标签:adc isa coloring ken $0 awk enc ida debug
#!/bin/bash #set -x # made by Micky1979 on 07/05/2016 based on Slice, Zenith432, STLVNUB, JrCs, cvad, Rehabman, and ErmaC works # Tested in OSX using both GNU gcc and clang (Xcode 6.4, 7.2.1, 7.3.1 and Xcode 8). # Preferred OS is El Capitan with Xcode >= 7.3.1 and Sierra with Xcode >= 8. # In older version of OS X is better to use GNU gcc. # Tested in linux Ubuntu (16.04 and 16.10) / Debian Jessie amd64 (x86_64). # This script install all missing dependencies in the iso images you # can download at the official download page here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso # where nasm, subversion, curl (wget if installed is used as replacement) and or uuid-dev headers are missing. # gcc 5.4 coming with Ubuntu 16.04 is well compiled for Clover, so no need to make a "cross" compilation of it, and # I hope will be the same for future version installed here. Debian Jessie instead use gcc 4.9.2 and is already good. # Note that Debian comes without "sudo" installed (you well know this), but this script require dependecies # described above so that you have install them by your self, or install sudo and enable it for your account. # # May you have apported radical and incompatible changes to your installation, but this is not my fault! # New incoming release of Ubuntu/Debian should be compatible as well.. # # Big thanks to the following testers: # droples, Riley Freeman, pico joe, fantomas1, Fljagd, calibre, Mork vom Ork, Maniac10, Matgen84, # Sherlocks, ellaosx, magnifico, AsusFreak, badruzeus, LabyOne, Ukr55, D-an-W, SavageAUS, bronxteck, # artur_pt # and all others (I‘ll be happy to increase this list and to not forgot anyone) # # -------------------------------------- SCRIPTVER="v4.5.6" export LC_ALL=C SYSNAME="$( uname )" BUILDER=$USER # don‘t touch! # ----------------------------> # default behavior (don‘t touch these vars) NASM_PREFERRED="2.13.01" FORCEREBUILD="" MAKEPKG_CMD="make pkg" UPDATE_FLAG="YES" BUILD_FLAG="NO" LTO_FLAG="" # default for Xcode >= 7.3, will automatically adjusted for older ones MOD_PKG_FLAG="YES" # used only when you add custom macros. Does nothing for normal build. ARCH="IA32_X64" # will ask if you want IA32 (deprecated) or X64 only DEFINED_MACRO="" CUSTOM_BUILD="NO" START_BUILD="" TIMES=0 ForceEDK2Update=0 # cause edk2 to be re-updated again if > 0 (handeled by the script in more places) SYMLINKPATH=‘/usr/local/bin/buildclover‘ SCRIPT_ABS_PATH="" SCRIPT_ABS_LOC="" DOWNLOADER_CMD="" DOWNLOADER_PATH="" SELF_UPDATE_OPT="NO" # show hide selfUpdate option PING_RESPONSE="NO" # show hide option with connection dependency REMOTE_EDK2_REV="" # info for developer submenu this mean to show latest rev avaiable edk2array=( MdePkg MdeModulePkg CryptoPkg DuetPkg EdkCompatibilityPkg IntelFrameworkModulePkg IntelFrameworkPkg OvmfPkg OptionRomPkg PcAtChipsetPkg ShellPkg UefiCpuPkg FatPkg BaseTools ) # ----------------------------> # additional macro to compile Clover EFI macros=( USE_APPLE_HFSPLUS_DRIVER USE_BIOS_BLOCKIO DISABLE_USB_SUPPORT NO_GRUB_DRIVERS NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED ONLY_SATA_0 DISABLE_UDMA_SUPPORT ENABLE_VBIOS_PATCH_CLOVEREFI ENABLE_PS2MOUSE_LEGACYBOOT DEBUG_ON_SERIAL_PORT ENABLE_SECURE_BOOT USE_ION DISABLE_USB_MASS_STORAGE ENABLE_USB_OHCI ENABLE_USB_XHCI REAL_NVRAM ) # defaults for all the variables, taken from the config file var_defaults=( "XCODE",,, "GNU",,, "Build_Tool",,,"XCODE" "SUGGESTED_CLOVER_REV",,, "MODE",,,"S" "DEFAULT_MACROS",,,"-D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED" "PATCHES",,,"$HOME/CloverPatches" "BUILD_PKG",,,"YES" "BUILD_ISO",,,"NO" "USEHFSPLUS",,,"NO" "USEAPFS",,,"NO" "USENTFS",,,"NO" "GITHUB",,,"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Micky1979/Build_Clover/master/Build_Clover.command" "CLOVER_REP",,,"svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/cloverefiboot/code" "EDK2_REP",,,"svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/edk2/code/trunk/edk2" "DISABLE_CLEAR",,,"NO" "MY_SCRIPT",,, "FAST_UPDATE",,,"NO" ) # -------------------------------------- # FUNCTIONS # -------------------------------------- usage () { printf "\n\e[1m%s\e[0m" "Usage: $0 [--edk2rev <revision>] [--defaults]" echo printf "\n%s" "The following optional arguments are recognized:" echo printf "\n\e[1m%s\e[0m\t%s" "--edk2rev <revision>" "Overrides the defauls EDK2 revision. If <revision> is ommited or not numeric-only," printf "\n\t\t\t%s" "the default EDK2 revision will be used instead." echo printf "\n\e[1m%s\e[0m\t\t%s" "--defaults" "Ignores the config file and loads the default values for all settings in that file." echo printf "\n\e[1m%s\e[0m\t\t%s" "--cfg <path>" "Overrides the path to the config file. If <path> is ommited or doesn‘t exist," printf "\n\t\t\t%s" "the \$HOME / \$BUILD_CLOVER_CFG_PATH variables will be used instead." echo printf "\n%s" "If no argument is provided, the script starts in interactive mode, using the default edk2 revision" printf "\n%s" "and the settings from the config file." echo } ClearScreen() { if [[ "$DISABLE_CLEAR" != "YES" ]]; then clear; fi } LoadDefaults () { for i in "${var_defaults[@]}" do eval "export \"${i%,,,*}=${i#*,,,}\"" done } CreateDefaultConf () { if [[ ! -f "${userconf}" ]]; then touch "${userconf}"; fi for i in "${var_defaults[@]}" do echo "${i%,,,*}=${i#*,,,}" >> "${userconf}" done } ReadConf () { for i in "${var_defaults[@]}" do if cat "${userconf}" | grep "^${i%,,,*}=" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then # echo "Variable ${i%,,,*} found, loading..." eval "export \"$(cat ${userconf} | grep ^${i%,,,*}=)\"" else # echo "Variable ${i%,,,*} not found in config, restoring defaut value..." echo "${i%,,,*}=${i#*,,,}" >> "${userconf}" eval "export \"${i%,,,*}=${i#*,,,}\"" fi done } CheckProprietary() { local drivers_off="${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/CloverV2/drivers-Off" local ghlink="https://github.com/Micky1979/Build_Clover/raw/work/Files" local efifiles=() if [[ "$USEHFSPLUS" == "YES" ]]; then efifiles+=(‘HFSPlus_ia32.efi‘); efifiles+=(‘HFSPlus_x64.efi‘); fi if [[ "$USEAPFS" == "YES" ]]; then efifiles+=(‘apfs.efi‘); fi if [[ "$USENTFS" == "YES" ]]; then efifiles+=(‘NTFS.efi‘); fi if [[ "${#efifiles[@]}" -ge "1" ]]; then printMessage "The following proprietary EFI drivers will be added to the Clover package:" printWarning "\n${efifiles[*]}\n" else return 0 fi for fname in "${efifiles[@]}" do if [[ ! -f "${DIR_MAIN}/tools/${fname}" ]]; then printWarning "\n${fname} not found, downloading..." downloader "${ghlink}/${fname}" "${DIR_MAIN}/tools" "${fname}" fi printMessage "\nAdding ${fname}..." if [[ "${fname}" == *"_ia32"* ]]; then if [[ -d "${drivers_off}/drivers32" ]]; then cp -f "${DIR_MAIN}/tools/${fname}" "${drivers_off}/drivers32/${fname//_ia32/-32}" else printWarning "\ndrivers32 not found, maybe that arch hasn‘t been selected, skipping..." fi else if [[ -d "${drivers_off}/drivers64" ]]; then if [[ "${fname}" == *"_x64"* ]]; then cp -f "${DIR_MAIN}/tools/${fname}" "${drivers_off}/drivers64/${fname//_x64/-64}" else cp -f "${DIR_MAIN}/tools/${fname}" "${drivers_off}/drivers64/${fname//.efi/-64.efi}" fi else printWarning "\ndrivers64 not found, maybe that arch hasn‘t been selected, skipping..." fi if [[ -d "${drivers_off}/drivers64UEFI" ]]; then if [[ "${fname}" == *"_x64"* ]]; then cp -f "${DIR_MAIN}/tools/${fname}" "${drivers_off}/drivers64UEFI/${fname//_x64}" else cp -f "${DIR_MAIN}/tools/${fname}" "${drivers_off}/drivers64UEFI/${fname}" fi else printWarning "\ndrivers64UEFI not found, maybe that arch hasn‘t been selected, skipping..." fi fi done } # -------------------------------------- CleanExit () { if [[ -f /tmp/Build_Clover.tmp ]]; then rm -f /tmp/Build_Clover.tmp; fi exit 0 } # -------------------------------------- OsOpen () { if [[ "$SYSNAME" == Darwin ]]; then open "${1}" > /dev/null 2>&1 else if which xdg-open > /dev/null; then xdg-open "${1}" > /dev/null 2>&1 elif which gnome-open > /dev/null; then gnome-open "${1}" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi fi } # -------------------------------------- FindScriptPath () { local s_path s_name l_path local s_orig=$(which "${0}") if [[ -L "$s_orig" ]]; then [[ "$SYSNAME" == Linux ]] && l_path=$(readlink -f "$s_orig") || l_path=$(readlink "$s_orig") s_path=$(dirname "$l_path"); s_name=$(basename "$l_path") else s_path=$(dirname "$s_orig"); s_name=$(basename "$s_orig") fi SCRIPT_ABS_PATH=$( cd "${s_path}" && pwd ) SCRIPT_ABS_LOC="${SCRIPT_ABS_PATH}"/"${s_name}" } # -------------------------------------- IsNumericOnly() { [[ "${1}" =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]] && return 0 || return 1 } # -------------------------------------- pressAnyKey(){ [[ "${2}" != noclear ]] && ClearScreen printf "${1}\n" read -rsp $‘Press any key to continue...\n‘ -n1 key ClearScreen } # -------------------------------------- selfUpdate() { printHeader "SELF UPDATE" printf "\nA new Build_Clover.command is available,\n" printf "do you want to overwrite the script? (Y/n): " read answer case $answer in Y | y) if [[ -f /tmp/Build_Clover.tmp ]]; then cat /tmp/Build_Clover.tmp > "${SCRIPT_ABS_LOC}" exec "${SCRIPT_ABS_LOC}" else pressAnyKey ‘Was not possible to update Build_Clover.command,‘ fi;; esac } # -------------------------------------- printThickLine() { printf "%*s\n" 80 | tr " " "=" } # -------------------------------------- printLine() { printf "\n%*s\n" 80 $( printf "<%*s\n" 50 | tr " " "-" ) } # -------------------------------------- printHeader() { printThickLine printf "\e[1;34m${1}\e[0m" printLine } # -------------------------------------- printError() { printf "\e[1;31m${1}\e[0m" #exit 1 } # -------------------------------------- printWarning() { printf "\e[1;33m${1}\e[0m" } # -------------------------------------- printMessage() { printf "\e[1;32m${1}\e[0m\040" } # -------------------------------------- addSymlink() { ClearScreen if [[ ! -d "$(dirname $SYMLINKPATH)" ]]; then printError "$(dirname $SYMLINKPATH) does not exist, cannot add a symlink..\n" pressAnyKey ‘\n‘ build fi [[ "$USER" != root ]] && echo "type your password to add the symlink:" [[ -d "${SYMLINKPATH}" ]] && sudo rm -rf "${SYMLINKPATH}" # just in case there‘s a folder with the same name eval "sudo ln -nfs \"${SCRIPT_ABS_LOC}\" $SYMLINKPATH" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then printError "\no_Ops, something wrong, cannot add the symlink..\n" pressAnyKey ‘\n‘ noclear sudo -k && build else echo "now is possible to open the Terminal and type \"buildclover\"" echo "to simply run Build_Clover.command.." pressAnyKey ‘..the script will be closed to allow you to do that!\n‘ noclear sudo -k && CleanExit fi } # -------------------------------------- initialChecks() { if [[ "$SYSNAME" == Linux ]]; then local depend="" if [[ "$(uname -m)" != x86_64 ]]; then printError "\nBuild_Clover.command is tested only on x86_64 architecture, aborting..\n" exit 1 fi # check if the Universally Unique ID library - headers are installed [[ "$(apt-cache policy uuid-dev | grep ‘Installed: (none)‘)" =~ ‘Installed: (none)‘ ]] && depend+=" uuid-dev" # check if subversion is installed [[ ! -x $(which svn) ]] && depend+=" subversion" # check if python is installed [[ ! -x $(which python) ]] && depend+=" python" # check if gcc or is installed. As a workaround for Linux Mint, it checks for g++ as well [[ ! -x $(which gcc) || ! -x $(which g++) ]] && depend+=" build-essential" # check whether at least one of curl or wget are installed [[ ! -x $(which wget) && ! -x $(which curl) ]] && depend+=" wget" # installing the dependencies if [[ "$depend" != "" ]]; then ClearScreen; aptInstall "$depend"; fi # set the donloader command path if [[ -x $(which wget) ]]; then DOWNLOADER_PATH=$(dirname $(which wget)) DOWNLOADER_CMD="wget" elif [[ -x $(which curl) ]]; then DOWNLOADER_PATH=$(dirname $(which curl)) DOWNLOADER_CMD="curl" else printError "\nNo curl nor wget are installed! Install one of them and retry..\n"; exit 1 fi else # /usr/bin/curl!! (philip_petev) DOWNLOADER_PATH=/usr/bin DOWNLOADER_CMD="curl" fi } # -------------------------------------- printCloverScriptRev() { initialChecks ClearScreen local LVALUE RVALUE SVERSION RSCRIPTVER RSDATA local SNameVer="Build_Clover script ${SCRIPTVER}" if ping -c 1 github.com >> /dev/null 2>&1; then # Retrive and filter remote script version downloader "$GITHUB" "/tmp" "Build_Clover.tmp" RSCRIPTVER=$( cat /tmp/Build_Clover.tmp | grep ‘^SCRIPTVER="v‘ | tr -cd ‘.0-9‘ ) LVALUE=$( echo $SCRIPTVER | tr -cd [:digit:] ) RVALUE=$( echo $RSCRIPTVER | tr -cd [:digit:] ) printThickLine if IsNumericOnly $RVALUE; then # Compare local and remote script version [[ $LVALUE -ge $RVALUE ]] && SELF_UPDATE_OPT="NO" || SELF_UPDATE_OPT="YES" [[ $LVALUE -eq $RVALUE ]] && printf "\e[1;34m${SNameVer}\e[1;32m%*s\e[0m" $((80-${#SNameVer})) "No update available." [[ $LVALUE -gt $RVALUE ]] && printf "\e[1;34m${SNameVer}\e[1;33m%*s\e[0m" $((80-${#SNameVer})) "Wow, are you coming from the future?" [[ $LVALUE -lt $RVALUE ]] && printf "\e[1;34m${SNameVer}\e[1;5;33m%*s\e[0m" $((80-${#SNameVer})) "Update available (v$RSCRIPTVER)" else printf "${SNameVer}\e[1;31m\n%s\e[0m" "Remote version unavailable due to unknown reasons!" fi else printThickLine printf "${SNameVer}\e[1;31m\n%s\n%s\e[0m" "Remote version unavailable, because GitHub is unreachable," "check your internet connection!" fi printLine } # -------------------------------------- printRevisions() { local Clover_Remote Clover_Local EDK2_Remote EDK2_Local local Unknown="\e[1;31munknown" # Checking if the local and remote revisions are empty or not [[ -z "$REMOTE_REV" || -z "$REMOTE_EDK2_REV" ]] && PING_RESPONSE="NO" || PING_RESPONSE="YES" [[ -z "$REMOTE_REV" ]] && Clover_Remote="$Unknown" || Clover_Remote="$REMOTE_REV" [[ -z "$LOCAL_REV" ]] && Clover_Local="$Unknown" || Clover_Local="$LOCAL_REV" [[ -z "$REMOTE_EDK2_REV" ]] && EDK2_Remote="$Unknown" || EDK2_Remote="$REMOTE_EDK2_REV" [[ -z "$LOCAL_EDK2_REV" ]] && EDK2_Local="$Unknown" || EDK2_Local="$LOCAL_EDK2_REV" # Coloring the local revisions green (if they‘re equal to the remote revisions) or yellow (if they‘re not) [[ "${Clover_Local}" == "${Clover_Remote}" ]] && Clover_Remote="\e[1;32m${Clover_Remote}" || Clover_Remote="\e[1;33m${Clover_Remote}" [[ "${EDK2_Local}" == "${EDK2_Remote}" ]] && EDK2_Remote="\e[1;32m${EDK2_Remote}" || EDK2_Remote="\e[1;33m${EDK2_Remote}" # Printing the results on screen printf "\e[1;32mCLOVER\tRemote revision: %b\t\e[1;32mLocal revision: %b\e[0m" "${Clover_Remote}" "${Clover_Local}" printf "\n\e[1;32mEDK2\tRemote revision: %b\t\e[1;32mLocal revision: %b\e[0m\n" "${EDK2_Remote}" "${EDK2_Local}" # Printing the error messages in case the local and remote revisions are empty [[ "$Clover_Remote" == "$Unknown" ]] && printError "Something went wrong while getting the CLOVER remote revision,\ncheck your internet connection!\n" [[ "$Clover_Local" == "$Unknown" ]] && printError "Something went wrong while getting the CLOVER local revision!\n" [[ "$EDK2_Remote" == "$Unknown" ]] && printError "Something went wrong while getting the EDK2 remote revision,\ncheck your internet connection!\n" [[ "$EDK2_Local" == "$Unknown" ]] && printError "Something went wrong while getting the EDK2 local revision!\n" # Checking if the local EDK2 revision is the suggested one or not echo if [[ "${cus_edk2}" == "Y" ]]; then printWarning "User-provided EDK2 revision: ${EDK2_REV}\n\n" fi if [[ "${LOCAL_EDK2_REV}" == "${EDK2_REV}" ]]; then printMessage "The current local EDK2 revision is the suggested one (${EDK2_REV})." else printWarning "\e[5mThe current local EDK2 revision is not the suggested one (${EDK2_REV})!" printWarning "\nIt‘s recommended to change it to the suggested one," printWarning "\nusing the \e[1;32mupdate Clover + force edk2 update\e[1;33m option!" fi if [[ "${useDefaults}" == "Y" ]]; then printMessage "\nUsed settings: default" else printMessage "\nUsed settings: \e[1;33m${userconf}\e[0m" fi printLine } # -------------------------------------- downloader(){ #$1 link #$2 path (where will be saved) #$3 file name local cmd="" case "$DOWNLOADER_CMD" in wget ) cmd="${DOWNLOADER_PATH}/${DOWNLOADER_CMD} -qO- ${1}";; curl ) cmd="${DOWNLOADER_PATH}/${DOWNLOADER_CMD} -sL ${1}";; * ) printError "\nNo curl nor wget are installed! Install one of them and retry..\n"; exit 1;; esac if [[ ! -z "${2}" && ! -z "${3}" && -d "${2}" ]]; then case "$DOWNLOADER_CMD" in wget ) cmd="${DOWNLOADER_PATH}/${DOWNLOADER_CMD} -qO ${2}/${3} ${1}";; curl ) cmd="${DOWNLOADER_PATH}/${DOWNLOADER_CMD} -sL -o ${2}/${3} ${1}";; esac if [[ -d "${2}/${3}" ]]; then rm -rf "${2}/${3}"; fi fi eval "${cmd}" } # -------------------------------------- aptInstall() { if [[ -z "${1}" ]]; then return; fi printWarning "Build_Clover need this:\n" printError "${1:1}\n" printWarning "..to be installed, but was not found.\n" printWarning "Would you allow to install it? (Y/N)\n" read answer case $answer in Y | y ) if [[ "$USER" != root ]]; then echo "type your password to install:"; fi sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install$1;; *) printError "Build_Clover cannot go ahead without it/them, process aborted!\n"; exit 1;; esac sudo -k } # -------------------------------------- # Upgrage SVN working copy svnUpgrade () { svn info "${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/Clover" 2>&1 | grep ‘svn upgrade‘ # if the svn working directory is outdated, let the user know if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then printError "Error: You need to upgrade the working copy first.\n" for workingCopy in `find "${DIR_MAIN}/edk2" -name "*.svn"` do if [[ -d "$(dirname $workingCopy)" ]]; then printWarning "Would you like to upgrade the, $(dirname $workingCopy), working copy? (y/n)\n" read input case $input in Y | y) printWarning "Upgrading $(dirname $workingCopy).\n"; svn upgrade "$(dirname $workingCopy)";; *) printWarning "You may encounter errors!\n";; esac fi done fi } # -------------------------------------- # Remote and local revisions getRev() { if ping -c 1 svn.code.sf.net >> /dev/null 2>&1; then REMOTE_REV=$(svn info ${CLOVER_REP} | grep ‘^Revision:‘ | tr -cd [:digit:]) REMOTE_EDK2_REV=$(svn info ${EDK2_REP} | grep ‘^Revision:‘ | tr -cd [:digit:]) else REMOTE_REV="" REMOTE_EDK2_REV="" fi if [[ -d "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover/.svn ]]; then svnUpgrade # upgrade the working copy to avoid errors LOCAL_REV=$(svn info "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover | grep ‘^Revision:‘ | tr -cd [:digit:]) else LOCAL_REV="" fi if [[ -d "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/.svn ]]; then LOCAL_EDK2_REV=$(svn info "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2 | grep ‘^Revision:‘ | tr -cd [:digit:]) else LOCAL_EDK2_REV="" fi } # -------------------------------------- selectArch () { archs=( ‘Standard x64 only‘ ‘ia32 and x64 (ia32 is deprecated)‘ ‘ia32 only (deprecated)‘ ‘Back to Main Menu‘ ‘Exit‘ ) ClearScreen printHeader "Select the desired architecture" if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then echo "$1"; echo; fi local count=1 for op in "${archs[@]}" do case "${op}" in ‘Standard x64 only‘ ) printf "\e[1;36m\t ${count}) ${op}\e[0m\n";; * ) printf "\t $count) ${op}\n";; esac ((count+=1)) done printf ‘? ‘ && read opt case $opt in 1 ) ARCH="X64";; 2 ) ARCH="IA32_X64";; 3 ) ARCH="IA32";; 4 ) ClearScreen && BUILDER=$USER && build;; 5 ) CleanExit;; * ) selectArch "invalid choice!";; esac if [[ "$SYSNAME" == Darwin && "$LOCAL_REV" -ge "4073" ]]; then slimPKG; fi } # -------------------------------------- slimPKG () { archs=( ‘Standard‘ ‘slim pkg that skip themes and CloverThemeManager.app‘ ‘slim pkg that skip themes and CloverThemeManager.app, updater and PrefPanel‘ ‘slim pkg UEFI only, without RC Scripts, themes & CTM, updater and PrefPanel‘ ‘Back to Select architecture menu‘ ‘Exit‘ ) ClearScreen printHeader "Select the desired pkg type" if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then echo "$1" && echo; fi local count=1 for op in "${archs[@]}" do case "${op}" in ‘Standard‘ ) printf "\e[1;36m\t ${count}) ${op}\e[0m\n";; * ) printf "\t $count) ${op}\n";; esac ((count+=1)) done printf ‘? ‘ && read opt case $opt in 1 ) MAKEPKG_CMD="make pkg";; 2 ) MAKEPKG_CMD="make slimpkg1";; 3 ) MAKEPKG_CMD="make slimpkg2";; 4 ) MAKEPKG_CMD="make slimpkg3";; 5 ) ClearScreen && selectArch;; 6 ) CleanExit;; * ) slimPKG "invalid choice!";; esac } # -------------------------------------- cleanCloverV2 () { c2paths=( "Bootloaders/ia32/boot3" "Bootloaders/x64/boot6" "Bootloaders/x64/boot7" "EFI/BOOT/BOOTIA32.efi" "EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.efi" "EFI/CLOVER/CLOVERIA32.efi" "EFI/CLOVER/CLOVERX64.efi" "EFI/CLOVER/drivers32" "EFI/CLOVER/drivers32UEFI" "EFI/CLOVER/drivers64" "EFI/CLOVER/drivers64UEFI" "drivers-Off/drivers32" "drivers-Off/drivers32UEFI" "drivers-Off/drivers64" "drivers-Off/drivers64UEFI" ) if [[ -d "${CLOVERV2_PATH}" ]]; then for i in "${c2paths[@]}" do rm -rf "${CLOVERV2_PATH}/${i}" done fi } # -------------------------------------- # Function: to manage PATH pathmunge () { if [[ ! $PATH =~ (^|:)$1(:|$) ]]; then if [[ "${2:-}" = "after" ]]; then export PATH=$PATH:$1 else export PATH=$1:$PATH fi fi } # -------------------------------------- checkXcode () { if [[ ! -x /usr/bin/gcc ]]; then printError "Xcode clt not found, exiting!