘, "a+", encoding="utf-8")as f_write: for line in f_read: for row1 in line_write: #把列表拼接成行 row2=‘,‘.join(row1) if row2 in line: print (row2) line = line.replace(row2, "").strip() f_write.write(line) os.remove(‘staff_table.txt‘) os.rename(‘staff_table_bak.txt‘,‘staff_table.txt‘) print("删除成功,共删除%s条"%len(line_write)) return else: print("\033[31;1mSQL 语法有误!\033[0m") return def update(sql): """ 修改语法:UPDATE staff_table SET dept="Market" WHERE where dept = "IT" """ if len(sql) == 0 or ‘update‘ not in sql.lower(): print ("\033[31;1m输入为空或语句有问题,请输入正确的SQL语句!\033[0m") return field_values = sql.lower().split() sql_list = sql.split() if sql.lower().replace(‘ ‘,‘‘) == "updatestaff_tablesetdept=%swherewheredept=%s"%(field_values[field_values.index("set")+1].split("=")[1],field_values[-1]): with open(‘staff_table.txt‘, encoding="utf-8") as f_read, open(‘staff_table_tmp.txt‘, "w", encoding="utf-8")as f_write: count=0 for line in f_read: if sql_list[-1].replace(‘"‘,‘‘) in line: line = line.replace(sql_list[-1].replace(‘"‘,‘‘),sql_list[sql_list.index(‘SET‘)+1].split(‘=‘)[1].replace(‘"‘,‘‘)) print (line) count += 1 f_write.write(line) os.remove(‘staff_table.txt‘) os.rename(‘staff_table_tmp.txt‘,‘staff_table.txt‘) print("共成功修改%s条!"%count) else: print("\033[31;1mSQL 语法有误!\033[0m") return def init(filename): if not os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename,mode=‘w‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘)as f: data = ["1,liubei,42,13812345678,IT,2013-04-01\n", "2,guanyu,30,13899999999,HR,2015-05-03\n", "3,zhangfei,25,13988888888,SALES,2016-04-22\n", "4,zhaoyun,23,13288888888,IT,2013-04-01\n", "5,张三,22,13812345677,Market,2017-06-18\n", "9,李四,22,13812345675,IT,2017-06-18\n ", "10,王五,22,13812345278,IT,2017-06-18\n", "11,Alex Li,30,13812345685,IT,2013-04-01\n" ] for line in data: f.write(line) if __name__ == "__main__": msg = """ **********员工信息表程序*********** 1:查询 2:添加 3:删除 4:修改 5:退出 *********************************** """ msg_dict = { "1": select, "2": insert, "3": delete, "4": update, "5": exit, } #初始化基础数据 init(‘staff_table.txt‘) while True: print(msg) choice = input("输入序号>>:") if len(choice) == 0 or choice not in msg_dict: continue if choice == ‘1‘: print ( ‘‘‘ 查询支持以下三种语句: 查询语法一:select name,age from staff_table where age > 22 查询语法二:select * from staff_table where dept = IT 查询语法三:select * from staff_table where enroll_date like "2013" ‘‘‘) elif choice == ‘2‘: print ( ‘‘‘ 添加支持以下语句: insert into staff_table values (zhangsan,23,138888888888,IT,2017-06-18) ‘‘‘ ) elif choice == ‘3‘: print ( ‘‘‘ 删除支持以下语句: delete from staff_table where staff_id = 12 ‘‘‘ ) elif choice == ‘4‘: print ( ‘‘‘ 更新支持以下语句: UPDATE staff_table SET dept="Market" WHERE where dept = "IT" ‘‘‘ ) if choice ==‘5‘:break sql = input("请输入sql语句:\nsql> ").strip() msg_dict[choice](sql)
1. 指定最大透支额度
2. 可取款
3. 定期还款(每月指定日期还款,如15号)
4. 可存款
5. 定期出账单
6. 支持多用户登陆,用户间转账
7. 支持多用户
8. 管理员可添加账户、指定用户额度、冻结、解冻用户账户等
