标签:ted ext 思路 inpu col linked reference pointer nbsp
Given a reference to the head of a doubly-linked list and an integer, data, create a new Node object having data value data and insert it into a sorted linked list.
/* Insert Node at the end of a linked list head pointer input could be NULL as well for empty list Node is defined as class Node { int data; Node next; Node prev; } */ Node SortedInsert(Node head,int data) { Node newNode = new Node(); newNode.data = data; if (head==null) return newNode; //如果是空表则返回新的节点 else if (data<=head.data){ head.prev = newNode; //如果插入的元素比头节点元素小,就插在头节点 newNode.next = head; //前面 return newNode; } else { Node tmp = SortedInsert(head.next,data); tmp.prev = head; head.next = tmp; } return head; }
[Hackerrank]Inserting a Node Into a Sorted Doubly Linked List
标签:ted ext 思路 inpu col linked reference pointer nbsp