\n"; exit 1; fi if [[ ! -x /usr/bin/xcodebuild ]]; then printError "xcodebuild not found, exiting!\n"; exit 1; fi # Autodetect the Xcode version if no specific version is set (XCODE) and disable LTO if Xcode is version 7.2.x or earlier if [[ "$XCODE" == "" ]]; then local xcversion=$(/usr/bin/xcodebuild -version | grep ‘Xcode‘ | awk ‘{print $NF}‘) case "$xcversion" in [1-6]* | 7 | 7.[0-2]*) XCODE="XCODE5"; LTO_FLAG="--no-lto";; 7.[34]*) XCODE="XCODE5";; 8*) XCODE="XCODE8";; 9*) XCODE="XCODE8";; *) printError "Unknown Xcode version format, exiting!\n"; exit 1;; esac fi } # -------------------------------------- doSomething() { # $1 = option # $2 = cmd # $3 = first argument # $4 = second argument # $5 = ... and so on local cmd="" case "$1" in --run-script ) if [[ -x "${2}" ]]; then # rebuild the cmd + all args cmd=$(echo "$@" | sed -e ‘s:--run-script ::g‘ | sed -e ‘s/[[:space:]]*$//‘) else echo echo "doSomething: \"--run-script\" option require you to add a script somewhere.." echo fi;; * ) printError "doSomething: invalid \"--run-script\" long option not specified\n"; exit 1;; esac eval "${cmd}" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then printError "\no_Ops, $2 exited with error(s), aborting..\n"; exit 1; fi } # -------------------------------------- exportPaths() { # STLVNUB if [[ "$SYSNAME" == Linux ]]; then export TOOLCHAIN_DIR="/usr" else export TOOLCHAIN_DIR="${DIR_MAIN}"/opt/local fi export PREFIX="$TOOLCHAIN_DIR" if [[ -f "/opt/local/bin/nasm" ]]; then export NASM_PREFIX="/opt/local/bin/" elif [[ -f "${TOOLCHAIN_DIR}/bin/nasm" ]]; then export NASM_PREFIX="${TOOLCHAIN_DIR}/bin/" else # default for this script! export NASM_PREFIX="${TOOLCHAIN_DIR}/bin/" fi export DIR_TOOLS=${DIR_TOOLS:-$DIR_MAIN/tools} export DIR_DOWNLOADS=${DIR_DOWNLOADS:-$DIR_TOOLS/download} export DIR_LOGS=${DIR_LOGS:-$DIR_TOOLS/logs} } # -------------------------------------- exportXcodePaths() { # Add XCode bin directory for the command line tools to the PATH pathmunge "$(xcode-select --print-path)"/usr/bin # Add toolchain bin directory to the PATH pathmunge "$TOOLCHAIN_DIR"/bin } # -------------------------------------- svnWithErrorCheck() { # $1 = svn command to be execute # $2 = containing folder of our /.svn we are attempting to work on # $3 = reserved argument ("once") indicating we are calling ‘svn resolve‘ # $4 = reserved argument equal to initial $1 command string if [[ -z "${1}" ]]; then return; fi local cmd="${1}" if [[ -n "${4}" ]]; then cmd="${4}"; fi echo "" > "${SVN_STDERR_LOG}" if [[ ! -x $(which tee) ]]; then eval "${cmd}" 2> "${SVN_STDERR_LOG}" else eval "${cmd}" 2>&1 | tee -a "${SVN_STDERR_LOG}" fi local errors=( "svn: E" "Unable to connect" "Unknown hostname" "timeout" "time out" ) local ErrCount=0 # try to resolve conflicts if any if [[ -n "${2}" && "${3}" != once ]]; then if grep -q "Tree conflict can only be resolved to ‘working‘ state" "${SVN_STDERR_LOG}" || grep -q "Node remains in conflict" "${SVN_STDERR_LOG}"; then printWarning "Calling svn resolve..\n" svnWithErrorCheck "svn resolve ${2}" "${2}" once "${1}" fi fi for err in "${errors[@]}" do if grep -q "${err}" "${SVN_STDERR_LOG}"; then ((ErrCount+=1)); break; fi done if [[ "${ErrCount}" -ge "1" ]];then echo printError "An error was encountered syncing the repository:\n" echo "------------------------------" echo "$( cat ${SVN_STDERR_LOG} )" echo echo "------------------------------" printError "Can be temporarily, retry later or seek for help.\n" exit 1 fi } # -------------------------------------- IsLinkOnline() { if [[ $FAST_UPDATE != NO ]]; then return 1; fi if [[ -z "${1}" ]]; then printError "IsLinkOnline() require a link as argument!"; exit 1; fi ((TIMES+=1)) printf "\e[1;35mchecking..\e[0m" svn info "${1}" > /dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then printf "\e[1;32mavailable, continuing..\e[0m\n" TIMES=0 return 1 # Success! else if [[ $TIMES -ge 5 ]]; then printError "\nError: unable to access ${1} after $TIMES attempts."; printError "\nBuild_Clover go to fail voluntarily to avoid problems,"; printError "\ncheck your internet connection or retry later!\n\n"; return 0 else # retry.. IsLinkOnline "${1}" fi fi } # -------------------------------------- IsPathWritable() { local result=1 # file/folder exists? if [[ ! -e "${1}" ]]; then printWarning "${1} does not exist!\n"; return $result; fi if [[ -w "${1}" ]]; then printMessage "${1} is writable!\n" result=0 else printWarning "${1} is not writable!\n" fi return $result } # -------------------------------------- edk2() { local revision="-r $EDK2_REV" local updatelink="https://sourceforge.net/p/cloverefiboot/code/HEAD/tree/update.sh?format=raw" local edk2ArrayOnline=( $( downloader "$updatelink" | grep ‘cd ..‘ | sed -e ‘s/^cd ..\///‘ | sed -e ‘s/\/$//‘ | sed -e ‘/Clover/d‘ | sed -e ‘s:BaseTools/Conf:BaseTools:g‘ ) ) # use only if populated, otherwise use the static "edk2array" if [[ "${#edk2ArrayOnline[@]}" -ge "1" ]]; then unset -v edk2array; edk2array=( "${edk2ArrayOnline[@]}" ); fi if [[ "$ForceEDK2Update" -ne "1979" ]]; then if [[ ! -d "${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/.svn" ]]; then ForceEDK2Update=1; fi for d in "${edk2array[@]}" do if [[ "$d" != Source && "$d" != Scripts ]]; then if [[ ! -d "${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/${d}/.svn" ]]; then ForceEDK2Update=1; fi fi done fi if [[ "$ForceEDK2Update" -eq "0" ]]; then if [[ "${LOCAL_EDK2_REV}" == "${EDK2_REV}" ]]; then printWarning "edk2 appear to be up to date, skipping ...\n" else printWarning "edk2 is not up to date, but no forced edk2 update is selected, skipping ...\n" fi else echo if [[ ! -d "${DIR_MAIN}/edk2" ]]; then printHeader ‘Downloading edk2‘ mkdir -p "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2 else if [[ "$ForceEDK2Update" -eq "1979" ]]; then printHeader ‘Updating edk2 (forced)‘ else printHeader ‘Updating edk2‘ fi fi TIMES=0 cd "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2 IsLinkOnline $EDK2_REP # I want ".svn", also empty at the specified revision! .. so I can update! svnWithErrorCheck "svn --depth empty co $revision --non-interactive --trust-server-cert $EDK2_REP ." printf "\n\e[1;34medksetup.sh:\e[0m\n" IsLinkOnline $EDK2_REP/edksetup.sh svnWithErrorCheck "svn update --accept tf --non-interactive --trust-server-cert $revision edksetup.sh" "$(pwd)" for d in "${edk2array[@]}" do if [[ "$d" != "Source" && "$d" != "Scripts" ]]; then printf "\n\e[1;34m${d}:\e[0m\n" TIMES=0 IsLinkOnline "$EDK2_REP/${d}" cd "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2 if [[ -d "${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/${d}" ]] ; then if [[ -d "${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/${d}/.svn" ]] ; then cd "${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/${d}" svnWithErrorCheck "svn update --accept tf --non-interactive --trust-server-cert $revision" "$(pwd)" if [[ "$d" == "BaseTools" ]]; then ForceEDK2Update=1979; fi else printWarning ".svn missing, the ${d} repo may be corrupted, re-downloading...