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drand48 等 随机数生成函数

时间:2017-11-10 21:44:13      阅读:1163      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:nbsp   生成   ini   near   srand   ges   should   参考   floating   

参考: http://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/drand48.3.html


drand48 返回服从均匀分布的·[0.0, 1.0) 之间的 double 型随机数。


 These functions generate pseudo-random numbers using the linear
       congruential algorithm and 48-bit integer arithmetic.

       The drand48() and erand48() functions return nonnegative double-
       precision floating-point values uniformly distributed over the
       interval [0.0, 1.0).

       The lrand48() and nrand48() functions return nonnegative long
       integers uniformly distributed over the interval [0, 2^31).

       The mrand48() and jrand48() functions return signed long integers
       uniformly distributed over the interval [-2^31, 2^31).

       The srand48(), seed48() and lcong48() functions are initialization
       functions, one of which should be called before using drand48(),
       lrand48() or mrand48().  The functions erand48(), nrand48() and
       jrand48() do not require an initialization function to be called

drand48 等 随机数生成函数

标签:nbsp   生成   ini   near   srand   ges   should   参考   floating   


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