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import os import getpass import datetime import re def login(): ‘‘‘ 登录 ‘‘‘ welcome_str = ‘‘‘ 欢迎来到ATM自动取款机系统 ******************************************************************************************************* 请选择需要的操作: 1、用户登陆 2、管理员登陆 3、退出 ******************************************************************************************************* ‘‘‘ while True: print(welcome_str) opera_num = input(‘请选择要操作的编号(1-3):\n>>> ‘).strip() if opera_num.isdigit() and 0 < int(opera_num) < 4: return opera_num else: print(‘你的输入有误,请重新输入!‘) continue def read_info(user_info): ‘‘‘ 将用户信息读至内存中 ‘‘‘ with open(user_info, mode=‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: info_dict=f.read() return eval(info_dict) def write_info(info_dict, user_info): ‘‘‘ 将用户信息写至用户文件中 ‘‘‘ with open(user_info, mode=‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: f.write(str(info_dict)) def read_ubill(username): ‘‘‘ 将用户账单读取到内存 ‘‘‘ bill_name = username + ‘_bill.txt‘ bill_list = [] with open(bill_name, mode=‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: bill_list.clear() for line in f: bill_list.append(line.split(‘,‘)[0]) bill_list.append(line.split(‘,‘)[1]) bill_list.append(line.split(‘,‘)[2]) bill_list.append(line.split(‘,‘)[3]) return bill_list def write_ubill(bill_list, username): ‘‘‘ 将用户账单写回文件 ‘‘‘ string=‘‘ bill_name = username + ‘_bill.txt‘ with open(bill_name, mode=‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: for index, i in enumerate(bill_list): if (index + 1) % 4 == 0: string = string + i + ‘,\n‘ else: string = string + i + ‘,‘ f.write(string) def read_locked(user_locked): ‘‘‘ 将锁定用户读至内存 ‘‘‘ with open(user_locked, mode=‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: locked_list = f.read() return eval(locked_list) def write_locked(locked_list): ‘‘‘ 将内存写至锁定用户文件 ‘‘‘ with open(‘user_locked.txt‘, mode=‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f_lock: f_lock.write(str(locked_list)) def welcome_str(): welcome_str = ‘‘‘ 欢迎来到ATM自动取款机系统 ****************************************************** 1、存款 2、取款 3、转账 4、显示账单 5、修改密码 6、退出 ****************************************************** ‘‘‘ print(welcome_str) def user_login(info_dict,locked_list): count = 0 while True: username = input(‘请输入用户名(或者输入q退出):\n>>> ‘).strip() if username.lower() == ‘q‘: break elif username == "": print ("\033[31;1m用户名不能为空 !\033[0m") continue elif username not in info_dict.keys(): print ("\033[31;1m没有该用户 !\033[0m") continue elif username in locked_list: print ("\033[31;1m您输入的用户名已经被冻结,请联系管理员!\033[0m") continue while True: password = getpass.getpass(‘请输入密码:\n>>> ‘).strip() if info_dict[username][0] == password: #welcome_str() return username else: count += 1 if count >= 3: locked_list.append(username) write_locked(locked_list) print("\033[31;1m您登陆失败的次数过多,该用户已经被冻结!