\n" cd "${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/${d}" rm -rf ./* > /dev/null 2>&1 svnWithErrorCheck "svn co $revision --non-interactive --trust-server-cert $EDK2_REP/${d} ." fi else cd "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2 svnWithErrorCheck "svn co $revision --non-interactive --trust-server-cert $EDK2_REP/${d}" fi fi done if [[ "$ForceEDK2Update" -eq "1979" ]]; then printHeader "cleaning BaseTools and Clover / Clover Package" echo if [[ -d "${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/BaseTools" ]]; then cd "${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/BaseTools"; make clean; fi if [[ -d "${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/Clover" ]]; then cd "${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/Clover"; ./ebuild.sh clean; fi if [[ -d "${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage" ]]; then cd "${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage"; make clean; fi FORCEREBUILD="-fr" fi ForceEDK2Update=0 fi } # -------------------------------------- clover() { local cmd="" # check if SUGGESTED_CLOVER_REV is set if [[ -z "$SUGGESTED_CLOVER_REV" ]]; then echo if [[ ! -d "${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/Clover" ]]; then printHeader ‘Downloading Clover, using the latest revision‘ if IsNumericOnly "${REMOTE_REV}"; then mkdir -p "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover cmd="svn co -r $REMOTE_REV --non-interactive --trust-server-cert ${CLOVER_REP} ." else printError "Unable to get latest Clover revision, check your internet connection or try later.\n" exit 1 fi else if [[ "${LOCAL_REV}" == "" ]]; then printHeader ‘Clover local repo not found or damaged, downloading the latest revision‘ rm -rf "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover/* > /dev/null 2>&1 cmd="svn co -r $REMOTE_REV --non-interactive --trust-server-cert ${CLOVER_REP} ." else printHeader ‘Updating Clover, using the latest revision‘ cmd="svn up --accept tf --non-interactive --trust-server-cert" fi fi else if [[ ! -d "${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/Clover" ]] ; then printHeader "Downloading Clover, using the specific revision r${SUGGESTED_CLOVER_REV}" mkdir -p "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover cmd="svn co -r $SUGGESTED_CLOVER_REV --non-interactive --trust-server-cert ${CLOVER_REP} ." else if [[ "${LOCAL_REV}" == "" ]]; then printHeader "Clover local repo not found or damaged, downloading the specific revision r${SUGGESTED_CLOVER_REV}" rm -rf "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover/* > /dev/null 2>&1 cmd="svn co -r $SUGGESTED_CLOVER_REV --non-interactive --trust-server-cert ${CLOVER_REP} ." else printHeader "Updating Clover, using the specific revision r${SUGGESTED_CLOVER_REV}" cmd="svn up --accept tf --non-interactive --trust-server-cert -r $SUGGESTED_CLOVER_REV" fi fi fi TIMES=0 IsLinkOnline ${CLOVER_REP} cd "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover svnWithErrorCheck "$cmd" "$(pwd)" printHeader ‘Apply Edk2 patches‘ cp -R "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover/Patches_for_EDK2/* "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/ # in Lion cp cause error with subversion (comment this line and enable next) # rsync -rv --exclude=.svn "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover/Patches_for_EDK2/ "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2 } # -------------------------------------- needGETTEXT() { local gettextPath="" local gettextArray=( $(which -a gettext) ) local needInstall=1 if [[ ${#gettextArray[@]} -ge "1" ]]; then for i in "${gettextArray[@]}" do echo "found gettext at $(dirname ${i})" done else needInstall=0 echo "gettext not found.." fi return $needInstall } # -------------------------------------- isNASMGood() { # nasm should be greater or equal to 2.12.02 to be good building Clover. # There was a bad macho relocation in outmacho.c, fixed by Zenith432 # and accepted by nasm devel during 2.12.rcxx (release candidate) result=1 local nasmver=$( "${1}" -v | grep ‘NASM version‘ | awk ‘{print $3}‘ ) case "$nasmver" in 2.12.0[2-9]* | 2.12.[1-9]* | 2.1[3-9]* | 2.[2-9]* | [3-9]* | [1-9][1-9]* ) result=0;; * ) printWarning "Unknown or unsupported NASM version found at:\n${1}\nDownloading the preferred one (${NASM_PREFERRED})...\n\n";; esac return $result } # -------------------------------------- ebuildBorg () { if [[ "$MOD_PKG_FLAG" != YES ]]; then return; fi local NR=0 if [[ "$SYSNAME" == Darwin ]]; then printHeader ‘Modding package resources‘; fi case "$ARCH" in IA32_X64 | X64 ) local oldTitle=‘cloverEFI.64.blockio_title‘ local oldDesc=‘cloverEFI.64.blockio_description‘ local newTitle=‘"cloverEFI.64.blockio_title" = "Custom CloverEFI 64-bits (boot7)";‘ local newDesc=$(echo "\"cloverEFI.64.blockio_description\" = \"Built using Build_Clover.command with: ${DEFINED_MACRO}\";") if grep -q "cloverEFIFile=boot\$((6 + USE_BIOS_BLOCKIO))" "${ebuild}"; then cat "${ebuild}" | sed -e ‘s/cloverEFIFile=boot\$((6 + USE_BIOS_BLOCKIO))/cloverEFIFile=boot7/g‘ > "${ebuildB}" chmod +x "${ebuildB}" else printError "Error: ebuild.sh changed, this script need to be updated!\n" exit 1 fi;; IA32 ) local oldTitle=‘cloverEFI.32_title‘ local oldDesc=‘cloverEFI.32_description‘ local newTitle=‘"cloverEFI.32_title" = "Custom CloverEFI 32-bits (boot3)";‘ local newDesc=$(echo "\"cloverEFI.32_description\" = \"Built using Build_Clover.command with: ${DEFINED_MACRO}\";");; esac if [[ "$SYSNAME" != Darwin ]]; then return; fi # modding po files cp -R "${LOCALIZABLE_FILE}" /tmp/ set +e # handle the error by ourself err=0 if [[ -f /tmp/Localizable.strings ]]; then NR=$(grep -n "${oldTitle}" /tmp/Localizable.strings | grep -Eo ‘^[^:]+‘) sed -i "" "${NR}s/.*/${newTitle}/" /tmp/Localizable.strings # waiting file reappear until [ -f /tmp/Localizable.strings ]; do sleep 0.3; done NR=$(grep -n "${oldDesc}" /tmp/Localizable.strings | grep -Eo ‘^[^:]+‘) sed -i "" "${NR}s/.*/${newDesc}/" /tmp/Localizable.strings # waiting file reappear until [ -f /tmp/Localizable.strings ]; do sleep 0.3; done if (! grep -q "${newTitle}" /tmp/Localizable.strings); then printError "Error: in /tmp/Localizable.strings, no changes applied..