标签:调用 on() 参数 bsp pytho author class utf-8 int
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- __author__ = "MuT6 Sch01aR" class Person(): def __init__(self,name,money = 100): self.name = name self.money = money def talk(self): print("%s is talking to the shop." % self.name) def buy(self, thing): print("%s has %s$ and buy a %s" % (self.name,self.money, thing)) p1 = Person("Jack") #实例化一个对象 p1.talk() #调用Person里的talk函数 p1.buy("meat")
def __init__(self) 为构造函数,给实例化的类传参数,self为实例化的对象赋予的变量,相当于例子中的p1
标签:调用 on() 参数 bsp pytho author class utf-8 int