标签:mat work ret order action dmi column manage call
Tablespace SYSAUX grows quickly. Run Oracle script awrinfo.sql to find what is using the space. One section of the report shows that ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY is the biggest consumer.
SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/awrinfo.sql COMPONENT MB SEGMENT_NAME - % SPACE_USED SEGMENT_TYPE --------- ----- ------------------------------ -------------- ---------------
ASH 408.0 WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY - 98% TABLE PARTITION .WRH$_ACTIVE_21536658_7139e ASH 41.0 WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY_PK - 98% INDEX PARTITION .WRH$_ACTIVE_21536658_7139 FIXED 36.0 WRH$_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY - 98% TABLE FIXED 26.0 WRH$_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY_INDEX - 98% INDEX -- -- Check the Snapshot retention, it works fine (only 8 snapshots exist). -- SQL> SELECT snap_interval, retention, most_recent_purge_time FROM sys.wrm$_wr_control; SNAP_INTERVAL RETENTION MOST_RECENT_PURGE_TIME ----------------- ----------------- ------------------------- +00000 01:00:00.0 +00007 00:00:00.0 27-NOV-13 AM SQL> select dbid, count(*) from SYS.WRM$_SNAPSHOT group by dbid; DBID COUNT(*) ---------- ---------- 21536658 8 -- One interesting thing is DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT and SYS.WRM$_SNAPSHOT are different SQL> select * from DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT; no rows selected -- -- Run below query to identify the big tables in SYSAUX -- SQL> SELECT * FROM ( SELECT bytes / 1024 / 1024 dim_Mb, segment_name, segment_type FROM dba_segments WHERE tablespace_name = ‘SYSAUX‘ ORDER BY dim_Mb DESC) WHERE ROWNUM < 5; DIM_MB SEGMENT_NAME SEGMENT_TYPE ---------- ------------------------------ ------------ 544 WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY TABLE PARTITION 128 I_WRI$_OPTSTAT_H_OBJ#_ICOL#_ST INDEX 88 WRI$_OPTSTAT_HISTGRM_HISTORY TABLE 64 WRH$_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY TABLE -- -- Follow Oracle DOC ID 387914.1 to clean table WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY -- SQL> select table_name,partition_name 2 from dba_tab_partitions 3 where table_name = ‘WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY‘; TABLE_NAME PARTITION_NAME ------------------------------ ------------------------------ WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY WRH$_ACTIVE_21536658_7139 WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY WRH$_ACTIVE_SES_MXDB_MXSN SQL> select count(*) from WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY; COUNT(*) ---------- 1653076 SQL> alter session set "_swrf_test_action" = 72; Session altered. SQL> set serveroutput on declare CURSOR cur_part IS SELECT partition_name from dba_tab_partitions WHERE table_name = ‘WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY‘; query1 varchar2(200); query2 varchar2(200); TYPE partrec IS RECORD (snapid number, dbid number); TYPE partlist IS TABLE OF partrec; Outlist partlist; begin dbms_output.put_line(‘PARTITION NAME SNAP_ID DBID‘); dbms_output.put_line(‘--------------------------- ------- ----------‘); for part in cur_part loop query1 := ‘select min(snap_id), dbid from sys.WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY partition (‘||part.partition_name||‘) group by dbid‘; execute immediate query1 bulk collect into OutList; if OutList.count > 0 then for i in OutList.first..OutList.last loop dbms_output.put_line(part.partition_name||‘ Min ‘||OutList(i).snapid||‘ ‘||OutList(i).dbid); end loop; end if; query2 := ‘select max(snap_id), dbid from sys.WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY partition (‘||part.partition_name||‘) group by dbid‘; execute immediate query2 bulk collect into OutList; if OutList.count > 0 then for i in OutList.first..OutList.last loop dbms_output.put_line(part.partition_name||‘ Max ‘||OutList(i).snapid||‘ ‘||OutList(i).dbid); dbms_output.put_line(‘---‘); end loop; end if; end loop; end; / PARTITION NAME SNAP_ID DBID ----------------------------- ------- ---------- WRH$_ACTIVE_21536658_7139 Min 7139 21536658 WRH$_ACTIVE_21536658_7139 Max 7881 21536658 --- PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. -- After above PL/SQL block ran, it became three partitions SQL> select table_name,partition_name from dba_tab_partitions where table_name = ‘WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY‘; TABLE_NAME PARTITION_NAME ------------------------------ ------------------------------ WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY WRH$_ACTIVE_21536658_7139 WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY WRH$_ACTIVE_21536658_7884 WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY WRH$_ACTIVE_SES_MXDB_MXSN -- Run drop Procedure SQL> exec DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.DROP_SNAPSHOT_RANGE(low_snap_id =>7139,high_snap_id =>7881); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. -- Now, WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY has no rows SQL> select count(*) from WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY; COUNT(*) ---------- 0 SQL> SELECT * FROM ( SELECT bytes / 1024 / 1024 dim_Mb, segment_name, segment_type FROM dba_segments WHERE tablespace_name = ‘SYSAUX‘ ORDER BY dim_Mb DESC) WHERE ROWNUM < 5; DIM_MB SEGMENT_NAME SEGMENT_TYPE ---------- ------------------------------ ----------- 128 I_WRI$_OPTSTAT_H_OBJ#_ICOL#_ST INDEX 88 WRI$_OPTSTAT_HISTGRM_HISTORY TABLE 64 WRH$_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY TABLE 55 I_WRI$_OPTSTAT_H_ST INDEX -- But partitions were NOT dropped SQL> select table_name,partition_name from dba_tab_partitions where table_name = ‘WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY‘; TABLE_NAME PARTITION_NAME ------------------------------ ------------------------------ WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY WRH$_ACTIVE_21536658_7139 WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY WRH$_ACTIVE_21536658_7884 WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY WRH$_ACTIVE_SES_MXDB_MXSN -- -- Follow DOC ID 287679.1 to shrink the tablespace -- SQL> SELECT COUNT(1) Orphaned_ASH_Rows FROM wrh$_active_session_history a WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM wrm$_snapshot WHERE snap_id = a.snap_id AND dbid = a.dbid AND instance_number = a.instance_number ); ORPHANED_ASH_ROWS ----------------- 0 -- To reclaim the freed space (since row movement is enabled on WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY by default) SQL> alter table WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY shrink space; Table altered. SQL> column OCCUPANT_NAME format a15 SQL> SELECT occupant_name, occupant_desc, space_usage_kbytes FROM v$sysaux_occupants WHERE occupant_name LIKE ‘%AWR%‘; OCCUPANT_NAME OCCUPANT_DESC SPACE_USAGE_KBYTES ------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ SM/AWR Server Manageability - Automatic Workload Repository 300416 -- -- Check again after a few days: -- It seems the old partition was dropped automatically and a new one was created. SQL> select table_name,partition_name from dba_tab_partitions where table_name = ‘WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY‘; TABLE_NAME PARTITION_NAME ------------------------------ ------------------------------ WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY WRH$_ACTIVE_21536658_7885 WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY WRH$_ACTIVE_SES_MXDB_MXSN -- And new entries are written into table WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY SQL> select count(*) from WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY; COUNT(*) ---------- 31569 -- while the Snapshot retention keeps unchanged. SQL> SELECT snap_interval, retention, most_recent_purge_time FROM sys.wrm$_wr_control; SNAP_INTERVAL RETENTION MOST_RECENT_PURGE_TIME ----------------- ----------------- ------------------------- +00000 01:00:00.0 +00007 00:00:00.0 11-DEC-13 AM
标签:mat work ret order action dmi column manage call