\033[0m") break def user_operation(username): ‘‘‘ 用户选择操作 ‘‘‘ while True: welcome_str() choice_num = input(‘\n请输入操作编号1-6:\n>>> ‘).strip() if choice_num.isdigit() and 0 < int(choice_num) < 7: return (choice_num,username) else: print(‘您的输入的操作编号有误,请重新输入!‘) continue def is_debt(info_dict, bill_list, username): ‘‘‘ 检查用户是否有透支 ‘‘‘ #15号自动还款 if (int(str(datetime.date.today()).split(‘-‘)[2]) == 1) and (int(info_dict[username][3]) > 0): # 余额-透支 > 0 if (int(info_dict[username][1]) - int(info_dict[username][3])) >= 0: debt_num = info_dict[username][3] #用余额抵扣透支额 info_dict[username][1] = str(int(info_dict[username][1]) - int(info_dict[username][3])) info_dict[username][3] = ‘0‘ bill_list.append(str(datetime.date.today())) bill_list.append(‘0‘) bill_list.append(debt_num) bill_list.append(info_dict[username][1]) print(‘您好,今天的日期是‘ + str(datetime.date.today()) + ‘,今日为还款日,系统已经自动为您还款!‘ + ‘目前您的余额为:‘ + info_dict[username][1]) else: print(‘您好,今天的日期是‘ + str(datetime.date.today()) + ‘,今日为还款日,您的余额不足以还清欠款!请及时存款还款!\n目前您的余额为:‘ + info_dict[username][1]) elif (int(str(datetime.date.today()).split(‘-‘)[2]) < 15) and (int(info_dict[username][3]) > 0): print(‘您好,今天的日期是‘ + str(datetime.date.today()) + ‘\n您目前欠款金额为:‘ + info_dict[username][3] + ‘,\n请在本月15日前还清欠款,否则系统将自动还款!‘) def admin_login(): ‘‘‘ 管理员操作:默认管理员用户名:admin,密码:123456 ‘‘‘ while True: username = input(‘请输入管理员用户名,默认admin,(或者输入q退出):\n>>> ‘).strip() if username.lower() == ‘q‘: break password = input(‘请输入管理员密码,默认123456:\n>>>‘).strip() if username == ‘admin‘ and password == ‘123456‘: return True else: continue def admin_operation(): ‘‘‘ 管理员操作 ‘‘‘ while True: welcome_str = ‘‘‘ 欢迎来到ATM自动取款机-管理员功能区 ********************************************* 1、添加用户 2、冻结用户 3、解封用户 4、设定用户额度 5、退出 ********************************************* ‘‘‘ print(welcome_str) choice_num = input(‘\n请输入操作编号1-5:\n>>> ‘).strip() if choice_num.isdigit() and 0 < int(choice_num) < 6: return choice_num else: print(‘您输入的操作编号有误,请重新输入!‘) continue def deposit_money(info_dict, bill_list, username): ‘‘‘ 存款 ‘‘‘ while True: deposit_num = input(‘请输入存款金额(或者输入q退出):\n>>>‘).strip() if deposit_num.isdigit(): print(‘当前余额为:‘ + info_dict[username][1] + ‘\n存入后余额为:‘ + str(int(info_dict[username][1]) + int(deposit_num))) is_sure = input(‘是否确认存款(y/n)?\n>>>‘).strip() if is_sure.lower() == ‘y‘: info_dict[username][1] = str(int(info_dict[username][1]) + int(deposit_num)) bill_list.append(str(datetime.date.today())) bill_list.append(deposit_num) bill_list.append(‘0‘) bill_list.append(info_dict[username][1]) elif is_sure.lower() == ‘n‘: break else: print(‘输入有误,请重新确认!‘) continue elif deposit_num.lower() == ‘q‘: break else: print(‘存款金额输入有误,请重新输入!‘) continue def draw_money(info_dict, bill_list, username): ‘‘‘ 取款 info_dict={‘test‘: [‘123456‘, ‘1222‘, ‘10000‘, ‘0‘]} ‘‘‘ while True: draw_num = input(‘请输入取款金额(或者输入q退出):\n>>>‘).strip() # 余额+额度-取款金额>=0 if draw_num.isdigit() and ((int(info_dict[username][1]) + int(info_dict[username][2]) - int(draw_num)) >= 0): print(‘当前余额为:‘ + info_dict[username][1] + ‘\n取款后后余额为:‘ + str(int(info_dict[username][1]) - int(draw_num))) is_sure = input(‘是否确认取款(y/n)?