标签:get strong using 返回 first null plugins eve config
以HystrixEventNotifier为例,HystrixPlugins 首先会去properties(HystrixDynamicProperties)配置下需找相应类型的实现类。
private static <T> T getPluginImplementationViaProperties(Class<T> pluginClass, HystrixDynamicProperties dynamicProperties) { String classSimpleName = pluginClass.getSimpleName(); // Check Archaius for plugin class. String propertyName = "hystrix.plugin." + classSimpleName + ".implementation"; String implementingClass = dynamicProperties.getString(propertyName, null).get();
private <T> T getPluginImplementation(Class<T> pluginClass) { T p = getPluginImplementationViaProperties(pluginClass, dynamicProperties); if (p != null) return p; return findService(pluginClass, classLoader); } private static <T> T findService( Class<T> spi, ClassLoader classLoader) throws ServiceConfigurationError { ServiceLoader<T> sl = ServiceLoader.load(spi, classLoader); for (T s : sl) { if (s != null) return s; } return null; }
final AtomicReference<HystrixEventNotifier> notifier = new AtomicReference<HystrixEventNotifier>();
public HystrixEventNotifier getEventNotifier() { if (notifier.get() == null) { // check for an implementation from Archaius first Object impl = getPluginImplementation(HystrixEventNotifier.class); if (impl == null) { // nothing set via Archaius so initialize with default notifier.compareAndSet(null, HystrixEventNotifierDefault.getInstance()); // we don‘t return from here but call get() again in case of thread-race so the winner will always get returned } else { // we received an implementation from Archaius so use it notifier.compareAndSet(null, (HystrixEventNotifier) impl); } } return notifier.get(); }
private static HystrixDynamicProperties resolveDynamicProperties(ClassLoader classLoader, LoggerSupplier logSupplier) { HystrixDynamicProperties hp = getPluginImplementationViaProperties(HystrixDynamicProperties.class, HystrixDynamicPropertiesSystemProperties.getInstance()); if (hp != null) { logSupplier.getLogger().debug( "Created HystrixDynamicProperties instance from System property named " + "\"hystrix.plugin.HystrixDynamicProperties.implementation\". Using class: {}", hp.getClass().getCanonicalName()); return hp; } hp = findService(HystrixDynamicProperties.class, classLoader); if (hp != null) { logSupplier.getLogger() .debug("Created HystrixDynamicProperties instance by loading from ServiceLoader. Using class: {}", hp.getClass().getCanonicalName()); return hp; } hp = HystrixArchaiusHelper.createArchaiusDynamicProperties(); if (hp != null) { logSupplier.getLogger().debug("Created HystrixDynamicProperties. Using class : {}", hp.getClass().getCanonicalName()); return hp; } hp = HystrixDynamicPropertiesSystemProperties.getInstance(); logSupplier.getLogger().info("Using System Properties for HystrixDynamicProperties! Using class: {}", hp.getClass().getCanonicalName()); return hp; }
标签:get strong using 返回 first null plugins eve config