\n" ((err+=1)) fi if (! grep -qe "${DEFINED_MACRO}" /tmp/Localizable.strings); then printError "Error: in /tmp/Localizable.strings, no changes applied..\n" ((err+=1)) fi else printError "Error: Localizable.strings not found\n" ((err+=1)) fi if [[ "$err" -eq 0 ]]; then mv -f "${LOCALIZABLE_FILE}" "${LOCALIZABLE_FILE}.back" mv /tmp/Localizable.strings "${LOCALIZABLE_FILE}" cp -R "${PKG_PATH}/po" "${PKG_PATH}/po_back" echo "success!" echo $ThickLine fi set -e } # -------------------------------------- restoreClover () { if [[ -f "${LOCALIZABLE_FILE}.back" ]]; then mv -f "${LOCALIZABLE_FILE}.back" "${LOCALIZABLE_FILE}" fi if [[ -f "${CLOVERV2_PATH}/Bootloaders/x64/boot7-MCP79.back" ]]; then mv -f "${CLOVERV2_PATH}/Bootloaders/x64/boot7-MCP79.back" "${CLOVERV2_PATH}/Bootloaders/x64/boot7-MCP79" fi if [[ -d "${PKG_PATH}/po_back" ]]; then cp -R "${PKG_PATH}/po_back" "${PKG_PATH}/po" rm -rf "${PKG_PATH}/po_back" fi if [[ -f "${ebuildB}" ]]; then rm -f "${ebuildB}" fi } # -------------------------------------- buildEssentials() { echo # ensure custom paths exists mkdir -p "${TOOLCHAIN_DIR}"/bin mkdir -p "${DIR_TOOLS}" mkdir -p "${DIR_DOWNLOADS}" mkdir -p "${DIR_LOGS}" # no mach-o in linux, printHeader "nasm check:" if [[ ! -x "${NASM_PREFIX}"nasm ]] || ! isNASMGood "${NASM_PREFIX}"nasm; then FORCEREBUILD="-fr" # the path to nasm can now be different in generated make files: it is safe to autogen it again! printWarning "NASM not found or not the proper version, installing the preferred one..." if [[ -d "${DIR_DOWNLOADS}"/source.download ]]; then rm -rf "${DIR_DOWNLOADS}"/source.download/*; else mkdir -p "${DIR_DOWNLOADS}"/source.download; fi # NASM_PREFIX (the folder) can be writable or not, but also NASM_PREFIX can be writable and an old nasm inside it not writable because owned by root! cd "${DIR_DOWNLOADS}"/source.download case "$SYSNAME" in Linux ) printMessage "\nDownloading the preferred version (${NASM_PREFERRED})..." downloader "http://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/${NASM_PREFERRED}/nasm-${NASM_PREFERRED}.tar.gz" "${DIR_DOWNLOADS}/source.download" "${NASM_PREFERRED}.tar.gz" tar -zxf "${NASM_PREFERRED}".tar.gz cd "${DIR_DOWNLOADS}/source.download/nasm-${NASM_PREFERRED}" printMessage "\n[ NASM ] configure..." ./configure --prefix="${PREFIX}" 1> /dev/null 2> "${DIR_LOGS}"/nasm-"${NASM_PREFERRED}".config.log.txt printMessage "\n[ NASM ] make..." make CC=gcc 1> /dev/null 2> "${DIR_LOGS}"/nasm-"${NASM_PREFERRED}".make.log.txt printMessage "\n[ NASM ] make install..." if ! IsPathWritable "${NASM_PREFIX}"; then echo echo "installing nasm to ${NASM_PREFIX} require sudo because" echo "is not writable by $BUILDER:" sudo make install 1> /dev/null 2> "${DIR_LOGS}"/nasm-"${NASM_PREFERRED}".install.log.txt sudo -k else make install 1> /dev/null 2> "${DIR_LOGS}"/nasm-"${NASM_PREFERRED}".install.log.txt fi;; Darwin ) printMessage "\nDownloading the preferred version for macOS (${NASM_PREFERRED})..." downloader "http://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/${NASM_PREFERRED}/macosx/nasm-${NASM_PREFERRED}-macosx.zip" "${DIR_DOWNLOADS}/source.download" "${NASM_PREFERRED}.zip" printMessage "\nInstalling..." unzip "${NASM_PREFERRED}".zip 1> /dev/null if ! IsPathWritable "${NASM_PREFIX}"; then echo echo "installing nasm to ${NASM_PREFIX} require sudo because" echo "is not writable by $BUILDER:" sudo cp -R "nasm-${NASM_PREFERRED}"/nasm "${NASM_PREFIX}" && sudo -k # exiting sudo immediately! else cp -R "nasm-${NASM_PREFERRED}"/nasm "${NASM_PREFIX}" fi;; esac # check the installation made: if [[ -x "${NASM_PREFIX}"nasm ]] && isNASMGood "${NASM_PREFIX}"nasm; then printMessage "\nDone\n"; echo else printMessage "\nNASM installation error, check the log!\n"; exit 1 fi else echo "$(${NASM_PREFIX}nasm -v)" fi # ...gettext does nothing in Linux because we cannot compile the .pkg if [[ "$SYSNAME" == Darwin ]]; then printHeader "gettext check:" if needGETTEXT && [[ ! -x "${TOOLCHAIN_DIR}"/bin/gettext ]]; then # buildgettext.sh is buggie: # suppose during the download a problem occour you can have an incomplete "gettext-latest.tar.gz" from a previous execution, # but buildgettext.sh think that is already downloaded and will try to decompress this incomplete archive, always failing! # That‘s why we remove the archive! if [[ -f "${DIR_DOWNLOADS}"/gettext-latest.tar.gz ]]; then rm -f "${DIR_DOWNLOADS}"/gettext-latest.tar.gz; fi "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover/buildgettext.sh fi fi rm -rf "${DIR_DOWNLOADS}"/source.download } # -------------------------------------- showMacros() { ClearScreen CUSTOM_BUILD="YES" case "$ARCH" in IA32_X64 ) printHeader "BUILD boot3 and boot7 with additional macros";; X64 ) printHeader "BUILD boot7 with additional macros";; IA32 ) printHeader "BUILD boot3 with additional macros";; esac local count=1; for macro in ${macros[@]} do printf "\t $count) ${macro}\n" ((count+=1)) done echo $1 printf ‘actual macros defined: ‘ if [[ ( "${#DEFINED_MACRO} " < 1 ) ]] ; then printf "\e[1;30mno one\e[0m\n" else printf "\e[1;36m\n${DEFINED_MACRO}\e[0m\n" fi echo if [[ "${#macros[@]}" -gt "0" ]]; then echo "enter you choice or press \"b\" to build:" printf ‘? ‘ && read choice if [[ "${choice}" == "b" || "${choice}" == "B" ]]; then echo "going to build as requested.." elif [[ ${choice} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then if [[ "$choice" -gt "0" && "$choice" -le ${#macros[@]} ]]; then local chosed="${macros[choice -1]}" DEFINED_MACRO=$(echo "$DEFINED_MACRO -D ${chosed}" | sed -e ‘s/^[ \t]*//‘) macros=(${macros[@]/${macros[choice -1]}/}) showMacros "${chosed} added!" else showMacros "invalid choice!" fi else showMacros "invalid choice!" fi fi } # -------------------------------------- backupBoot7MCP79() { if [[ -f "${CLOVERV2_PATH}/Bootloaders/x64/boot7-MCP79" ]]; then mv -f "${CLOVERV2_PATH}/Bootloaders/x64/boot7-MCP79" "${CLOVERV2_PATH}/Bootloaders/x64/boot7-MCP79.back" fi } # -------------------------------------- build() { if [[ -d "${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/Clover/.svn" ]] ; then echo ‘Please enter your choice: ‘ local options=() if [[ ! -f "$SYMLINKPATH" ]]; then options+=("add \"buildclover\" symlink to $(dirname $SYMLINKPATH)") # add the option to link the script else # such file exists, but is it really symlink if [[ -L "$SYMLINKPATH" ]]; then [[ "$SYSNAME" == Linux ]] && symPath="$(readlink -f ${SYMLINKPATH})" || symPath="$(readlink ${SYMLINKPATH})" # is that symlink pointing to the currently running script [[ "$symPath" != "$SCRIPT_ABS_LOC" ]] && options+=("update \"buildclover\" symlink") else # not a symlink options+=("restore \"buildclover\" symlink") fi fi if [[ "$SELF_UPDATE_OPT" == YES ]]; then options+=("update Build_Clover.command"); fi if [[ "$PING_RESPONSE" == YES && "$BUILDER" != ‘slice‘ ]]; then options+=("update Clover only (no building)") options+=("update Clover + force edk2 update (no building)") fi