\n>>>‘).strip() if is_sure.lower() == ‘y‘: # 余额 < 取款金额 < (余额+额度) if (int(info_dict[username][1]) < int(draw_num) < ( int(info_dict[username][1]) + int(info_dict[username][2]))): info_dict[username][1] = ‘0‘ # 余额设置为0 info_dict[username][3] = int(info_dict[username][3]) + int(draw_num) - int(info_dict[username][1]) # 透支额=取款额-余额 bill_list.append(str(datetime.date.today())) bill_list.append(‘0‘) bill_list.append(draw_num) bill_list.append(‘0‘) # 余额 > 取款金额 elif (int(info_dict[username][1]) >= int(draw_num)): info_dict[username][1] = str(int(info_dict[username][1]) - int(draw_num)) bill_list.append(str(datetime.date.today())) bill_list.append(‘0‘) bill_list.append(draw_num) bill_list.append(str(int(info_dict[username][1]))) elif is_sure.lower() == ‘n‘: break else: print(‘输入有误,请重新确认!\n‘) continue elif draw_num.lower() == ‘q‘: break # 取款金额超过了余额+最大额度了 elif draw_num.isdigit() and ( (int(info_dict[username][1]) + int(int(info_dict[username][2]) - int(draw_num))) < 0): print(‘取款金额大于当前余额与最大额度之和,请重新输入!\n用户:‘ + username + ‘ 当前余额为:‘ + info_dict[username][1] + ‘\n‘) continue else: print(‘取款金额输入有误,请重新输入!\n‘) continue def trans_money(info_dict, bill_list, username): ‘‘‘ 转账 ‘‘‘ while True: for index, i in enumerate(info_dict.keys()): if not i == username: if (index + 1) % 5 == 0: print(str(i) + ‘\n‘, end=‘‘) else: print(str(i) + ‘||‘, end=‘‘) trans_choice = input(‘\n请输入向哪位用户转账(或者输入q退出):\n>>>‘).strip() if trans_choice in info_dict.keys(): # 选择转账的用户是否在这个字典中 trans_num = input(‘请输入转账金额:\n>>>‘).strip() if (trans_num.isdigit()) and (int(trans_num) <= int(info_dict[username][1])): is_sure = input(‘是否确定向用户 ‘ + trans_choice + ‘ 转账:‘ + trans_num + ‘ ? (y/n)\n>>>‘) if is_sure.lower() == ‘y‘: # 给转账用户的余额加钱 info_dict[trans_choice][1] = str(int(info_dict[trans_choice][1]) + int(trans_num)) # 给自己的账号余额减钱 info_dict[username][1] = str(int(info_dict[username][1]) - int(trans_num)) bill_list.append(str(datetime.date.today())) bill_list.append(‘0‘) bill_list.append(trans_num) bill_list.append(str(int(info_dict[username][1]))) trans_name = trans_choice + ‘_bill.txt‘ with open(trans_name, mode=‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: f.write(str(datetime.date.today()) + ‘,‘ + trans_num + ‘,‘ + ‘0‘ + ‘,‘ + str( info_dict[trans_choice][1]) + ‘,‘) print(‘转账成功!‘) elif is_sure.lower() == ‘n‘: continue else: print(‘输入有误,请重新输入!\n‘) continue else: print(‘您输入的金额有误或超出现有余额,请重新输入!\n‘) continue elif trans_choice.lower() == ‘q‘: break else: print(‘你输入的用户名有误,请重新输入!\n‘) continue def show_bill(username): ‘‘‘ 显示账单 ‘‘‘ while True: choice_bill = input(‘\n请输入查询的账单年月,如2017-05(或者输入q退出):\n>>>‘).strip() if re.match(r"^[0-9]{6}", choice_bill.replace(‘-‘, ‘‘)): print(choice_bill.rjust(15, ‘-‘) + ‘ ‘ + ‘用户:‘ + username + ‘ 账单明细‘.ljust(15, ‘-‘)) print(‘交易日期 | 存款金额 | 取款金额 | 余额‘) bill_name = username + ‘_bill.txt‘ with open(bill_name, mode=‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith(choice_bill): print(line.replace(‘,‘, ‘ ‘), end="") elif choice_bill.lower() == ‘q‘: break else: print(‘您输入的查询账单年月有误,请重新输入!