标签:记录 html src require get ase tar and return
1 var gulp = require(‘gulp‘); 2 var pug = require(‘gulp-pug‘); 3 var sass = require(‘gulp-sass‘); 4 var rename = require(‘gulp-rename‘); 5 var notify = require(‘gulp-notify‘); 6 var plumber = require(‘gulp-plumber‘); 7 8 var paths = { 9 // css 10 sassWatch: ‘scss/**/*.scss‘, 11 css: ‘css‘, 12 // html 13 pugWatch: ‘views/*.pug‘, 14 pugWatch2: ‘views/**/*.pug‘, 15 html: ‘html‘ 16 }; 17 18 gulp.task(‘pug‘, function () { 19 return gulp.src(paths.pugWatch) 20 .pipe(plumber({errorHandler: notify.onError(‘Error: <%= error.message %>‘)})) 21 .pipe(rename(function(path){ 22 var filename = path.basename.split(‘_‘)[1]; 23 if(!filename) { 24 return path; 25 } 26 path.basename = filename; 27 return path; 28 })) 29 .pipe(pug({ 30 pretty: true 31 })) 32 .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.html)) 33 }); 34 35 gulp.task(‘sass‘, function () { 36 return gulp.src(paths.sassWatch) 37 .pipe(plumber({errorHandler: notify.onError(‘Error: <%= error.message %>‘)})) 38 .pipe(sass({outputStyle: ‘expanded‘})) 39 .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.css)) 40 }); 41 42 gulp.task(‘watch‘, [‘sass‘], function () { 43 gulp.watch(paths.pugWatch2, [‘pug‘]); 44 gulp.watch(paths.sassWatch, [‘sass‘]); 45 }); 46 47 gulp.task(‘default‘, [‘watch‘, ‘pug‘ ]);
标签:记录 html src require get ase tar and return