if [[ "$BUILDER" == ‘slice‘ ]]; then printf " \e[1;97;104m EDK2 revision used r$EDK2_REV latest avaiable is r$REMOTE_EDK2_REV \e[0m\n" set +e options+=("build with ./ebuild.sh -nb") options+=("build with ./ebuild.sh --module=rEFIt_UEFI/refit.inf") options+=("build binaries w/o -fr (boot6 and 7)") options+=("build binaries with -fr (boot6 and 7)") options+=("build boot6/7 with -fr --std-ebda") if [[ "$SYSNAME" == Darwin ]]; then options+=("build pkg") options+=("build iso") options+=("build pkg+iso") options+=("build all for Release") fi options+=("Back to Main Menu") options+=("Exit") else options+=("run my script on the source") options+=("build existing revision (no update, for testing only)") options+=("build existing revision for release (no update, standard build)") options+=("build existing revision with custom macros enabled") options+=("enter Developers mode (only for devs)") options+=("edit the configuration file") options+=("Exit") fi local count=1 for opt in "${options[@]}" do case $opt in "update Build_Clover.command" | "add \"buildclover\" symlink to $(dirname $SYMLINKPATH)" | "restore \"buildclover\" symlink" | "update \"buildclover\" symlink" ) printf "\e[1;31m ${count}) ${opt}\e[0m\n";; "build existing revision for release (no update, standard build)" | "update Clover + force edk2 update (no building)" | "build all for Release" | "build binaries with FORCEREBUILD (boot3, 6 and 7 also)" ) printf "\e[1;36m ${count}) ${opt}\e[0m\n";; * ) printf " ${count}) ${opt}\n";; esac ((count+=1)) done local choice="" local lastIndex="${#options[@]}" ((lastIndex-=1)) printf ‘? ‘ && read opt if IsNumericOnly $opt; then ((opt-=1)) if [[ "$opt" -ge "0" && "$opt" -le "$lastIndex" ]]; then choice="$(echo ${options[$opt]})"; fi fi case $choice in "add \"buildclover\" symlink to $(dirname $SYMLINKPATH)" | "restore \"buildclover\" symlink" | "update \"buildclover\" symlink" ) addSymlink;; "update Build_Clover.command" ) selfUpdate; build;; "enter Developers mode (only for devs)" ) ClearScreen if [[ -d "${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/Clover" ]] ; then set +e BUILDER="slice" else BUILDER=$USER echo "yep... you are a Dev, but at least download Clover firstly :-)" fi build;; "update Clover only (no building)" ) UPDATE_FLAG="YES" BUILD_FLAG="NO" ForceEDK2Update=0;; "update Clover + force edk2 update (no building)" ) UPDATE_FLAG="YES" BUILD_FLAG="NO" ForceEDK2Update=1979;; # 1979 has a special meaning ...i.e force clean BaseTools "build existing revision (no update, for testing only)" ) UPDATE_FLAG="NO" BUILD_FLAG="YES" selectArch;; "build with ./ebuild.sh -nb" ) printHeader ‘ebuild.sh -nb‘ cd "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover START_BUILD=$(date) ./ebuild.sh -nb;; "build with ./ebuild.sh --module=rEFIt_UEFI/refit.inf" ) cd "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover printHeader ‘ebuild.sh --module=rEFIt_UEFI/refit.inf‘ START_BUILD=$(date) ./ebuild.sh --module=rEFIt_UEFI/refit.inf echo && printf "build started at:\n${START_BUILD}\nfinished at\n$(date)\n\nDone!\n";; "build binaries w/o -fr (boot6 and 7)" ) cd "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover START_BUILD=$(date) printHeader ‘boot6‘ ./ebuild.sh -x64 -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED -t $BUILDTOOL printHeader ‘boot7‘ ./ebuild.sh -mc --no-usb -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED -t $BUILDTOOL echo && printf "build started at:\n${START_BUILD}\nfinished at\n$(date)\n\nDone!\n";; "build binaries with -fr (boot6 and 7)" ) cd "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover START_BUILD=$(date) printHeader ‘boot6‘ ./ebuild.sh -fr -x64 -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED -t $BUILDTOOL printHeader ‘boot7‘ ./ebuild.sh -fr -mc --no-usb -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED -t $BUILDTOOL echo && printf "build started at:\n${START_BUILD}\nfinished at\n$(date)\n\nDone!\n";; "build boot6/7 with -fr --std-ebda" ) cd "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover START_BUILD=$(date) printHeader ‘boot6‘ ./ebuild.sh -fr -x64 --std-ebda -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED -t $BUILDTOOL printHeader ‘boot7‘ ./ebuild.sh -fr -mc --std-ebda --no-usb -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED -t $BUILDTOOL echo && printf "build started at:\n${START_BUILD}\nfinished at\n$(date)\n\nDone!\n";; "build pkg" ) cd "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage START_BUILD=$(date) printHeader ‘make pkg‘ make pkg echo && printf "build started at:\n${START_BUILD}\nfinished at\n$(date)\n\nDone!\n";; "build iso" ) cd "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage printHeader ‘make iso‘ make iso echo && printf "build started at:\n${START_BUILD}\nfinished at\n$(date)\n\nDone!\n";; "build pkg+iso" ) cd "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage START_BUILD=$(date) printHeader ‘make pkg + make iso‘ make pkg make iso echo && printf "build started at:\n${START_BUILD}\nfinished at\n$(date)\n\nDone!\n";; "build all for Release" ) cd "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover START_BUILD=$(date) printHeader ‘boot6‘ ./ebuild.sh -fr -x64 -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED -t $BUILDTOOL printHeader ‘boot7‘ ./ebuild.sh -fr -mc --no-usb -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED -t $BUILDTOOL cd "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage make clean printHeader ‘make pkg‘ make pkg printHeader ‘make iso‘ make iso echo && printf "build started at:\n${START_BUILD}\nfinished at\n$(date)\n\nDone!\n";; "build existing revision for release (no update, standard build)" ) FORCEREBUILD="-fr" UPDATE_FLAG="NO" BUILD_FLAG="YES" selectArch;; "build existing revision with custom macros enabled" ) DEFINED_MACRO="" UPDATE_FLAG="NO" BUILD_FLAG="YES" selectArch showMacros "";; "run my script on the source" ) eval "${MY_SCRIPT}" || printHeader "You should export MY_SCRIPT with the path to your script.." && CleanExit;; "Back to Main Menu" ) ClearScreen && BUILDER=$USER && build;; "edit the configuration file" ) OsOpen "${userconf}"; CleanExit;; "Exit" ) CleanExit;; * ) ClearScreen && echo "invalid option!!" && build;; esac fi if [[ "$BUILDER" == ‘slice‘ ]]; then ClearScreen && build; fi # show info about the running OS and its gcc case "$SYSNAME" in Darwin ) printHeader "Running from: macOS $(sw_vers -productVersion)\n$(/usr/bin/xcodebuild -version)";; Linux ) if [[ -x "/usr/bin/lsb_release" ]]; then printHeader "Running from: $(lsb_release -sir | sed -e ‘:a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g‘)" else printHeader "Running from: Linux" fi;; * ) printHeader "Running from: Unknown OS";; esac printHeader "Compiler settings" if [[ "${Build_Tool}" == "GNU" ]]; then if [[ -x "${DIR_MAIN}/opt/local/bin/gcc" ]]; then printf "\e[1;34m%s\e[0m" "$(${DIR_MAIN}/opt/local/bin/gcc -v 2>&1)" elif [[ -x "${DIR_MAIN}/opt/local/cross/bin/x86_64-clover-linux-gnu-gcc" ]]; then printf "\e[1;34m%s\e[0m" "$(${DIR_MAIN}/opt/local/cross/bin/x86_64-clover-linux-gnu-gcc -v 2>&1)" else printWarning "GNU toolchain not found or incomplete, installing the missing parts now..." fi else printf "\e[1;34m%s\e[0m" "$(gcc -v 2>&1)" fi printLine if [[ "$BUILDER" != ‘slice‘ ]]; then restoreClover; fi if [[ "$UPDATE_FLAG" == YES && "$BUILDER" != ‘slice‘ ]]; then getRev; edk2; clover; fi if [[ "$BUILD_FLAG" == NO ]]; then ClearScreen # print updated remote and local revision if [[ -d "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2 ]]; then getRev; printRevisions; fi; build fi set -e exportPaths case "$BUILDTOOL" in GCC49 ) printHeader "BUILDTOOL is $BUILDTOOL" if [[ "$SYSNAME" == Darwin ]]; then "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover/buildgcc-4.9.sh; fi;; GCC53 ) printHeader "BUILDTOOL is $BUILDTOOL" if [[ "$SYSNAME" == Darwin ]]; then "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover/build_gcc6.sh; fi;; XCODE* ) exportXcodePaths; printHeader "BUILDTOOL is $BUILDTOOL";; esac if [[ "$BUILDER" != ‘slice‘ ]]; then buildEssentials; cleanCloverV2; fi cd "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover START_BUILD=$(date) # Slice has removed that flag entirely until new development will comes, # so the follow is just a momentarily patch for XCODE5 if [[ "$SYSNAME" == Darwin ]]; then LTO_FLAG=""; fi set +e if [[ "$CUSTOM_BUILD" == NO ]]; then # using standard options case "$ARCH" in IA32_X64 ) printHeader ‘boot6‘ doSomething --run-script ./ebuild.sh $FORCEREBUILD -x64 $DEFAULT_MACROS $LTO_FLAG -t $BUILDTOOL printHeader ‘boot7‘ doSomething --run-script ./ebuild.sh $FORCEREBUILD -mc --no-usb $DEFAULT_MACROS $LTO_FLAG -t $BUILDTOOL printHeader ‘boot3‘ doSomething --run-script ./ebuild.sh $FORCEREBUILD -ia32 $DEFAULT_MACROS $LTO_FLAG -t $BUILDTOOL;; X64 ) printHeader ‘boot6‘ backupBoot7MCP79 doSomething --run-script ./ebuild.sh $FORCEREBUILD -x64 $DEFAULT_MACROS $LTO_FLAG -t $BUILDTOOL printHeader ‘boot7‘ doSomething --run-script ./ebuild.sh $FORCEREBUILD -mc --no-usb $DEFAULT_MACROS $LTO_FLAG -t $BUILDTOOL;; IA32 ) printHeader ‘boot3‘ backupBoot7MCP79 doSomething --run-script ./ebuild.sh $FORCEREBUILD -ia32 $DEFAULT_MACROS $LTO_FLAG -t $BUILDTOOL;; esac else # using custom macros case "$ARCH" in IA32_X64 ) printHeader ‘boot6‘ doSomething --run-script ./ebuild.sh -x64 -fr $LTO_FLAG -t $BUILDTOOL # boot6 is always standard here printHeader ‘Custom boot7‘ ebuildBorg doSomething --run-script ./ebuildBorg.sh -x64 -fr ${DEFINED_MACRO} $LTO_FLAG -t $BUILDTOOL printHeader ‘boot3‘ doSomething --run-script ./ebuild.sh -ia32 -fr ${DEFINED_MACRO} $LTO_FLAG -t $BUILDTOOL;; X64 ) printHeader ‘Custom boot7‘ # boot7 is the only target here backupBoot7MCP79 ebuildBorg doSomething --run-script ./ebuildBorg.sh -x64 -fr $LTO_FLAG ${DEFINED_MACRO} -t $BUILDTOOL;; IA32 ) printHeader ‘Custom boot3‘ backupBoot7MCP79 ebuildBorg doSomething --run-script ./ebuild.sh -ia32 -fr ${DEFINED_MACRO} $LTO_FLAG -t $BUILDTOOL;; esac fi if [[ "$SYSNAME" == Darwin ]]; then if [[ "$BUILD_PKG" == YES || "$BUILD_ISO" == YES ]]; then cd "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage if [[ "$FORCEREBUILD" == "-fr" ]]; then make clean; fi fi if [[ "$BUILD_PKG" == YES ]]; then printHeader ‘MAKE PKG‘; CheckProprietary; eval "$MAKEPKG_CMD"; fi if [[ "$BUILD_ISO" == YES ]]; then printHeader ‘MAKE ISO‘; make iso; fi else OsOpen "${CLOVERV2_PATH}" fi if [[ "$BUILDER" != ‘slice‘ ]]; then restoreClover; fi printHeader "build started at:\n${START_BUILD}\nfinished at\n$(date)\n\nDone!\n" printf ‘\e[3;0;0t‘ pressAnyKey "Clover was built successfully!" noclear; ClearScreen; build } main () { # don‘t use sudo! if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]]; then printError "\nThis script should not be run using sudo!!\n\n"; exit 1; fi # Cleaning up any old data if exists if [[ -f /tmp/Build_Clover.tmp ]]; then rm -f /tmp/Build_Clover.tmp; fi FindScriptPath # Checking if any command line parameters has passed any value if [[ "${cus_conf}" != "Y" ]]; then if [[ "${BUILD_CLOVER_CFG_PATH:-}" ]]; then userconf="${BUILD_CLOVER_CFG_PATH}" else userconf="$HOME/BuildCloverConfig.txt" fi fi EDK2_REV="${EDK2_REV:-25480}" if [[ "${useDefaults}" == "Y" ]]; then LoadDefaults elif [[ -f "$userconf" ]]; then ReadConf else CreateDefaultConf ReadConf fi # setting default paths case "$MODE" in "S" ) export DIR_MAIN=${DIR_MAIN:-"${HOME}"/src};; "R" ) export DIR_MAIN="${SCRIPT_ABS_PATH}"/src if [[ "${DIR_MAIN}" = "${DIR_MAIN%[[:space:]]*}" ]]; then echo "good, no blank spaces in DIR_MAIN, continuing.." else ClearScreen; printError "Error: MODE=\"R\" require a path with no spaces in the middle, exiting!\n"; exit 1 fi;; * ) ClearScreen; printError "Error: unsupported MODE\n"; exit 1;; esac SVN_STDERR_LOG="${DIR_MAIN}/svnLog.txt" CLOVERV2_PATH="${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/CloverV2" PKG_PATH="${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/package" LOCALIZABLE_FILE="${PKG_PATH}/Resources/templates/Localizable.strings" ebuildB="${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/Clover/ebuildBorg.sh" ebuild="${DIR_MAIN}/edk2/Clover/ebuild.sh" # tools_def.txt provide lto flags for GCC53 in linux if [[ "$SYSNAME" == Linux ]]; then macros+=(‘DISABLE_LTO‘); fi # Setting the build tool (Xcode or GCC) case "$SYSNAME" in Darwin ) case "$Build_Tool" in "XCODE" | "xcode" ) checkXcode; BUILDTOOL="$XCODE";; "GNU" | "gnu" ) [[ "$GNU" == "" ]] && BUILDTOOL="GCC53" || BUILDTOOL="$GNU";; * ) printError "Wrong build tool: $Build_Tool. It should be \"XCODE\" or \"GNU\" !!!"; exit 1;; esac;; Linux ) [[ "$GNU" == "" ]] && BUILDTOOL="GCC53" || BUILDTOOL="$GNU";; esac # print local Script revision with relative info printCloverScriptRev printHeader "By Micky1979 based on Slice, Zenith432, STLVNUB, JrCs, cecekpawon, Needy,\ncvad, Rehabman, philip_petev, ErmaC\n\nSupported OSes: macOS X, Ubuntu (16.04/16.10), Debian Jessie and Stretch" # print the remote and the local revision if [[ -d "${DIR_MAIN}"/edk2 ]]; then getRev; printRevisions; fi; # readding removed macro CHECK_FLAGS on old source if [[ "$LOCAL_REV" -lt "4209" ]]; then macros+=("CHECK_FLAGS"); fi if [[ "$DISABLE_CLEAR" != "YES" ]]; then printf ‘\e[8;34;90t‘; fi build } # -------------------------------------- # MAIN CODE # -------------------------------------- if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then main; fi while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case "${1}" in --defaults ) useDefaults="Y";; --edk2rev ) if [[ -n "${2}" && "${2}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then EDK2_REV="${2}" cus_edk2="Y" fi shift;; --cfg ) if [[ -n "${2}" && -f "${2}" ]]; then userconf="${2}" cus_conf="Y" fi shift;; * ) printf "\e[1m%s\e[0m\n" "Invalid option: ${1} !" >&2; usage; exit 1;; esac shift done main
标签:adc isa coloring ken $0 awk enc ida debug