‘) continue def change_pwd(info_dict, username): ‘‘‘ 修改用户密码 ‘‘‘ flag = False while True: for k, v in info_dict.items(): if k == username: old_pwd = input(‘请输入用户 ‘ + username + ‘原密码:\n>>>‘).strip() if old_pwd == v[0]: new_pwd = input(‘请输入新密码:\n>>>‘).strip() v[0] = new_pwd print(‘密码修改成功!‘) flag = True break else: print(‘您输入的原密码不正确,请重新输入!‘) break else: continue if flag: break def add_user(info_dict): ‘‘‘ 添加用户 ‘‘‘ new_list = [] while True: new_user = input(‘请输入想要添加的用户名(或者输入q退出):\n>>>‘).strip() if new_user.lower() == ‘q‘: break if new_user in info_dict.keys(): print(‘此用户名已经存在!请重新输入!‘) continue if new_user == "": print(‘用户名不能为空!请重新输入!‘) return else: new_pwd = input(‘请设置用户 ‘ + new_user + ‘密码:\n>>>‘).strip() if new_pwd == "": print(‘用户密码不能为空!请重新输入!‘) return new_list.append(new_pwd) new_list.append(‘0‘) new_list.append(‘10000‘) new_list.append(‘0‘) info_dict[new_user] = new_list.copy() print(‘用户 ‘ + new_user + ‘添加成功!默认用户额度为10000!‘) #初始化用户账单 if not os.path.isfile(‘%s_bill.txt‘%new_user): with open(new_user + ‘_bill.txt‘, mode=‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: bill=‘‘ f.write(bill) def freeze_user(info_dict, locked_list): ‘‘‘ 冻结用户 ‘‘‘ while True: print(‘当前存在的用户如下:‘) for index, i in enumerate(info_dict.keys()): if (index + 1) % 5 == 0: print(str(i) + ‘\n‘, end=‘‘) else: print(str(i) + ‘,‘, end=‘‘) user_lock = input(‘\n请输入要冻结的用户名(或者输入q退出):\n>>>‘).strip() if user_lock in info_dict.keys(): is_sure = input(‘确认要冻结用户 %s ? (y/n)‘%user_lock).strip() if is_sure.lower() == ‘y‘: if user_lock in locked_list: print (‘用户%s已经被冻结了‘%user_lock) else: locked_list.append(user_lock) print(‘冻结用户 %s 成功!\n‘%user_lock) elif is_sure.lower() == ‘n‘: break else: print(‘您的输入有误,请重新输入!‘) continue elif user_lock.lower() == ‘q‘: break else: print(‘您输入的用户名不存在,请重新输入!‘) continue def deblock_user(info_dict, locked_list): ‘‘‘ 解冻用户 ‘‘‘ while True: print(‘被锁定的用户如下:‘) for index, i in enumerate(locked_list): if (index + 1) % 5 == 0: print(str(i) + ‘\n‘, end=‘‘) else: print(str(i) + ‘,‘, end=‘‘) unlock_user = input(‘\n请输入要解冻的用户名(或者输入q退出):\n>>>‘).strip() if unlock_user in info_dict.keys(): is_sure = input(‘确认要解冻用户 %s ? (y/n)‘%unlock_user).strip() if is_sure.lower() == ‘y‘: locked_list.remove(unlock_user) print(‘解冻用户 %s 成功!\n‘%unlock_user) elif is_sure.lower() == ‘n‘: break else: print(‘您的输入有误,请重新输入!‘) continue elif unlock_user.lower() == ‘q‘: break else: print(‘您输入的用户名不存在,请重新输入!