标签:.com png null ges tom rip number nbsp hashmap
public class Solution { /* * @param : a continuous stream of numbers * @param : a number * @return: returns the first unique number */ public int firstUniqueNumber(int[] nums, int number) { Map<Integer, Integer> count = new HashMap<>(); List<Integer> once = new LinkedList<>(); boolean isFindStopNumber = false; for(int i : nums){ Integer c = count.get(i); if(c==null){ count.put(i, 1); once.add(i); }else{ count.put(i, c+1); once.remove(Integer.valueOf(i)); } if(i==number){ isFindStopNumber = true; break; } } if(!isFindStopNumber || once.isEmpty()) return -1; else return once.get(0); } };
标签:.com png null ges tom rip number nbsp hashmap