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标签:io   os   ar   for   2014   sp   on   c   amp   

[1] Jingjing Liu and Xiayang Shi, Existence of three solutions for a class of quasilinear elliptic systems involving the (p(x), q(x))-Laplacian, Nonlinear Anal., 71(1-2), 550-557, 2009

[2] Jingjing Liu*, Positive solutions of the p(x)-Laplace equation with singular nonlinearity, Nonlinear Anal., 72(12) , 4428-4437, 2010  SCI检索

[3] Jingjing Liu and Zhaoyang Yin, On the blow-up phenomena for a modified periodic two-component Camassa–Holm equation, IMA J. Appl. Math., 77(4), 563-577, 2012 SCI检索

[4] Jingjing Liu and Zhaoyang Yin, On the cauchy problem of a two-component b-family system,  Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl., 12(6), 3608-3620, 2011 SCI检索

[5] Jingjing Liu and Zhaoyang Yin, On the cauchy problem of a periodic 2-component μ-Hunter-Saxton system,  Nonlinear Anal., 75(1), 131-142, 2012 SCI检索

[6] Jingjing Liu and Zhaoyang Yin, Global weak solutions for a periodic two-component μ-Hunter-Saxton system,  Monatsh. Math., 168(3-4), 503-521, 2012 SCI检索

[8] Jingjing Liu, The Cauchy problem of a periodic 2-component μ-Hunter–Saxton system in Besov spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 399(2), 650-666, 2013  SCI检索

[9] Jingjing Liu, Yuqi Niu and Dequan Zhang, On the Cauchy problem for a weakly dissipative μ-Degasperis-Procesi equation, Adv. Difference Equ., 2013:350, 2013  SCI检索

[10] Jingjing Liu and Dequan Zhang, Blow-up phenomena and global existence for the periodic two-component Dullin-Gottwald-Holm system, Bound. Value Probl., 2013:158, 2013  SCI检索

[11] Jingjing Liu, Global weak solutions to a weakly dissipative μ-Hunter-Saxton equation, Ukrainian Math. J., 65(8), 1217-1230, 2014  SCI检索

[12] Jingjing Liu and Zhaoyang Yin, On the Cauchy problem of a weakly dissipative μ-Hunter-Saxton equation, ANNALES DE L INSTITUT HENRI POINCARE-ANALYSE NON LINEAIRE, vol: 31 (2 )  267-279    MAR-APR 2014  SCI检索

[13]  Jingjing Liu,Qi Huzhang and Chunshan Zhao , Existence of positive solutions for p(x)-Laplacian equations with a singular nonlinear term, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations,Vol. 2014 (2014), No. 155, pp. 1-21.  SCI检索

[14] Xinging Liu and Jingjing Liu,  On the low regularity solutions and wave breaking for an equation modeling shallow water waves of moderate amplitude,Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, Volume 107, September 2014, Pages 1–11.  SCI检索


标签:io   os   ar   for   2014   sp   on   c   amp   


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