‘) continue def set_limit(info_dict): ‘‘‘ 指定用户额度 ‘‘‘ flag = False while True: print(‘当前存在的用户如下:‘) for index, i in enumerate(info_dict.keys()): if (index + 1) % 5 == 0: print(str(i) + ‘\n‘, end=‘‘) else: print(str(i) + ‘||‘, end=‘‘) choice_user = input(‘\n请输入要修改额度的用户名(或者输入q退出):\n>>> ‘).strip() print (choice_user) if choice_user.lower() == ‘q‘: break if choice_user in info_dict.keys(): while flag == False: new_limit = input(‘请输入用户新额度:\n>>> ‘).strip() if new_limit and new_limit.isdigit(): info_dict[choice_user][2] = new_limit print(‘用户额度修改成功!‘) flag = True else: print(‘输入有误,请重新输入!‘) continue def init(): ‘‘‘ 初始化用户数据 ‘‘‘ if not os.path.isfile(‘./user_info.txt‘): #用户名:[密码,余额,额度,透支金额] user = { ‘test1‘: [‘123456‘, ‘1222‘, ‘10000‘, ‘0‘], ‘test2‘: [‘123456‘, ‘1222‘, ‘10000‘, ‘0‘], ‘test3‘: [‘123456‘, ‘1222‘, ‘10000‘, ‘0‘] } with open(‘user_info.txt‘,mode=‘w‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: f.write(str(user)) if not os.path.isfile(‘./user_locked.txt‘): lock=[] with open(‘user_locked.txt‘,mode=‘w‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: f.write(str(lock)) for username in (‘test1‘,‘test2‘,‘test3‘): if not os.path.isfile(‘%s_bill.txt‘%username): with open(‘%s_bill.txt‘%username,mode=‘w‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: f.write(‘‘) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: init() while True: userinfo = read_info(‘user_info.txt‘) userlock = read_locked(‘user_locked.txt‘) choice=login() # 普通用户登录 if choice.strip() == ‘1‘: logged_user=user_login(userinfo,userlock) while logged_user != None: #用户选择操作的编号 res = user_operation(logged_user) if res: opera_num,username=res userbill=read_ubill(username) else: break # 存款 if opera_num.strip() == ‘1‘: deposit_money(userinfo, userbill, username) write_info(userinfo, ‘user_info.txt‘) write_ubill(userbill, username) write_locked(userlock) # 取款 elif opera_num.strip() == ‘2‘: is_debt(userinfo, userbill, username) draw_money(userinfo, userbill, username) write_info(userinfo, ‘user_info.txt‘) write_ubill(userbill, username) #转账 elif opera_num.strip() == ‘3‘: trans_money(userinfo, userbill, username) write_info(userinfo, ‘user_info.txt‘) write_ubill(userbill, username) write_locked(userlock) #显示账单 elif opera_num.strip() == ‘4‘: show_bill(username) #修改密码 elif opera_num.strip() == ‘5‘: change_pwd(userinfo, username) write_info(userinfo, ‘user_info.txt‘) #退出程序 elif opera_num.strip() == ‘6‘: print(‘现在退出ATM自动取款机普通用户可操作界面!‘) break #管理员登录 elif choice.strip() == ‘2‘: res = admin_login() while res == True: admin_choice = admin_operation() if admin_choice.strip() == ‘1‘: add_user(userinfo) write_info(userinfo, ‘user_info.txt‘) elif admin_choice.strip() == ‘2‘: freeze_user(userinfo, userlock) write_locked(userlock) elif admin_choice.strip() == ‘3‘: deblock_user(userinfo, userlock) write_locked(userlock) elif admin_choice.strip() == ‘4‘: set_limit(userinfo) write_info(userinfo, ‘user_info.txt‘) elif admin_choice.strip() == ‘5‘: print(‘管理程序退出!谢谢光临!‘) break #退出登录 elif choice.strip() == ‘3‘: print(‘欢迎您下次光临ATM自动取款机,再见!‘) exit() else: print(‘您的输入有误,请重新输入!‘) continue
标签:upd exist 冻结 split() set money hang string 一键