/* ******************************************* ***** File Name: Love.c ***** Description: Love Story about you and me ***** Author: JPing.Cai ***** Date: 2014-5-10 ***** Last Version: 1.0 * *******************************************/ #include <stdio.h> struct Position { bool isEqual(Position p) {} void together(Position &p) {} }; struct Hand { void hold(Hand &hand, int time) {} }; struct Arms { Position between() {} }; struct Heart { Position position; }; struct Person { Position position; Hand hand; Arms arms; Heart heart; struct Emotion { int happiness; struct Love { Person *who; int deep; }love; Person *hostPerson; Emotion(Person *p):hostPerson(p) {} }emotion; bool meet(Person &p) {} bool miss(Person &p) {} bool love(Person &p) {} bool follow(Person &p) {} Person():emotion(this) {} void is(Person &p) {} }; #define FOREVER_LOVE 10000 #define FOREVER true int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { Person you, me; /* the person who I love is you */ me.emotion.love.who->is(you); /* the person who you love is me */ you.emotion.love.who->is(me); /* whether you meet me or not I am here, not sad, not happy */ if (you.meet(me) || !you.meet(me)) { me.emotion.happiness++; me.emotion.happiness--; } /* whether you miss me or not Emotion is there, not come, not go */ if (you.miss(me) || !you.meet(me)) { me.emotion; you.emotion; } /* whether you love me or not Love is there, not increase, not reduce */ if (you.love(me) || !you.love(me)) { me.emotion.love.deep++; me.emotion.love.deep--; } /* whether you follow me or not My hands is in yours, never let go */ if (you.follow(me) || !you.follow(me)) { me.hand.hold(you.hand, FOREVER_LOVE); } /* Come to my arms, or, let me live in your heart, silence, love, quietness, gladness */ do { if (you.position.isEqual(me.arms.between())) continue; else me.position.together(you.heart.position); me.emotion.love.deep = you.emotion.love.deep = FOREVER_LOVE; } while(FOREVER); return 0; }