标签:linux authconfig
an interface for configuring system authentication resources
现在用authconfig --passalgo=sha256 --update 来更新加密算法
/etc/sysconfig/authconfig 用于跟踪是否启用了特定的身份验证机制。目前包括变量名为 USESHADOW, USEMD5, USEKERBEROS, USELDAPAUTH, USESMBAUTH, USEWINBIND,USEWINBINDAUTH、USEHESIOD、 USENIS、USELDAP等其他 /etc/passwd /etc/shadow Used for shadow password support. /etc/yp.conf Configuration file for NIS support. /etc/sysconfig/network Another configuration file for NIS support. /etc/ldap.conf /etc/nss_ldap.conf /etc/pam_ldap.conf /etc/nslcd.conf /etc/openldap/ldap.conf 用于配置 nss_ldap、pam_ldap、nslcd 和 OpenLDAP 库。仅当经存在系统上的文件被更改。 /etc/krb5.conf 用于Kerberos 5. /etc/hesiod.conf 用于配置Hesiod /etc/samba/smb.conf 用于配置 winbind 身份验证 /etc/nsswitch.conf 用于配置用户信息服务 /etc/login.defs 用于配置用户帐户的参数 (常规用户的最小UID, 密码哈希算法) /etc/pam.d/system-auth 用于系统服务的通用 PAM 配置,其中包括使用 include,指令只能被添加软链接不能被添加硬链接 /etc/pam.d/system-auth-ac 包含系统服务的实际 PAM 配置, 并且是/etc/pam.d/system-auth的符号链接 如果创建了PAM的本地配置 (并symlinked从system-auth文件),该文件就会被包含在那里。
NAME 系统验证资源配置的一个接口,authconfig-tui是简单的图形化配置界面,就好像setup一样的。 SYNOPSIS authconfig [options] {--update|--updateall|--test|--probe|--restorebackup <name>|--savebackup <name>|--restorelastbackup} DESCRIPTION authconfig提供了一个简单的方式去配置 /etc/sysconfig/network去支持NIS功能, 也为/etc/passwd和/etc/shadow提供密码策略方面的支持, 同时也支持Basic LDAP, Kerberos 5, 和Winbind 客户端的配置。 --test参数的话,authconfig可以被除了root意外的用户使用,任何改变都不会被保存 只会被打印出来,看下效果。 --update参数的话,就必须是root权限用户,配置会被保存,仅仅修改的文件会被重新写入 --updateall参数的话,同上,但是所有的配置文件都会被修改 --probe 使用DNS或者其他的方式来猜测当前主机的配置,如果找到就通过STDOUT输出然后退出 --restorebackup --savebackup --restorelastbackup参数提供了保存和恢复被authconfg修改的 文件的可能,authconfig每次操作前也会自动备份配置文件信息,这个备份信息可以被 --restorelastbackup恢复 以下是一些options 如果指定了--nostart (这是安装程序所做的), ypbind 或其他守护进程将不会启动 或在程序执行后立即停止, 但只在启动时启用或停止。 --enablenis,--enableldap,--enablewinbind, 和--enablehesiod选项用于配置用户的信息服务 /etc/nsswitch.conf, --enablecache 选项用于配置命名服务缓存, --enableshadow,--enableldapauth,--enablekrb5, --enablewinbindauth 选项用于配置 认证功能通过/etc/pam.d/system-auth。 每一个--enable都对应一个--disable选项 用于存储新密码哈希值的算法可以由 --passalgo 选项指定, 它采用 下列可能的值作为参数: descrypt、bigcrypt、md5、sha256 和 sha512。 --enablelocauthorize 选项允许绕过检查网络认证服务的授权 --enablesysnetauth 允许这些服务对系统帐户 (uid <500或者1000(centos7)) 进行身份验证。 当配置设置允许用户信息服务和身份验证使用 SSSD 时, SSSD将自动使用,而不是老的服务, SSSD 配置将被设置, 所以有一个使用连接服务所需的设置填充的默认域。 --enablesssd和--enablesss 选项强制添加SSSD到/etc/nsswitch.conf and /etc/pam.d/system-auth, 但它们不设置SSSD 配置文件中的域。 SSSD配置必须手动设置。允许的配置SSSD 服务的配给是: LDAP为用户信息(-enableldap)和任一LDAP(--enableldapauth),或 Kerberos(--enablekrb5) 进行身份验证。 如果 SSSD不支持站点配置所需的旧式服务的某些功能, 通过在/etc/sysconfig/authconfig中设置 FORCELEGACY=yes , 可以强制使用旧式服务。 在手册页中提到的选项列表不是详尽无遗的, 请参考 authconfig--help 完整的列表 authconfig--tui支持authconfig所有的选项,但它意味着--update作为默认操作。 它的窗口默认情况下包含"Cancel"按钮。如果在运行时指定了--back选项,则显示"Back"按钮而不是 "Cancel".如果指定了"--kickstart",将不会看到交互式屏幕。程序将使用的值将由其他选项 (-passalgo,-enableshadow, 等等)指定。 对于namelist,您可以用单个名称或逗号分隔的名称列表替换。
以下是authconfig --help 的完整options
Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --enableshadow, --useshadow enable shadowed passwords by default --disableshadow disable shadowed passwords by default --enablemd5, --usemd5 enable MD5 passwords by default --disablemd5 disable MD5 passwords by default --passalgo=<descrypt|bigcrypt|md5|sha256|sha512> hash/crypt algorithm for new passwords --enablenis enable NIS for user information by default --disablenis disable NIS for user information by default --nisdomain=<domain> default NIS domain --nisserver=<server> default NIS server --enableldap enable LDAP for user information by default --disableldap disable LDAP for user information by default --enableldapauth enable LDAP for authentication by default --disableldapauth disable LDAP for authentication by default --ldapserver=<server> default LDAP server hostname or URI --ldapbasedn=<dn> default LDAP base DN --enableldaptls, --enableldapstarttls enable use of TLS with LDAP (RFC-2830) --disableldaptls, --disableldapstarttls disable use of TLS with LDAP (RFC-2830) --enablerfc2307bis enable use of RFC-2307bis schema for LDAP user information lookups --disablerfc2307bis disable use of RFC-2307bis schema for LDAP user information lookups --ldaploadcacert=<URL> load CA certificate from the URL --enablesmartcard enable authentication with smart card by default --disablesmartcard disable authentication with smart card by default --enablerequiresmartcard require smart card for authentication by default --disablerequiresmartcard do not require smart card for authentication by default --smartcardmodule=<module> default smart card module to use --smartcardaction=<0=Lock|1=Ignore> action to be taken on smart card removal --enablefingerprint enable authentication with fingerprint readers by default --disablefingerprint disable authentication with fingerprint readers by default --enablekrb5 enable kerberos authentication by default --disablekrb5 disable kerberos authentication by default --krb5kdc=<server> default kerberos KDC --krb5adminserver=<server> default kerberos admin server --krb5realm=<realm> default kerberos realm --enablekrb5kdcdns enable use of DNS to find kerberos KDCs --disablekrb5kdcdns disable use of DNS to find kerberos KDCs --enablekrb5realmdns enable use of DNS to find kerberos realms --disablekrb5realmdns disable use of DNS to find kerberos realms --enablewinbind enable winbind for user information by default --disablewinbind disable winbind for user information by default --enablewinbindauth enable winbind for authentication by default --disablewinbindauth disable winbind for authentication by default --smbsecurity=<user|server|domain|ads> security mode to use for samba and winbind --smbrealm=<realm> default realm for samba and winbind when security=ads --smbservers=<servers> names of servers to authenticate against --smbworkgroup=<workgroup> workgroup authentication servers are in --smbidmaprange=<lowest-highest>, --smbidmapuid=<lowest-highest>, --smbidmapgid=<lowest-highest> uid range winbind will assign to domain or ads users --winbindseparator=<\> the character which will be used to separate the domain and user part of winbind-created user names if winbindusedefaultdomain is not enabled --winbindtemplatehomedir=</home/%D/%U> the directory which winbind-created users will have as home directories --winbindtemplateprimarygroup=<nobody> the group which winbind-created users will have as their primary group --winbindtemplateshell=</bin/false> the shell which winbind-created users will have as their login shell --enablewinbindusedefaultdomain configures winbind to assume that users with no domain in their user names are domain users --disablewinbindusedefaultdomain configures winbind to assume that users with no domain in their user names are not domain users --enablewinbindoffline configures winbind to allow offline login --disablewinbindoffline configures winbind to prevent offline login --winbindjoin=<Administrator> join the winbind domain or ads realm now as this administrator --enableipav2 enable IPAv2 for user information and authentication by default --disableipav2 disable IPAv2 for user information and authentication by default --ipav2domain=<domain> the IPAv2 domain the system should be part of --ipav2realm=<realm> the realm for the IPAv2 domain --ipav2server=<servers> the server for the IPAv2 domain --enableipav2nontp do not setup the NTP against the IPAv2 domain --disableipav2nontp setup the NTP against the IPAv2 domain (default) --ipav2join=<account> join the IPAv2 domain as this account --enablewins enable wins for hostname resolution --disablewins disable wins for hostname resolution --enablepreferdns prefer dns over wins or nis for hostname resolution --disablepreferdns do not prefer dns over wins or nis for hostname resolution --enablehesiod enable hesiod for user information by default --disablehesiod disable hesiod for user information by default --hesiodlhs=<lhs> default hesiod LHS --hesiodrhs=<rhs> default hesiod RHS --enablesssd enable SSSD for user information by default with manually managed configuration --disablesssd disable SSSD for user information by default (still used for supported configurations) --enablesssdauth enable SSSD for authentication by default with manually managed configuration --disablesssdauth disable SSSD for authentication by default (still used for supported configurations --enableforcelegacy never use SSSD implicitly even for supported configurations --disableforcelegacy use SSSD implicitly if it supports the configuration --enablecachecreds enable caching of user credentials in SSSD by default --disablecachecreds disable caching of user credentials in SSSD by default --enablecache enable caching of user information by default (automatically disabled when SSSD is used) --disablecache disable caching of user information by default --enablelocauthorize local authorization is sufficient for local users --disablelocauthorize authorize local users also through remote service --enablepamaccess check access.conf during account authorization --disablepamaccess do not check access.conf during account authorization --enablesysnetauth authenticate system accounts by network services --disablesysnetauth authenticate system accounts by local files only --enablemkhomedir create home directories for users on their first login --disablemkhomedir do not create home directories for users on their first login --nostart do not start/stop portmap, ypbind, and nscd --test do not update the configuration files, only print new settings --update, --kickstart opposite of --test, update configuration files with changed settings --updateall update all configuration files --probe probe network for defaults and print them --savebackup=<name> save a backup of all configuration files --restorebackup=<name> restore the backup of configuration files --restorelastbackup restore the backup of configuration files saved before the previous configuration change
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标签:linux authconfig